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Teacher Education for the Global Age The Imperative for Change LONGVIEW FOUNDATION for Education in World Affairs and International Understanding, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher Education for the Global Age The Imperative for Change LONGVIEW FOUNDATION for Education in World Affairs and International Understanding, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher Education for the Global Age The Imperative for Change LONGVIEW FOUNDATION for Education in World Affairs and International Understanding, Inc. Betsy Devlin-Foltz, Executive Director

2 The Goal: Globally Competent Students Knowledge of and curiosity about world history, geography, culture, environmental and economic systems, & current global issues Language and cross-cultural skills to communicate effectively with people from other countries, understand multiple perspectives, & use primary sources from around the globe Commitment to ethical & responsible citizenship of their own communities & the world

3 The Challenge: Teachers Need Global Expertise Knowledge of the international dimensions of their subject matter & a range of global issues Pedagogical skills to help students analyze primary sources from around the world, appreciate multiple points of view, recognize & address stereotyping Commitment to assisting students become responsible citizens of the world & their own communities

4 The Context Many states are working to change policies and practices to promote global knowledge and skills Increasing numbers of internationally themed schools Higher education internationalizing

5 The Context To Leave No Teacher Behind: Building International Competence into the Undergraduate Training of K-12 Teachers Ann Imlah Schneider Global knowledge and skills are not systematically integrated into teacher education programs Nearly 100% of current teachers supported globally oriented general education requirements for per-service teachers Practicing teachers expressed regret that they had not studied a language during their preparation

6 Teacher Preparation for the Global Age The Imperative for Change February 2008 meeting of deans, faculty, international education professionals A scan of what is being done to internationalize teacher education Identify promising practices Recommendations for the field

7 Promising Practices Create a Globally Oriented Education Culture Leadership Plan--integrate global knowledge and skills into all program areas Recruit teachers and teacher educators with international interests Engage faculty, including advisors Reward global expertise Assess impact of innovations

8 Promising Practices Deepen Global Content Knowledge Globally focused general education program Collaborations: Schools of Education, Title VI Centers, Colleges of Arts and Sciences Partner with globally oriented non-profits, community & cultural organizations

9 Promising Practices Internationalize Professional Education Social Foundations of Education Child Development Teaching English Learners Instructional Methods Courses or Workshops in all subject areas Technology in Education

10 Promising Practices Embed Education for Global Expertise into Teaching Practice Create professional learning communities Provide coaching and mentoring by master teachers and teacher educators Internships, student teaching, professional visits to internationally-themed schools and classrooms

11 Promising Practices Promote International Experiences Abroad… Provide study, service learning, student teaching abroad opportunities for pre-service teachers Encourage international research for teachers and teacher educators Use international benchmarking; share best practices

12 Promising Practices …Promote International Experiences Abroad Provide significant pre-departure orientation Expect and support in-depth engagement with host community Connect the experience to teaching practice

13 Promising Practices Promote “international experiences” at home Create structured activities with international students Engage visiting faculty and other international visitors Promote service learning or other field experiences with organizations serving immigrant communities in the US

14 Promising Practices Offer international experiences online Use Internet based primary sources from other countries Develop virtual field experiences Create distance-learning courses open to students and teachers from around the world

15 Promising Practices Strengthen Programs for World Language Teachers Update pedagogy to focus on: Oral proficiency Cultural competence Use of technology Early language Language immersion

16 Promising Practices Strengthen Programs for World Language Teachers Increase the number of world language teachers, especially in less-commonly taught languages by: Training more native and heritage language speakers Offering flexible scheduling, online courses, credit for international credentials

17 Challenge to All Stakeholders Teachers Principals and superintendents Higher education State and local education entities National accrediting agencies Professional associations of teachers and education leaders Public and private funders

18 Teacher Preparation for the Global Age: The Imperative for Change

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