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Leaders vs. Teachers How to stop pouring information into heads and start turning pew warmers into spiritual leaders and workers Source: George Barna seminar,

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Presentation on theme: "Leaders vs. Teachers How to stop pouring information into heads and start turning pew warmers into spiritual leaders and workers Source: George Barna seminar,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leaders vs. Teachers How to stop pouring information into heads and start turning pew warmers into spiritual leaders and workers Source: George Barna seminar, “Inward, Outward & Upward: Ministry that Transforms Lives”

2 Too Few Leaders The typical American church has too few leaders Statistically, 4 out of 5 in America are not leaders (though 2 of 3 think they are) 74% of interviewed pastors claim not to have a leadership gift

3 Over-taught and Under-led “The typical American pastor is a teacher/preacher, not a leader.” “The battle will not be won if the army is led by teachers.” “The typical American church is over- taught and under-led.” George Barna

4 Reframing Teacher-behaviors into Leader-behaviors Not a call to eliminate teaching in the church Better: adding leadership behaviors and moving them to the forefront of your work

5 Eight Differences between “Teaching” and “Leading” Leaders … –influence by vision and character what they see who they are Teachers … –influence by information (ideas, words)

6 Eight Differences between “Teaching” and “Leading” Leaders … –provide directions and motivation Teachers … –provide intellectual and conceptual challenge

7 Eight Differences between “Teaching” and “Leading” Leaders … –Seek corporate transformation “big picture” Teachers … –Seek individual transformation individual picture

8 Eight Differences between “Teaching” and “Leading” Leaders … –Love to strategize Teachers … –Love to study

9 Eight Differences between “Teaching” and “Leading” Leaders … –Need a core of committed zealots develop teams Teachers … –Need a teachable audience develop students

10 Eight Differences between “Teaching” and “Leading” Leaders … –Have the courage to make unpopular decisions Teachers … –Have the courage to teach God’s truth

11 Eight Differences between “Teaching” and “Leading” Leaders … –Motivate action Teachers … –Motivate reflection

12 Eight Differences between “Teaching” and “Leading” Leaders … –Resolve conflict build consensus for the cause by distilling issues to the core Teachers … –Stir conflict help people see nuances and complexities of issues

13 Conclusion While churches need “apt teachers,” (1 Timothy 3:2), they also need those with the “gifts of leadership” (1 Corinthians 12:9) Leadership is as vital to the corporate spiritual health of the body of Christ as teaching is to individual spiritual health

14 Conclusion “Speed of the leader, speed of the team” Your church can grow when its leadership skills outweigh its inherent change-resistance skills

15 Leaders vs. Teachers Dr. John P. Chandler Copy right John P. Chandler, 2000

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