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The Artisan Approach: Capitalize on your talents and manage around your non-talents

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Presentation on theme: "The Artisan Approach: Capitalize on your talents and manage around your non-talents"— Presentation transcript:


2 The Artisan Approach: Capitalize on your talents and manage around your non-talents

3 A Primer on Talent Neural nature Traces Types Themes

4 Non-talent? Get a little better Get a partner Make a support system
Overwhelm NT with T Just don’t do it

5 Connection Teaching new curriculum by identifying and “building on” past learning and experience

6 Mental Models Employing images, sensory representations, symbol systems, and creative processing methodologies to create mental frameworks for learning


8 Personal Relevance Linking new learning to students’ survival and/or immediate well-being

9 Locale Memory Teaching to the brain’s 3-dimensional, spatial memory system

10 A Logic Model Theory in use…
Way of thinking… Rationale…

11 Life (as a school administrator) Brevity Fragmentation Diversity

12 Leverage Mechanical advantage Effect size

13 Teaching Quality Content knowledge Pedagogical skill Compelling nature

14 Coaching & Feedback Pattern recognition Retrieval fluency
Coaching & feedback skills

15 School Culture Attracts talent Repels problems

16 30 Second Feedback Cushion Teaching Learning + Tag

17 5 Minute Feedback Discussion Theme Cushion Teaching Learning + Tag

18 Creating an Artisan Culture What is an Artisan Teacher?
The opportunity to work with other talented artisans The opportunity to work with administrators who can develop artisans’ talents. What is an Artisan Teacher? An Artisan is part scientist, part artist, part skilled laborer. An Artisan is a craftsperson… one skilled in the applied arts.

19 Performance Feedback Increasing student persistence by delivering abundant, immediate, and specific knowledge of results

20 Overt Responses Obtaining “proof of learning” from students during instruction

21 What is an Artisan? What is an Artisan Teacher?
An Artisan is part scientist, part artist, part skilled laborer. An Artisan is a craftsperson… one skilled in the applied arts. What is an Artisan Teacher? An Artisan is part scientist, part artist, part skilled laborer. An Artisan is a craftsperson… one skilled in the applied arts.

22 A Primer on Talent Neural nature Traces Types Themes

23 Neural Pruning Paring back of connections to create useful neural networks… birth through age 22.

24 Talent Friendly Characteristics:
Value Appreciate Recognize Develop

25 “Never, never, never give up!”
Agree or disagree? “Never, never, never give up!” Winston Churchill

26 A Logic Model for turning teaching talent into student achievement

27 Agree or disagree? “Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration”
Thomas Edison

28 Agree or disagree? Q: How do you get to Carnegie Hall? A: Practice, practice, practice.

29 Conscious Attention Gaining, keeping, and applying the learner’s finite attention span to the intended curriculum

30 The Artisan Approach: Capitalize on your talents and manage around your non-talents

31 Chunking Dividing the learning into small, discreet “packets of information” to avoid memory overload and enhance recall

32 The Information Processing Model
Sensory Register Working Memory Long-Term

33 Neural Downshifting Controlling the learning environment so as to keep students’ brains engaged in higher order thinking

34 Enriched Environments
Modifying the classroom’s physical and social/emotional attributes to enhance attention, effort, persistence, and achievement

35 Practice Improving recall and application through skillful rehearsal, repetition, drill, study, and review

36 23 Principles of Learning Themes of Talent

37 The Elements of Temperament:
Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Conscientiousness

38 Teacher Efficacy Content knowledge Pedagogical skill Compelling nature

39 First-Time Learning Capitalizing on the brain’s tendency to attend to, process deeply, and remember well, learning it regards as new, original, or novel

40 Success Employing the frames of aptitude, persistence, perception, prior experience, value, and consequences to maximize student effort






46 It’s all based on Talent

47 7 Tools Training 30 second feedback 5 minute feedback
Reflective planning Positive reinforcement coaching Instructional coaching Small group coaching Teaching studies

48 Creating an Artisan Culture What is an Artisan Teacher?
Artisan teachers seek employment at schools that have these two characteristics… [from exit interviews of “migrating artisans”] What is an Artisan Teacher? An Artisan is part scientist, part artist, part skilled laborer. An Artisan is a craftsperson… one skilled in the applied arts.

49 Efficacy A sense of profound satisfaction that comes from successfully applying one’s talents to a difficult task.

50 Elements of Efficacy Knowledge
Skill Compelling Nature

51 Clear Learning Goals What would I like my students to know and be able to do in the next 20 minutes?

52 Congruency Matching activities, information, questions and responses precisely to the clear learning goal

53 LCS Creating the Learning Centered School

54 Diagnosis Determining what students are next ready to learn

55 Task Analysis A sequential “roadmap” to the clear learning goal

56 Mid-Course Corrections
“Having a lesson plan but not believing it”

57 What is an Artisan Teacher? What is an Artisan Teacher?
An Artisan is part scientist, part artist, part skilled laborer. An Artisan is a craftsperson… one skilled in the applied arts. What is an Artisan Teacher? An Artisan is part scientist, part artist, part skilled laborer. An Artisan is a craftsperson… one skilled in the applied arts.

58 6 Big Ideas Clear Learning Goals Congruency Task Analysis Diagnosis
Overt Responses Mid-Course Corrections


60 For more information on the five Artisan principles, visit www
For more information on the five Artisan principles, visit Click on “The Artisan Teacher” Then, the Artisan Teacher printable brochure (.pdf)

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