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Postgraduate Certificate In Education (PGCE) in the UK 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Postgraduate Certificate In Education (PGCE) in the UK 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Postgraduate Certificate In Education (PGCE) in the UK 2015

2 Postgraduate Teacher Training Post Graduate Certificate in Education Focus on developing teaching skills 1 year Full Time, 2 years Part Time or Flexible options (Sept – June) 3 x simultaneous applications

3 Early Years 3 – 7 Primary 7– 11 Secondary 11 – 16 Further Education 16+ Types of Teaching

4 What do you need? EARLY YEARS / PRIMARY Early Years/Primary PGCE require Maths, English & Science GCSE/Leaving Cert Grade C Some desirable but not essential degree content in Maths, MFL, Science or English

5 Hons Degree 2:2 or above – dependant on provider Primary & Early Years – any degree subject General ICT knowledge Classroom experience – min 10 days What do you need? PRIMARY

6 PGCE APPLICATION Applications via UCAS Teacher Training – 28 TH OCTOBER 2014 3 simultaneous applications No set closing dates Clever decision making Basic Information Referees Personal Statement

7 PGCE APPLICATION – PERSONAL STATEMENT 47 Lines or 4,000 characters Personality Career aspirations Love of subject School experience Personal qualities Key skills SPELLING & GRAMMAR!!!!

8 Set yourself apart… Additional Experience Contact Schools Voluntary Work Youth Work Knowledge

9 QTS Skills Tests Introduced in 2013 Core skills that teachers need to fulfill their wider role in schools, rather than the subject knowledge required for teaching. Tests student competency in numeracy, literacy Regardless of specialism Usually - pass required before programme commences Tests are computerized, 150 centers across UK Edge Hill University has its own test centre on site – one of only 2 universities in the UK

10 Tests can be practiced online Failure twice = no re sit permitted for 2 calendar years Cost - 1 st Test Free, Subsequent tests = £19.25 There are currently 6 test centres in Northern Ireland Tests can be practiced online at home as many times as required The pass mark for both literacy and numeracy skills tests is 60 per cent QTS Skills Tests

11 Numeracy Skills Tests The Numeracy Skills Test is a computerised test - divided into two sections: – Section 1 - mental arithmetic questions; – Section 2 - written questions - ‘on-screen’ questions. Mental arithmetic section is an audio test heard through headphones. Calculators are not allowed but noting numbers and jotting down working will be permitted. 12 questions in this section. Tests ability to carry out mental calculations using: fractions, percentages, measurement, conversions and time.

12 Numeracy Skills Tests The time limit for the whole test is approximately 48 minutes then the test will shut down automatically….. A car averages 36 miles per gallon. How many gallons would it need for a return journey from London to Leeds, which is 216 miles each way? A teacher assisted a group of pupils in organizing a walking trip for Duke of Edinburgh scheme. Two rest breaks of 20 minutes each were to be included in the walk. It was estimated that the pupils would cover an average of 4km an hour. They need to reach their destination by 15:00. using the information above, what was the latest time the pupils should set out to arrive by 15:00. Give your answer using 24hr clock

13 Literacy Skills Tests The test is carried out online and has four sections: 1)Spelling - has a total of 10 marks 2)Punctuation - 15 Marks 3)Grammar - 8-12 Marks 4)Comprehension - 8-12 Marks 48 questions in total - 29 or above correct answers gain you a pass.

14 The Interview Secondary = ½ day Primary = full day Overview Presentation Written task 1-2-1 Interview Outcomes

15 PGCE FUNDING £9000 Fee (No compulsory up front fees) All EU Students have access to Student Fee Loan (Repayments begin at £21,000 earnings) Bursaries Available Incentives vary from each Uni e.g. Laptop

16 PGCE BURSARY TABLE Eligibility 2015/16 1 Scholarships 2 Bursaries Trainee with 1st/PhD2:1/Masters2:2 Physics £25,000 £15,000 Maths £25,000 £20,000£15,000 Chemistry, computing £25,000 £20,000£15,000 Languages 4 -£25,000£20,000£15,000 Biology -£15,000£12,000£10,000 Primary maths 5 -£12,000 Geography, D&T -£12,000£9,000£4,000 Music -£9,000£4,000 English, history, RE, primary -£9,000£4,000£0

17 Life as a Teacher Varied - no two weeks the same 21 – 25 hours classroom work – age dependant Additional duties – Registration, break times, assembly, sports days etc. etc. Pastoral Care 10% weekly allocated to planning Inspections e.g. OfStead

18 Benefits of Teaching Inspiring, Motivational, Job Satisfaction Career Progression & Developmental Opportunities e.g. Head of Subject, Department, Faculty Incremental Salary Additional Teaching & Learning (TLR) responsibilities e.g. Pastoral care, Culture awareness and diversity Teachers pension - 2 nd largest in public sector Holidays Housing and Home share schemes Strong Union Support

19 Teacher Salary Starting Salary - £21,804 a year Salary Scale – 21-804 - £35,468 Special Educational Needs £3,954 Additional Responsibilities (TLR) £2,561 - £12, 393 Advanced Skills Teachers £37,836 - £57,520 Leadership Group £ 42,803- £106,148

20 Remain teaching in the UK one year after you Qualify Edge Hill University PGCE also give students 120 Credits (ECTS) at Masters Level (During PGCE OR Induction Year) Teacher Training

21 Universities Keen to attract Irish Students... Edge Hill University, Liverpool University of Greenwich Portsmouth University London South Bank University

22 Edge Hill University TRAIN TO TEACH in the UK PGCE Drop-in Information Sessions Tuesday 4 th November 2014, Wellington Park Hotel, Belfast, 11am - 5pm Wednesday 5 th November – Trinity Capital Hotel, Pearse Street, Dublin, 11am – 6pm Thursday 6 th November – University of Limerick, room C0074, 11am – 4pm

23 Mary Higgins: Tel: 028 207 62949 Like us on Facebook: Education, Recruitment and Marketing

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