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Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Texas Teacher STaR Chart School Technology and Readiness 2004-2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Texas Teacher STaR Chart School Technology and Readiness 2004-2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Texas Teacher STaR Chart School Technology and Readiness 2004-2005

2 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Texas Teacher STaR Chart

3 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 NCLB Title II Part D Technology Literate Students Technology Literate Teachers Technology across the curriculum

4 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 To assist every student in crossing the digital divide by ensuring that every student is technology literate by the time the student finishes the eighth grade… NCLB 2001 Technology literate students

5 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Technology Literate Students as required by NLCB Title II Part D addressed by Technology Applications TEKS (K-8)

6 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Technology literate teachers All teachers shall be technology literate. NCLB 2001

7 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Technology literate teachers All current educators should strive to meet the SBEC Technology Application Standards for all beginning educators. These standards tie directly to the Technology Applications TEKS for students, grades 6-8.

8 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Technology across the curriculum …ensure ongoing integration of technology into school curricula and instructional strategies…so that technology will be fully integrated into the curricula and instruction…by December 31, 2006. NCLB 2001

9 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 digital technology knowledge and skills for students, grades PreK-12 Not to be taught in isolation – all curriculum areas – all grade levels Technology Applications TEKS Chapter 126

10 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 District Technology Plan Texas STaR Chart system Teacher and Other Data Campus E-Plan OOO

11 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 e-Plan / ERATE / NCLB e-Plan E-Rate $ Infrastructure NCLB Title II PartD $ Staff Development, Content, Evaluation

12 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Summary of Big Picture e-Plan System Teacher STaR Chart Campus STaR Chart NCLB Tech Apps TEKS LRPT Other Data E-Rate $ $

13 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Evaluation Staff Development Content Infrastructure NCLB and E-Rate

14 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Texas Teacher STaR Chart Purpose is to assist all classroom teachers in assessing needs and setting goals for the use of technology in the classroom to support student achievement

15 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Texas Teacher STaR Chart Developed Fall 2003 Teacher input gathered Winter 2004 Final edits in Spring 2004 Benchmark Release Fall 2004

16 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Let ’ s Take a Closer Look at the Teacher STaR Chart itself … (please review your paper copy)

17 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Please open your paper copy to the foldout section in the center.

18 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Four Key Areas Teaching and Learning Educator Preparation and Development Administration and Support Infrastructure for Technology

19 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Each Key Area is divided into Focus Areas: Within each Focus Area (A-L), indicators are provided for assessing the teacher’s Level of Progress  Early Tech  Developing Tech  Advanced Tech  Target Tech

20 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Levels of Progress  It is possible to have indicators in more than one Level of Progress  Select the one Level of Progress that best describes yourself (the teacher)

21 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Sample Performance Descriptors To determine which Level of Progress you should select, look at page 4 and 5. The Descriptor for Focus Area A is found under each level of progress. Determine which ‘A’ fits you best: Early Tech, Developing Tech, Advanced Tech, or Target Tech. This is the level you will select for Focus Area A on the Electronic Version.

22 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Primarily the Chart focuses in the areas of Teaching and Learning Educator Preparation and Development The goal for all Texas teachers is to reach the Target Tech level of the STaR Chart.

23 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 In addition, the STaR Chart includes Administration and Support Services and Infrastructure for Technology. –In these two areas, the STaR Chart focuses on the teacher’s perception of the learning environment –Again, the Target Tech level is the goal

24 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 work collaboratively on complex authentic tasks communicate globally with peers and experts meet the Technology Applications TEKS

25 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Meets 100% of SBEC Tech Apps Standards Is at the “Invention” stage of technology use Seamlessly and appropriately integrates technology consistently for student learning

26 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 just-in-time technical and instructional support six multimedia internet computers in every classroom ‘on-demand’, anywhere, anytime access for every student a variety of distance learning opportunities

27 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Across the bottom of the page, notice there is correlation to the Campus STaR Chart Teacher STaR chart designed to assist with accurate data collection for the completion of the Campus STaR Chart Please note:

28 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 2004-2005 STaR Chart Expectations Teacher participation is required for TIP and Target campuses. Teacher participation is strongly encouraged for others.

29 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 2004-2005 Teacher STaR Chart special notes Principals and District administrators will not be able to see individual teacher scores will be able to see average teacher scores by campus and by district

30 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Expectations This is a benchmark year. We do not expect you to be Target Tech today!!!

31 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Expectations We hope you will use this tool to determine your current level of technology skill and current level of the integration of technology into your curriculum.

32 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Next Steps Plan your personal strategies for reaching the Target Tech level Talk with campus/district leaders to find out how the Texas Campus STaR Chart aligns with campus and district technology planning

33 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Thank you!!!! All Texas Teachers will benefit by your participation in this Benchmark Year.

34 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Using the Electronic Version 1.Get your username and campus id from principal 2. Access the site: http:// 3. Complete your Chart

35 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 1 st time user Online help

36 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Enter information Click here #1 #2

37 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6

38 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Click Here

39 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Click Here

40 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Note focus areas #1 Click here to see description #2

41 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Read descriptors #1 Glossary Term ? #2

42 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Select level Click here when complete #2 #1

43 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Note

44 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Successful completion #1 Print #2 Survey #3

45 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04 Log out

46 Developed by ESC Region 12 in partnership with TEA. 9/16/04

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