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EVAAS, Teacher Effectiveness Reports, and Teacher Evaluation November 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "EVAAS, Teacher Effectiveness Reports, and Teacher Evaluation November 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 EVAAS, Teacher Effectiveness Reports, and Teacher Evaluation November 2012

2 Outcomes Review 2012-2013 Teacher Effectiveness timeline.  2011-2012 reports (formative year)  End-of-year testing and MSL/Common Exams  Communication Plan/Next Steps Identify the Teacher Effectiveness/Value Added report features. Discuss implications for Standard VI in the Teacher Evaluation System. Participants will

3 Why is the EVAAS Teacher Effectiveness/Value Added Report Important? Beginning with the 2012-2013 report, it becomes part of the teacher’s evaluation. Standard 6 – Teachers contribute to the academic success of their students. (Measurable Progress) Standard 5 – Teachers reflect on their practice. Teacher analyze student learning. Standard 4 – Teachers facilitate learning for their students Teachers plan instruction appropriate for their students Use data for short and long range planning

4 Human Resources - Accountability Collaboration Trains on evaluation instrument and Standard VI Explains purpose of MSLs/Common Exams Ensures data quality HRTesting Manages MSL/Common Exams, EOG, and EOC training, administration, scanning, & reporting Manages district-wide and principal EVAAS accounts Manages McREL evaluation tool

5 Timeline: Teacher Effectiveness Reports October 2012 Principal access to EVAAS Reports ≈ November 13 Teachers receive automated email with login information. Unique ID required for access Principal sole user with report access. Teacher list based on 2011-2012 school assignment Teacher accounts based on data in McREL/NCWISE Unique ID required for access Nov 8-15 Communication activities with teachers EVAAS Teacher Effectiveness/Value added Report and Standard VI yearly “rating” 2012-2013 t imeline for Standard Six (rating and status) Report resources on Testing website

6 Timeline: Teacher Effectiveness Reports Winter Teacher 2012 Standard VI “Rating” populated in McREL May/June Schools administer EOGs, EOCs, CTE Exams and MSL/CE Rating populated (2011-2012-Formative year) MSL/CE schedule TBD EOG/EOC Achievement Level delay MSL/CE scores for Teacher Effect only (No reports available except for HS exam scores) May/June Student Verification Process available in EVAAS Teacher verifies students taught Principal approves verification list Teacher reviews principal approval/edits DPI verifies 70/140 day membership

7 Spring 2013 MSL Implementation: High School

8 Spring 2013 MSL Implementation: Elementary and Middle Science and Social Studies MSLs are administered for teachers who do not teach EOG courses.

9 Changes in EVAAS Reporting 2010-2011 Beginning 2011-2012 Above Not Detectably Different Below Exceeds Expected Growth Meets Expected Growth Does Not Meet Expected Growth

10 0.0 Index is equal to or greater than a -2 but less than +2 Index is 2 or higher Index is less than -2 Effectiveness Levels Exceeds Expected Growth Meets Expected Growth Does Not Meet Expected Growth

11 Reports Available for Each Course Teacher estimate: An indicator of how much a teacher influences the academic progress of the students. Index: Ratio of Estimate to Standard Error

12 Student List

13 Individual Student Data

14 Teacher Progress v State

15 Teacher Diagnostic

16 Teacher Composite

17 School Composite


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