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Teacher Evaluation Teacher Instructional Growth for Effectiveness & Results (TIGER) Approved Alternative Evaluation Model from the Association of Independent.

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher Evaluation Teacher Instructional Growth for Effectiveness & Results (TIGER) Approved Alternative Evaluation Model from the Association of Independent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher Evaluation Teacher Instructional Growth for Effectiveness & Results (TIGER) Approved Alternative Evaluation Model from the Association of Independent and Municipal Schools (AIMS) Dr. Sharon Roberts, Lebanon Special School District Wayne Miller, Lenoir City Schools Mary Reel, Milan Special School District

2 Agenda Context Surrounding AIMS Work Rationale of Model TIGER Overview Comparison Issues Implementation Plan Training and Tools Final Thoughts

3 Context Surrounding AIMS’ Work  Began with wanting to have a “voice” and a focus on professional development within our districts  Consulted with Battelle for Kids and Edvantia during the process of developing a model

4 Consortium Members Alcoa City Schools Alamo City Schools Athens City Schools Clinton City Schools Dyersburg City Schools Franklin SSD Greenville City Schools Kingsport City Schools Lebanon SSD Lenoir City Schools Lexington City Schools Maryville City Schools Milan SSD Newport City Schools Oak Ridge City Schools Oneida SSD Paris SSD Richard City Schools Rogersville City Schools Sweetwater City Schools Trenton SSD Union City Schools

5 Piloted TIGER - year long process Obtained positive results TnCRED Core work teams of practitioners Context Surrounding AIMS’ Work

6 TIGER Pilot Districts Sevier County Alamo City Schools Unicoi County Jackson-Madison County Hollow-Rock Bruceton SD Lincoln County Greenville City Schools Cheatham County Lebanon SSD Lenoir City Schools Lexington City Schools Roane County Maryville City Schools Milan SSD Fayette County Tipton County Bradford Special Paris SSD Richard City Schools Trousdale County South Carroll SD Putnam County Union City Schools

7 Pilot 21 school districts (mixture of city, special, and county districts) 47 schools Trained 185 evaluators Conducted follow-up webinars and an internally developed survey Participated in TnCRED’s study of teacher evaluation pilots in Tennessee Conducted multiple work team sessions to continue to refine the process based upon what we are learning Piloted management technologies in some districts

8 Anecdotal Results (Which Align with TnCRED Preliminary Report to TEAC) It changes the conversations in the schools Teachers feel they are provided more useful feedback from administrators Teachers are provided the opportunity to collaborate with other teachers on improving instruction Fosters professional interactions It encourages reflection and self-assessment It encourages the use of instructional strategies to improve instruction Allows for support through coaching Allows for targeted professional development

9 Context Surrounding AIMS’ Work  Obtained approval from the State Board of Education as an alternative teacher evaluation model - June 2011  Competitive RFP process  Partnered with Pearson

10 Rationale of the Model Uses a set of quality teacher performance standards, a modified set of Charlotte Danielson’s rubrics Focused on a continuum of teacher growth for effectiveness and results Continuous assessment and teacher reflection A staged approach of teacher support (three stages) which is formative and summative Includes a “coaching” component for Stage One and a teacher leadership component in Stage Three Utilizes professional learning communities of teachers Provides for targeted professional learning Aligns qualitative and quantitative requirements of Tennessee legislation Utilizes best practices from experts both near and far Adaptable for varying size districts



13 TIGER Flowchart

14 Aligns with State Statute, TEAC Recommendations, and SBE Policy Addresses four domains: Planning and preparation Classroom environment Instruction Professional responsibilities Ensures observations occur as required Aligns with quantitative requirements and results in a 1- 5 effectiveness rating

15 Comparison Issues Focus on Formative vs. Summative Rigor 1-4 rating process of rubric Differentiation so that support can be provided where it is needed Do-ability Technology vs. paper system Cost “Turnkey” solution Potential savings in other areas (professional development, technology solutions) Potential funding sources (local funds, FttT Scope of Work, appropriate Federal grants/sources)

16 Training Initial: On-line awareness training module On-line process training module (1.5-2.0 days) Two-day face-to-face training to ensure inter-rater reliability and certification of evaluators TIGER powered by Teacher Compass training

17 In support of making observations doable, AIMS sought a partner with technology tools that would support efficient evaluations and personalized online PD and training. Rubrics use a common, four-point scoring system.

18 The evaluation process is closely aligned with a targeted professional development plan developed for each individual teacher.

19 A fully customizable online PD library that personalizes content based on goals is available. Others that are interacting with the PD content can collaborate on ideas and applications.

20 PD reports are driven by teacher interactions. This report presents interactions across the district. Interactions are then aggregated by school.

21 Training Ongoing: Webinars and face to face meetings for evaluators, coaches, and key district personnel Other relevant on-line training and resources Coaching training In depth professional standards training (in development) Resources library (professional development resources linked to teacher effectiveness elements) Provider will train new administrators/coaches regionally at semester change as needed Annual re-assessment of inter-rater reliability provided

22 Final Thoughts This is the singular evaluation model which provides a formative format that allows for continuous teacher growth and improvement Research-based Adaptation of Charlotte Danielson’s work TnCRED Pursuing partnerships to examine implementation further Parallels educational reform strategies occurring across the nation; a teacher’s position within our framework is determined by their classroom performance

23 Really, it is about making an investment in what matters -- improving instruction so that students’ outcomes are enhanced

24 For More Information and Copy of PowerPoint, go to: Email for temporary password to examine resources and trainings more in depth For Districts Interested In More Information, Contact: Marilyn Mathis 615-330-0799 Sandra Cagle,

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