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Module 1 Optimising Learning and Performance Teaching Styles

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1 Module 1 Optimising Learning and Performance Teaching Styles
AS Level – Week 18 Theory Module 1 Optimising Learning and Performance Teaching Styles

2 Teaching Styles The teaching style used can have a huge impact on the development of learning. If the appropriate style is used, the learner feels engaged, motivated and secure, which in turn will allow them to develop both the physical capability to perform the skill and understanding of the actions taking place. Mosston and Ashworth (1986) suggested a continuum of teaching styles could be used based on who makes the decision about the learning environment and the actions that occur within it. Diagram The above diagram illustrates the various styles and how the input varies between the teacher and the learner.

3 Not all styles have to be remembered
Not all styles have to be remembered. The key styles that need to be learnt are: Command style (A) Reciprocal style (C/D) Discovery style (F) Problem-solving style (I/J)

4 Command Style Command style involves the teacher making all the decisions with input from the learners. The teacher adopts an authoritarian manner and all the performers complete the same actions. Table The ideal situation for the command style would be when: Groups are large, e.g aerobics class, or undisciplined groups. Novice performers need to be taught recognised technique. The situation is dangerous, e.g rock climbing or athletics throwing events. Tasks are complex, e.g serial skils such as triple jump. Environmental distractions may require issuing of instructions quickly, e.g bad weather

5 Reciprocal Style Reciprocal style involves most of the decisions being made by the teacher with some learner input. The task may be set by the teacher and be completed by the learners working in pairs, alternating the roles of performer and observer/coach. Table The ideal situations for the reciprocal style would be when: Learners are more experienced. Simple skills are involved, e.g passing and dribbling. There is limited danger present. Time is available.

6 Discovery Style Discovery style involves the teacher guiding the learner to find the correct movement pattern by providing information, giving specific clues or asking questions when appropriate. They act as a facilitator. There may be one or more solutions to the problem and often the performer may have to adapt the response to suit their own abilities. Table The ideal situations for discovery style would be when: Creativity is required e.g gymnastics routines. There is no right or wrong outcome, e.g a dance sequence. Performers have good communication and interactive skills or when one of the primary is to develop them. More experienced performers are involved.

7 Problem-solving Style
The problem-solving style involves the teacher setting a problem and the learner devising a suitable solution. It is an open ended approach, encouraging creativity whilst developing the cognitive and performance elements of the learner. The advantages and disadvantages are similar to those outlined for the discovery style of teaching. The ideal situations in which to use this style of teaching would when there is no correct outcome, time is not a restriction and the performers are experienced, allowing them to draw on their acquired knowledge.

8 Generally, as the emphasis on learning moves away from the teacher to the performer, the performer is more likely to be engaged by their learning: motivation and and self confidence will increase and a greater understanding of the task will develop. However, do not presume that the more direct teaching styles do not have a place in learning. Before deciding on the teaching style, all the variable factors must be considered and the most successful teacher will usually be the one who allows flexibility, utilising a variety of styles depending on the situation. Often within one session several styles may be used to achieve the desired outcome.

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