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Published byReginald Aycox Modified over 10 years ago
Mark Insertion System Of Annajah National University Mark Insertion system is a system of entering and editing marks of students for each exam,where the teacher can edit the marks at any way he needs and at any time he likes. Also this system gives the student the chance to se his marks and the date of his exam, but that only when the teacher allows him to do this.
Why Registration Marks System? As it is known, the internet entered almost every house in the world and made the communication between people faster that one can get his edition marks and show the marks to student through the internet; this fact gave the idea of registration marks better interest from universities and students as well.
Project Platform : Java Server Page (JSP). Java Server Page (JSP). Tomcat Server.Tomcat Server. Oracle Data Base.
Contents Of This Program: Home Page. Home Page. Teacher Page. Teacher Page. Student Page. Student Page.
Teacher Log In Page: Student Page: teacher can enter student page but he has to enter the student id and password. Teacher Page : returns to the same page here. Help : opens teacher help. When the teacher enters his id and Password he enters to the teacher page according to the type of teacher which is
Teacher Page: Normal Teacher. Normal Teacher. Header And Dean Teacher.Header And Dean Teacher. BACK
Normal Teacher Page: Personal Settings: -My forward results: opens my forward results page. - Courses in my department : opens a page of course of this department This course. - Courses in my collage : opens a page of course of this collage This course. Students Settings: -Choose course: To choose the course you want to edit it.. - Edit Students Marks : opens edit marks Page. - Send students marks :opens Send Page.
Edit Marks Page : Here is Marks Editing Page where the teacher can do the following: Adds the exam he wants first, second third, final, midterm,or others, then determines the percent of each exam, the max mark of exam and to show students or not. Enters the marks of students then save them if he enters a mark over the maximum it will not be saved. Change the marks at any time he wants. The program also saves the date in which the teacher entered the marks of each exam. Else the sum of total percents of exams should be 100% after this if the teacher wants to add new exam he can not.
Edit Marks Page : Also the teacher can change the percent and max mark of exams any time, only he presses the button update to see this picture.
Send Students Marks Page : In this page the teacher can see the students ids, names, marks of each exam, the average, and the degree. Here he can sends the marks to the head by pressing the button submit then he can not change any mark only if the marks are rejected from the head or the dean.
Send Students Marks Page : Also the teacher can see an excel sheet where he can see the marks and draw charts to see the max,min, average of marks
Change Password: In this page the teacher can change his password, by entering the old password the new password then confirm it.
My Forward Results Page: This page displays the status of the course,if it is : -In progress. -Accepted. -Rejected. And displays the note sent by the head or the dean
Courses In My Department: In this page any teacher can see all the courses registered in his department this course, else he can see the teacher, the course no, the course name, the section, the room no where the course is taken. BACK
Dean And Head Teacher Page: This page is the same as the normal teacher page but the main difference is that the forward courses of the head and dean, which are the courses sent by the teacher to the head or by the head to the dean, as shown in the next slide.
My Forward Courses Page: This Page displays the courses which was edited and sent to the head from the teachers in his department, or the to the dean from the heads of the different departments in his collage. If he wants to see The marks of any course he choose the course then press the button View Marks to Open the page of view marks.
View Marks Page: In this Page the head or the dean can see the marks of students in the course he chose and there degrees After That he must accept or reject the marks : - if accept he deletes the course from his forward courses and send it to the dean also, the teacher of this course will receive the acception in his forward results. - if reject also he deletes the course and returns it to the teacher to update the marks. Also the dean or head can send note to the teacher or head.
BACK Summary : Dean Normal teacher Head Sends the marks of the course Accept Or Reject A c c e p t O r R e j e c t S e n d s t h e m a r k s o f t h e c o u r s e A c c e p t O r R e j e c t
Log In Student Page: To enter his page student should enter his id and the password which is given to him first.
Student Page: In this page the student can : See the courses in his department. See the courses in his collage. See his marks in the courses he registered this course. Change his password.
Student Marks: When the student choose the course he wants to see his marks in he will see this page which contains : The course name, the instructor name and the mark in the exam if it is -1 this means that he did not do the exam BACK
Home Page: Home :takes you to the same page About Us : talks about the university. Faculties: talks about the faculties of the university. Administration :talks about the administration of university. Centers :talks about the centers of the university. Admission : about admission. Students : about students in the university. Zajel : a page to enter student or teacher page Help: opens the "Help Topics Page" where you can learn about this site.
Zajel Page: This Page Contains : Teacher Page Button: opens the log in of the teacher page.log in Student Page Button :opens the log in of the student page.log in Teacher Page Help: opens the teacher help. Student Page Help: opens student help. Back : returns to the home page. BACK
Why Apache Tomcat Server? Tomcat is the official reference implementation of the JSP 1.1 specifications. It can be used as a small stand-alone server for testing JSP pages, or can be integrated into the Apache Web server. However, many other servers have announced upcoming support. Tomcat, like Apache itself is free, However, also like Apache (which is very fast, highly reliable, but a bit hard to configure and install), Tomcat requires significantly more effort to set up than do the commercial servlet engines. For details, see Other servers for (JSP): Java Server Web Development Kit (JSWDK), Allaire JRun, New Atlanta’s Servlet Exec, Lite Web Server (LWS) from Gefion Software, Sun’s Java Web Server…….. BACK
Why Java Server Page (JSP) ? JSP has a number of advantages over many of its alternatives. Here are a few of them : Versus Active Server Pages (ASP): ASP is a competing technology from Microsoft. The advantages of JSP are twofold. First, the dynamic part is written in Java, not VBScript or another ASP-specific language, so it is more powerful and better suited to complex applications that require reusable components. Second, JSP is portable to other operating systems and Web servers; you aren’t locked into Windows NT/2000 and IIS. Versus PHP: PHP is a free, open-source HTML-embedded scripting language that is some what similar to both ASP and JSP. The advantage of JSP is that the dynamic part is written in Java, which you probably already know, which already has an extensive API for networking, database access, distributed objects, and the like, whereas PHP requires learning an entirely new language. BACK
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