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PE Locks will be assigned today You will be given a lock like this.

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Presentation on theme: "PE Locks will be assigned today You will be given a lock like this."— Presentation transcript:

1 PE Locks will be assigned today You will be given a lock like this.

2 PE locks & lockers: THE BASICS
We provide you with a lock Bringing your own lock is NOT an option You are responsible for your lock LOST LOCKS = fine to pay & possible detention to serve You must keep the basket and lock you are assigned If there is a problem talk to a teacher in the locker room Keep your lock locked at all times: During class = lock on long locker After class = lock on your basket

3 Preventing theft: THE BASICS
Keep your lock locked on your basket or long locker at all times. Spin your lock and check to see that it stays locked BEFORE you walk away. NEVER tell anyone your combination… not even your best friend!

4 Filling out your LOCK CARD
DO NOT fill out anything on your card until you are told… one step at a time! Your lock card is two part NCR paper so do not tear the two pieces apart or crinkle it. Use a pen and press firmly so your writing will transfer to the bottom card.

5 Filling out your Lock Card STEP ONE: Neatly PRINT your name only
Last Name Smith Lock # ___________ First Name __Sally Combo # _________ Period ____ Teacher _________________ Basket # LEAVE THIS BLANK until given teacher approval

6 Filling out your Lock Card STEP TWO: Neatly PRINT period and teacher
Last Name Smith Lock # ___________ First Name __Sally Combo # _________ Period __1__ Teacher __Russell____ Basket # LEAVE THIS BLANK until given teacher approval Spelling HELP: Schulz Fridge Rogers Russell Wertman

7 STEP THREE: Try to open your lock
The combo is taped on to the bottom of the lock

8 How to open a lock: practice several times!
1.) Spin the dial to the RIGHT several times and then stop on the first number. 2.) Slowly turn the dial to the LEFT pass the second number once and then stop the second time you come to the number. 3.) Slowly turn the dial to the RIGHT and stop as soon as you come to the third number.

9 The lock number is on the back of your lock.

10 Filling out your Lock Card STEP FOUR: Neatly PRINT lock # and combo #
Last Name Smith Lock # _ V30_ First Name __Sally Combo # _ __ Period __1__ Teacher __Russell____ Basket # LEAVE THIS BLANK until given teacher approval Be sure to carefully write the entire lock number and combination found on your lock.

11 What’s wrong with this picture?

12 The combination is still on this lock!
Once you know you can open your lock and you have recorded the number in your planner and on your lock card REMOVE it from your lock!

13 Choosing a PE Basket Basic Guidelines
Sit next to the basket you would like to use for the year DO NOT place your lock on the basket you have chosen until you are given teacher approval DO NOT write the basket number on your lock card until told to by a teacher

14 Choosing a PE Basket Basic Guidelines
Can you spot the problems in this picture? HINT: There are two different problems pictured here.

15 Did you answer correctly?
1 Only ONE student per basket number… if you have 71 A, no one else during your class period can have a basket with the same number… no one in your class period can use 71 B, 71 C, 71 D, 71 E, or 71 F 2 The locks are not locked! ALWAYS keep your lock LOCKED!

16 Choosing a PE Basket Basic Guidelines
If you want to be near friends choose consecutive basket numbers for example 71 C, and 72 C. What is wrong with this picture? Can you spot the problem? It is OK to choose a basket next to your friends

17 Choosing a PE Basket Basic Guidelines
If you want to be near friends choose consecutive basket numbers for example 71 C, and 72 C. Did you answer? The locks are not locked! ALWAYS keep your lock LOCKED! It is OK to choose a basket next to your friends

18 What is my basket number?
Your basket number is the number above your basket. It should match the number on your basket.

19 What is my basket number?
Your basket number is the number above your basket. Some baskets do not have a number

20 What is my basket number?
Your basket number is the number above your basket. It should match what it says on your basket. Some baskets have taped on numbers. Please do not remove the taped on numbers.

21 Locker Use Guidelines During class you use the long locker that has the same number as your basket… if you have basket number 70 A you will use locker number 70 during class.

22 Locker Use Guidelines During class lock your school clothes into a long locker During class leave your basket empty After class leave your PE clothes locked in your basket After class leave the long locker empty

23 WAIT FOR INSTRUCTION before entering the locker room and choosing a basket
Boys will LISTEN to and follow the directions of the male teachers. Girls will LISTEN to and follow the directions of the female teachers. Remember… we team teach so you actually have many teachers but just one that takes attendance and posts your grades for this class.

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