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 Parent volunteer non-profit organization  Support the International Intern Program at EHSI, CMS and EPHS  Fundraisers – funds raised now for next.

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2  Parent volunteer non-profit organization  Support the International Intern Program at EHSI, CMS and EPHS  Fundraisers – funds raised now for next year’s interns  Annual Contribution Campaign  Cinco de Mayo Fundraiser Fiesta  Our mission: Support the Eden Prairie Spanish Immersion program, through sustainable funding, to host the best volunteer international Spanish speaking interns and provide other educational and cultural resources.

3  Families wanted debit/credit card access for Annual Contributions  Wanted to seek grant money  Considering being a licensed site  Tone in the district with other school PTO’s  Ability to get matches  Separate the ‘job’ to make it more manageable Fact: Last year was the first year the PTO was its own organization financially. Prior to that, all of the district PTOs’ money was held by the district account.

4 Having Spanish Speaking Interns from a variety of countries  Deepens the immersion experience by increasing students’ exposure to native accents inside the classroom and hallways  Assist the teachers with large and small group activities; 1-on-1 interactions  Provide cultural exchange  Have the opportunity to share lessons with students What do students and teachers have to say?

5  Do you know who your classroom intern is?  Yes – 96%  Have you spoken with your classroom intern in Spanish?  Yes – 96%  Do you think having an intern in your classroom helps you learn?  Yes – 89%  Do you think interns are important at Eagle Heights?  Yes – 94% What subjects does your classroom intern help you with?

6 What teachers think about the program!  Valuable  Interns share their culture and language with teachers and students  More 1-on-1 time for students, help those students needing extra instruction  Work with students in small groups and lead lessons  Interns build a special relationship with students

7 In the beginning…  Former Principal Linares shared with the first cohorts that a best practice for immersion schools is to have International Interns in the target language in the classrooms.  The first parent group met rather extensively with representatives of the Normandale French Immersion program to ‘see how this is done’  The group started as the Alternative Funding Committee; a sub committee of the PTO  Parents at that time unanimously voted at a general PTO meeting to ‘write checks’, Annual Donations, verses continuing any direct selling fundraisers

8 This program is the greatest gift we can give ourselves as a community of supporters of language learners!




12  Results  Annual Donations (75%)  Eating out (72%)  Cinco Online Auction (58%)  Cinco Event (54%)  Other ideas to consider  $200 per child expected Annual Contribution  Corporate Sponsor Program  Ideas we have tried or cannot do

13 NORMANDALE  French Intern Donation (per child)  If participate in fundraisers $75  If do not participate in fundraisers $150  What Fundraisers?  Gift Wrap  Barnes & Noble  Scholastic Book Fair  Target Red Card  Kemps  Box Tops  Adult Only Event at Pinstripes  Carnival needing 300 volunteers EAGLE HEIGHTS  Annual Contribution  $100 per child  Adult Only Cinco de Mayo Fundraiser Fiesta  NO direct selling  Barnes & Noble – tried with Maratón  Scholastic – $ goes to Media Center  Target Red Card – Principal’s Fund  Kemps – no longer doing  Box Tops – shared with OP  Carnival – low cost for fun, Family Fun Night

14 800 (+) students at EHSI X $100 per student contribution =$80,000 almost the entire EHSI budget for one year  100 % of dollars raised through Annual Contributions go directly to program costs  Tax deductible  Can be submitted for employer matching programs (@$10,000 LY)

15  Big Dreams for up to 10 interns (then 14, now 16) needed a Big Plan. To grow the program, we needed more funding outside of Annual Contributions.  In modeling after Normandale, our ‘Adult Only’ social event, became our Cinco de Mayo Fundraiser Fiesta!  Kicks off in March with the Teacher Time Raffle at Family Fun Night.  Fundraising at the event includes: ½ ticket price is a donation; online, silent and live auctions; cork pull; Fiesta games. Save the Date! May 2, 2015 Olympic Hills

16  We raise our funds this year, for NEXT YEAR’S interns  Goal $100,000  16 interns  14 EHSI, 1 CMS, 1 EPHS  Only at 30% of our budget

17  Annual Contribution from ALL FAMILIES  Families contribute as best they can  Target contribution expected $100 per child each year  60% of our funds for next year come in by the end of January  Use Give to Max Day to FILL THE GAP  25-28 Host Families commit to host next year before the end of MarchWHY?

18 When enough people engage and take part in a role that interests them, the tasks are not so big and that makes it fun too! WE NEED YOU!!

19 OPEN POSITIONS  SEF Board  Vice Chair(s) - willing to move into chair role next year  Fundraising Committee Co-chairs  Intern Committee Chair - works closely with Intern Program Coordinator  Fundraising Committee  Annual Donations Committee - planning for next year  Cinco de Mayo Planning Committee  Live auction / Silent auction / event activities  Online auction / classroom baskets  Teacher Time Raffle  Intern Committee  Host Family Coordinator(s)  Buddy Family Coordinator(s)  Welcome Committee Coordinator(s)  Intern Transportation Coordinator(s) ALL VOLUNTEER POSITIONS ARE POSTED ON THE TABLE HERE - SIGN UP TODAY!!!!

20  Volunteer on a committee  Make your Annual Contribution  Be a Volunteer Transportation Driver  Be a HOST or BUDDY Family next year!  Donate Winter Clothing  Facebook - Like our page, Follow us, Share our posts with friends!


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