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Professional Development Council PDC 2014-15. The Role of PDC Awarding points for individual, building, and district activities through plans and assessments.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Development Council PDC 2014-15. The Role of PDC Awarding points for individual, building, and district activities through plans and assessments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Development Council PDC 2014-15

2 The Role of PDC Awarding points for individual, building, and district activities through plans and assessments. Recommending acceptance of earned credit to the BOE. Providing updates for relicensure points and requirements. Assist in the process of effective staff development.

3 Where do you start? Website: Your username is your complete usd305 email address. Example: Your password is the same as your username until you have reset it.

4 Fill-in Forms for individual teacher use My File Library My User Profile District Catalog Activity Proposals

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7 Individual Growth Plan Under the Fill-In Forms area in your MyLearningPlan account you need to click on the Individual Professional Gr link First click on the Add New Personal Goal box (orange box)

8 Fill out the School Year, Goal Name/Title – NOTE – this field is limited to 80 characters. Keep it brief in this box and expand on the goal in the Strategies box Then click on the Save button. You will go back to the main screen and enter your Name and Teaching Assignment: *Keep Start Date and End Date as is.

9 Sample Individual Growth Plans Goal: Increase knowledge of PLC implementation district-wide – Strategies: Attend PLC Institute, Read “Building a Professional Learning Community at Work, the 1 st year” and “Learning by Doing, 2 nd edition” Increase my knowledge of Common Core for both ELA and Math – Strategies: Attend Common Core Institute; Attend Common Core Academy – KSDE, Continue to follow Common Core implementation plans as written and updated on Common Core Standards website

10 Goals that should be revised Goal: My goal is to improve instruction through district staff developm (You can’t determine what the teacher is focusing on for improvement, the goal statement isn’t complete.) Goal: Professional Development – Strategy: I will participate in district, building, and other professional development opportunities to enhance my instructional methods and improve student learning. (This goal is too generic, and the strategies aren’t specific to an area in which the teacher wants to improve.)

11 How points are awarded for relicensure per State Requirements Relicensure Knowledge Plans 1 hour = 1 point Application Plans 2 x Knowledge Points Impact Plans 3 x Knowledge Points Point Expiration Date PDC Points are good for five years** (from the last time you renewed your license) College Credit 1 credit = 20 points These must be on your PDC transcript. Credit must be awarded during the effective terms of your license.

12 How to earn Salary Movement Points (Part of the negotiated agreement) Salary Movement Points Knowledge Plans No salary movement points awarded at this level Application Plans.25 x Knowledge Points Impact Points.75 x Knowledge Points Point Expiration Date Never expire. Accumulate until used to move on salary scale. College Credits 1 credit = 20 points Never expire. Accumulate until used to move on salary scale.

13 Example of Knowledge to Impact Plan TypePlan Focus Length of Plan Knowledge TEACHER learns about Marzano’s strategies. No requirement Application TEACHER practices using the strategies in the classroom to improve TEACHER skill. 6 months minimum Impact Teacher picks a Marzano strategy to continue using that she/he believes will impact student learning and measures STUDENT growth. 6 months minimum

14 2014-15 Additions Individual Book Study option Individuals can now file a plan for a book study that is not associated with their building or district. Points are awarded by the number of chapters read. A 3-5 sentence chapter summary is required and will be uploaded on MLP before points are awarded.

15 Other Important Information to Know: If you are attending a workshop and presenting you must file 2 plans- 1 for Professional Education and 1 for Service to the Profession with the number of hours for each divided accordingly For classes that do not offer college credit, use the following to determine points: One month course equals 1 college credit or 20 points, two month course equals 2 college credits or 40 points, three months or more is equal to 3 college credits or 60 points. Make sure to look in the handbook for answers to your questions. The handbook can be found in the file library on MyLearningPlan. If you still need help try talking to your building representative or call the BOE Staff Development Office for assistance.

16 File a Leave form any time you are leaving your building for professional development. (This online leave form replaces the paper version teachers used to file for professional development.) If you are attending something outside your building or the district in which a plan has not been filed for you, you also need to file an Individual Knowledge Plan. Make sure you have set a new Individual Growth Plan before checking out at the end of each school year in May!!!! You are REQUIRED through state licensure statute to have an active Individual Growth Plan on file EACH YEAR.

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