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Due August 30, 2013. For this assignment you will be creating a collage that represents you. Think about the things you love and what you are in to. What.

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Presentation on theme: "Due August 30, 2013. For this assignment you will be creating a collage that represents you. Think about the things you love and what you are in to. What."— Presentation transcript:

1 Due August 30, 2013

2 For this assignment you will be creating a collage that represents you. Think about the things you love and what you are in to. What types of things can you include in your collage to really let us know about you? Be creative!!! Assignment Instructions: 1. Use a sheet of white 8 ½ x 11 inch paper. 2. Create a collage of pictures, photo, art, wrappers, tickets, etc. All of the items used should have meaning for you. The entire paper must be covered with none of the paper showing. Try to be really fun and creative with it! (Do not use anything really valuable, sentimental, or that would be horrible if lost, since occasionally things do fall off collages.) 3. Write a one-page paper (TYPED) telling me about you! 4. Staple or glue the written paper, securely, to the back of your collage (so that they are back to back and I can see the collage and flip over to read the written part). BE SURE TO WRITE YOUR NAME CLEARLY on your essay.

3 ESSAY  In this paper, introduce yourself,  tell me about your family,  a few personal things about yourself; for example, your likes and dislikes,  what you did over the summer,  who your friends are,  your hobbies and goals,  Feel free to add funny stories (the more I am entertained the better your grade)

4  Be prepared to present your collage to the class and talk briefly about it.  The assignment will be marked on creativity, writing, and following instructions. Grade Breakdown: Written Part20 points Pre-writing10 points Collage20 points TOTAL50 POINTS Due Date: Friday, August 30 2013


6 PRE - Writing Your name Is there a story behind your name? Have you lived any place else besides Cooper City? Who are the members of your family What schools have you attended? What’s the most interesting thing about you? What is your favorite: Color Food Sport Actor Movie Singer Song TV Show Book Game Teacher Friend Clothing Saying / Motto Place (room, vacation spot, etc.) Future Predictions on… Career Place of Residence Family

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