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Sexual Identity and Young People In Northern Ireland Providing a safe haven for 16 – 25 year olds who do not identify as heterosexual.

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Presentation on theme: "Sexual Identity and Young People In Northern Ireland Providing a safe haven for 16 – 25 year olds who do not identify as heterosexual."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sexual Identity and Young People In Northern Ireland Providing a safe haven for 16 – 25 year olds who do not identify as heterosexual

2 responding to the needs of young people in Northern Ireland who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and or transgender 2 Who are lesbian, gay or bisexual? Over the past 50 years research has indicated that 10% of the population could be lesbian, gay or bisexual. Therefore: In a classroom of 30 approximately 3 young people could be struggling with their sexual identity In a youth club of 60 approximately 6 could be struggling with their sexual identity

3 responding to the needs of young people in Northern Ireland who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and or transgender 3 Who are lesbian, gay or bisexual? This would indicate that there could be up to 60,953 LGB people in Northern Ireland under the age of 25.

4 responding to the needs of young people in Northern Ireland who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and or transgender 4 Research Sample 362 young people 76 organisations working with young people 38 public bodies

5 responding to the needs of young people in Northern Ireland who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and or transgender 5 Religion, Disability and Ethnicity 53% (n=193) Catholic 34% (n=122) Protestant 4% (n=15) of the respondents were registered disabled 96% (n=347) were not registered disabled 4% (n=13) of the respondents identified themselves as being a member of an ethnic minority 96%, (n=349) of respondents did not identify themselves as being from an ethnic minority Of the 13 members from ethnic communities - 3 identified as Chinese, 2 as Asian and one as mixed race, the others did not specify.

6 responding to the needs of young people in Northern Ireland who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and or transgender 6 Coming Out Awareness of Sexuality – Average age for males - 12 years – Average age for females – 14 years Age they told someone – Average age for males – 17 years – Average age for females – 18 years 86% were aware of their sexuality at school

7 responding to the needs of young people in Northern Ireland who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and or transgender 7 Youth Organisations 69% of respondents are or were members of youth organisations Youth Club - 160 Youth Group - 99 Uniformed Organisation - 90 Church Based Youth Group - 74

8 responding to the needs of young people in Northern Ireland who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and or transgender 8 Have you ever experienced? 65% - Verbal abuse 35% - Physical abuse 29% - Attempted suicide 26% - Self harmed 24% - Medicated for depression 21% - Eating disorder 16% - Homelessness

9 responding to the needs of young people in Northern Ireland who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and or transgender 9 Negative experiences of provision “In my church group I helped for my Duke of Edinburgh Award. When they discovered my sexuality they asked me to leave as they didn't feel it was appropriate to have someone like me working in such an environment i.e. religious setting with an influence over young children. I never joined my local youth club out of fear of physical or verbal assault because from a young age I was perceived as different.”

10 responding to the needs of young people in Northern Ireland who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and or transgender 10 Positive experiences of provision “When I came out to people within a youth/Christian organisation I received their normal everyday attitude to me which was love and support.”

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