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Constitutional Guide Questions and Answers The questions cover areas in the subject of commerce, manufacturing, and free enterprise related to the Constitution.

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Presentation on theme: "Constitutional Guide Questions and Answers The questions cover areas in the subject of commerce, manufacturing, and free enterprise related to the Constitution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Constitutional Guide Questions and Answers The questions cover areas in the subject of commerce, manufacturing, and free enterprise related to the Constitution. There are 20 questions. Have a pen or pencil available. The answers to the questions are located at the end of the slide.

2 Question 1 Who was the Founding Father that wrote the book "Report on the Subject of Manufactures"? A – Thomas Jefferson B – Adam Smith C – Alexander Hamilton D – James Madison

3 Question 2 Who was the Founding Father that invented the sundial? A – Benjamin Franklin B – Thomas Jefferson C – George Washington D – Adam Smith

4 Question 3 Who was the Founding Father that invented the Cotton Gin? A – Alexander Hamilton B – Benjamin Franklin C – Paul Revere D – Eli Whitner

5 Question 4 Who was the Founding Father that invented the Copper Mill? A – Paul Revere B – Thomas Jefferson C – Paul Revere D – Eli Whitney

6 Question 5 Who was the Founding Father that wrote Federalist Paper no. 12 - "Utility of the Union"? A – James Madison B – Alexander Hamilton C – Thomas Jefferson D – John Jay

7 Question 6 Who wrote "An Inquiry to the Causes of the Wealth of Nations"? A – Benjamin Franklin B – Adam Smith C – John Hancock D – Alexander Hamilton

8 Question 7 Who was the Founding Father that was involved in the shipping and merchant business? A – Paul Revere B – John Hancock C – Samuel Adams D – Thomas Jefferson

9 Question 8 What was the purpose or intent of the "Report on the Subject of Manufactures"? A – Report on U.S. Manufacturing B – Report on Raw Materials C – Promote Immigration D – All of the above

10 Question 9 Who was the Founding Father that graduated from Yale and headed South in 1792 to Georgia? A – John Hancock B – Patrick Henry C – James Madison D – Eli Whitney

11 Question 10 What Article, Section, and Clause deals with "Intellectual Property"? A – Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 B – Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8 C – Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1 D – Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7

12 Question 11 Who was the person that influenced Alexander Hamilton's ideas when he wrote the "Report on the Subject of Manufactures"? A – Baron de Montesquieu B – John Locke C – John Witherspoon D – John Dickinson

13 Question 12 Who was the Founding Father that worked as a dentist? A – John Dickinson B – Paul Revere C – John Hancock D – James Wilson

14 Question 13 Who was known for the idea of the "Invisible Hand"? A – James Wilson B – Thomas Jefferson C – Alexander Hamilton D – Adam Smith

15 Question 14 Who was the Founding Father that was quoted for the following phrase: "The greatest ability in business is to get along with others and to influence their actions."? A – Thomas Jefferson B – Paul Revere C – John Hancock D – Adam Smith

16 Question 15 Who was the Founding Father that invented the wheel cipher? A – Benjamin Franklin B – Thomas Jefferson C – Eli Whitney D – Paul Revere

17 Question 16 Who was the Founding Father that was quoted for the following phrase: "Perfect freedom is as necessary to the health and vigor of commerce as it is to the health and vigor of citizenship"? A – Thomas Jefferson B – Patrick Henry C – John Hancock D – Alexander Hamilton

18 Question 17 Who was the Founding Father that was quoted for the following phrase: "What prudent merchant will hazard his fortunes in any new branch of commerce when he knows not that his plans may be rendered unlawful before they can be executed?" A – Thomas Jefferson B – John Hancock C – James Madison D – Adam Smith

19 Question 18 The book "An inquiry into the Causes of the Wealth of Nations" described the following. A – Consumption B – Products C – Division of Labor D – Keynesian economics

20 Question 19 What commodity was not written about in "The Report on the Subject of Manufactures"? A – Timber B – Skins C – Fossil Coals D – Salt

21 Question 20 Who was the Founding Father that was quoted for the following passage: "Not only the wealth, but the independence and security of a country, appear to be materially connected with the prosperity of manufactures."? A – Thomas Jefferson B – Alexander Hamilton C – John Hancock D – Samuel Adams

22 Answers 1) C - Alexander Hamilton 2) B - Thomas Jefferson 3) A - Eli Whitney 4) A - Paul Revere 5) D - John Jay 6) B - Adam Smith 7) B - John Hancock 8) D - All of the above 9) D - Eli Whitney 10) B - Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8 11) B – John Locke 12) B – Paul Revere 13) D– Adam Smith 14) C – John Hancock 15) B – Thomas Jefferson 16) B – Patrick Henry 17) C – James Madison 18) C – Division of Labor 19) D – Salt 20) B – Alexander Hamilton

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