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8 th Grade Science Organisms and their Environment Review.

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2 8 th Grade Science Organisms and their Environment Review

3 A:B: PreyDecomposer C:D: producerHerbivore #1 The tree is an example of a _______ in the food web. Producers perform photosynthesis.

4 C. Producer

5 A:B: SnakeDeer C:D: CricketNone of these #2 In this food web, which of these organism has the greatest number of food sources?

6 B. Deer

7 A:B: Predator - Mountain lion Prey - Deer Predator – Deer Prey - Tree C:D: Predator – Snake Prey - Cricket All of these #3 Identify one predator-prey relationship in this food web.

8 A. Predator - Mountain lion Prey - Deer

9 A:B: parasite C:D: symbiosisomnivore mutualism #4 Heartworms live inside of a dog’s heart and will eventually kill the dog. The heartworm is an example of a ____.

10 B. parasite

11 A:B: Consumers C:D: DecomposersOmnivores Producers #5 What organisms break down the remains of plants and other organisms. These organisms are necessary to insure that the atoms recycle back into the environment.

12 C. Decomposers

13 A:B: producercomsumer C:D: populationpredator #6 Organism that produce their own food.

14 A. producer

15 A:B: commensalismsparasitism C:D: mutualismmatabolism #7 A symbiotic relationship between to organisms in which one benefits while the other is harmed.

16 B. parasitism

17 A:B: commensalismparasitism C:D: mutualismmatabolism #8 A symbiotic relationship between to organisms in which both organisms benefit.

18 C. mutualism

19 A:B: commensalismparasitism C:D: mutualismmatabolism #9 A symbiotic relationship between to organisms in which one benefits while the other neither benefits nor is harmed.

20 A. commensalism

21 A:B: herbivoreomnivore C:D: carnivoreecoviore #10 Consumers that eat both plants and animals. Example: Mouse

22 B. omnivore

23 A:B: ecoviorecarnivore C:D: herbivoreomnivore #11 Consumers that eat only plants. Examples: Grasshopper, Rabbit

24 C. Herbivore

25 A:B: CarnivoreProducer C:D: ParasiteHerbivore #12 Consumers that eat only meat. Example: Mountain Lion

26 A. Carnivore

27 A:B: Symbiotic relationshipStimulus relationship C:D: HomeostasisUnitarianism #13 A close, long-term relationship between two or more species.

28 A. Symbiosis relationship

29 A:B: preysymbiosis # 14 An organism that cannot make its own food. C:D: consumerproducer

30 C. consumer

31 A:B: Web chain Food chain C:D: Both of theseNeither of these A diagram that shows the energy flow from one organism to the next. #15

32 B. Food chain

33 A:B: Food webFood chain C:D: ecologyFood chart #16 A diagram that consists of many overlapping food chains

34 B. Food web

35 A:B: biosphereecosystem #17 A unit consisting of all the living and nonliving things in a given area that interact with one another. C:D: communitypopulation

36 B. ecosystem

37 A:B: abioticecology C:D: ecosystembiotic #18 Living things in an ecosystem.

38 D. Biotic

39 A:B: abioticbiotic C:D: ecologyecosystem #19 Non-living things in an ecosystem.

40 A. Abiotic

41 A:B: MoonSun C:D: PlantsConsumers #20 The original source of energy in a food web.

42 B. Sun

43 A:B: The energy flow from provider to user. They animal which the organism consumes. C:D: BothNeither #21 What do the arrows represent in this food web?

44 A. The energy flow from provider to user.

45 A:B: The mice would increase The corn would decrease The hawks would decrease The mice would decrease The corn would increase The hawks would decrease C:D: BothNeither What would happen if the snakes are killed in this ecosystem? #22

46 A. The mice would increase The corn would decrease The hawks would decrease

47 A:B: The corn would increase, but all of the animals above the cricket on the food chain would decrease The mice would increase The corn would increase The hawks would increase C:D: BothNeither What would happen if a farmer sprayed a pesticide that killed all the crickets? #23

48 A. The corn would increase, but all of the animals above the cricket on the food chain would decrease

49 A:B: IncreasesDecreases C:D: Stays the same Sometimes increases and sometimes decreases In a food chain, the amount of energy ________ as it passes from one level to the next #24

50 B. Decreases

51 A:B: Heat Light C:D: Kinetic Chemical When the mouse eats the corn in this food chain, what form of energy passes directly from the corn to the mouse? #25

52 D. Chemical

53 A:B: Snake and hawk preying on the mouse Hawk and mouse preying on the shrubs C:D: Rabbit and snake preying on the cricket None of these #26 Give an example of organisms competing for a biotic factor in an ecosystem.

54 A. Snake and hawk preying on the mouse

55 A:B: Organisms competing for prey Organisms competing for water C:D: Organisms competing for space None of these #27 Give an example of organisms competing for an abiotic factor in an ecosystem.

56 B. Organisms competing for water C. Organisms competing for space

57 A:B: Population will increase Population could become extinct #28 What happens if ecosystems change and a population of organisms does not adapt to the change? C:D: BothNeither

58 B. Population could become extinct

59 A:B: Changing ecosystems by cutting down trees Decreasing animal populations by hunting C:D: Decreasing water supplies through pollution All of these #29 How are humans increasing competition within ecosystems?

60 D. All of these

61 A:B: Destroyed plants eaten by fish Killed fish C:D: Killed sea birdsAll of these #30 How has the BP Oil Spill negatively impacted the ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico

62 D. All of these

63 A:B: Barrier reefArtificial reef C:D: Marine reefNone of these #31 a human-made underwater structure, built to increase marine life.

64 B. Artificial reef

65 A:B: Space environmentMarine environment C:D: Terrestrial environmentNone of these #32 The Earth's land area, including its manmade and natural surface and sub-surface features.

66 C. Terrestrial environment

67 Great Job!!!! Great Job!!!! Thank you for playing! Thank you for playing!

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