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Published byGalilea Clifford Modified over 10 years ago
Digital Citizenship: A Whole Community Approach
Common Sense Media Dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in a world of media and technology. Non-profit, non-partisan Founded in 2003 Three interconnected pillars: Rate Educate Advocate .
Teacher Member Community
Common Sense Education empowers people to harness the power of digital media for learning and life Digital Literacy & Citizenship EdTech in Classrooms and Schools PROGRAMS Teacher Member Community Empower students to think critically, participate responsibly and behave ethically in a digital world Helps teachers discover and use the most impactful edtech products to propel student performance Behavioral skills/character education Positive school climate Healthy communities Academic skills and achievement Educational equity College readiness & job opportunities OUTCOMES Students have skills & knowledge to thrive and work in the 21st century IMPACT
Students in Today’s Technology Landscape
Increasingly have access to the Internet and mobile technologies at home and school Technology has the promise for learning, communicating, and sharing Are not always aware of the consequences of their actions in the digital world We know that students are growing up in a very different world – a world where media and technology is like the air they breathe. For instance: Students increasingly have access to the Internet and mobile technologies at home and school With the increase of technology into schools and homes, students now have the access to the Internet and other digital technologies As teachers and leaders, we want to harness the promise of technology for learning, communicating, and sharing But - students are not always aware of the consequences of their actions in the digital world. Schools are faced with challenges when students communicate, collaborate, and create in the digital world. Here are some of the key issues: Issue 1: Screen time We know that students spend a lot of their waking hours with digital media. Kids aged 8-18 spend 7.5 hours per day with media, such as computers, TV, and games (Kaiser Family Foundation, M2: Media in the Lives of 8-18 Year-Olds, 2010). Note: This includes media use outside of school, and does not include texting or talking on the cell phone. That’s a lot of time! Issue 2: Privacy Privacy can be a challenge in a digital world where students are encouraged to share and communicate. For instance, 41% of kids aged 8-17 say that leave their Facebook privacy settings on “default,” which are the lowest privacy settings (Pew Research, 2011). And we know that students often don’t think before they self-reveal online. Issue 3: Digital Footprints Students are leaving “digital footprints” that can have an impact on their lives. Ror example, 35% of college admissions officers discovered something online about an applicant that negatively impacted their application (Kaplan Test Prep’s 2012 College Admissions Officers Survey). What kids post, share, and say online can help—or hurt them. Issue 4: Cyberbullying Bullying that happens on the playground or in the hallway is magnified in digital spaces. One in three year olds have reported being cyberbullied…and only 1 in 10 tell an adult when it happens (Pew Internet and American Life, 2011)
The followinf is an info-graphic to give you an idea how much technology we engage with every minute of the day
How many hours per week does the average American child between 8-18 spend with media and technology? a) 35 b) 45 c) 53 d) 77 KK - A quick poll … how many hours per week does the average American child between the ages of 8 and 18 spend with media and technology? The correct answer is C – 53 hours. That’s a full-time job PLUS overtime. Source: Kaiser Family Foundation, 2010
This is Everybody’s Problem Kids consume more than 7 hours of media per day – and nearly 12 hours among year olds. TV Content Caucasian 3:36 Black 5:54 Hispanic 5:21 Computer Caucasian 1:17 Black 1:24 Hispanic 1:49 Video Games Caucasian 0:56 Black 1:25 Hispanic 1:35 Source: Kaiser Family Foundation, February 2010
Of the ~20 million minors who actively used Facebook in 2011, how many were younger than 13?
b) 3 million c) 5 million d) 8 million KK – Another pop quiz … Of the 20 million or so minors who actively used Facebook in 2011, how many were under the age of 13? Believe it or not, the correct answer is D … 8 million. And 5 million of them were under the age of 10. Most of these kids go on with the help of a parent. Parents will help them sign on but then they don’t STAY on with them and help them monitor.
Comprehensive K-12 Curriculum
Developed in conjunction with Dr. Howard Gardner, Harvard School of Education 80 lessons, 40+ videos, unit assessments, worksheets, online professional development Aligned to Common Core ELA & NETS standards Topics addressed: Internet Safety Privacy & Security Cyberbullying Relationships & Communication Digital Footprint & Reputation Self-image & Identity Information Literacy Creative Credit & Copyright
Migrating Digital Citizenship Curriculum From Print to Digital
Online Assessments: Apple iBooks:
Privacy and digital footprints
Digital Footprint and Reputation Privacy and digital footprints Sharing and oversharing Building a positive digital footprint The Digital Citizenship topic area is our signature area, meaning that we have the most content—lesson plans and videos—in this area. This is truly the “heart” of the curriculum. The five units in Digital Citizenship teach students how to be reflective of their online behavior, encouraging them be safe, respectful, and responsible, and to help build a positive online community. Topics include: The role of media in our lives (Digital Life Unit): How much media do we use? What effect might it have on our lives? Why is it important to reflect on media balance in our lives? Privacy and digital footprints unit: What is okay and not okay to share online? What are the risks you take when you share something online? What are the rewards in sharing our lives online? How can what you do online now affect your future? Cyberbullying and treating others kindly (Connected Culture Unit): How should we treat others online? What is cyberbullying, and why does it happen? What should you do if you’re cyberbullied? How can you be an upstander and build a positive community—online, at school, and with your peers? Self-expression and online personas (Self Expression and Identity Unit): How do we express ourselves online? Is it okay to pretend to be someone else? What are the benefits and possible risks in pretending to be someone else? Giving and getting credit (Respecting Creative Work Unit): What are the rules about using things like articles, photos, videos, and other things you find online? What is copyright? What is fair use? What are your rights and responsibilities as a creator? How do you cite something you find online? How restrictive or non-restrictive do you want your own copyright to be when you share your work online?
Privacy and Digital Footprints K-12
Trillion dollar Footprint (6-8) Follow the Digital trail (K-2) College Bound (9-12) The lessons in the Privacy and Digital Footprints unit will help students examine these issues, and give them the skills to consciously manage their own privacy, respect the privacy of others, and develop personal and community codes of ethics about privacy for their digital lives. Students learn to reflect on what kind of personal information is appropriate, inappropriate, or risky to share about themselves and others online, and they look at the positive aspects of sharing through digital media. You can see that all of these lessons address privacy and digital footprints, and show you the progression from elementary through middle and high school. (Briefly describe each lesson, pointing out the developmental differences in what students are learning and doing in the lesson.) Students learn that what they do online shapes their digital footprints.
Follow the Digital Trail (k-2)
We’re now going to go through a couple of the lessons to give you a taste of how this strand works. As I mentioned earlier, lessons are typically about 45 minutes long, but as with the previous lesson, we’ll go through these much more quickly in the interests of time and because we’re all adults. The first lesson we’re going to do is called “Follow the Digital Trail” from our Privacy and Digital Footprints unit. The lesson is marked for 2-3, but you can use the lesson K-5 if you think it fits your students’ needs and comprehension. In this lesson, students will learn that the information they put online leaves a digital footprint or “trail”. They will explore what information is appropriate to be put online and judge the nature of different types of digital footprints by following the information trails of two fictional animals, Mizzle the Mouse and Electra the Elephant. The backstory is that Mizzle and Electra decided it would be fun to put some information about themselves online. They went onto and posted information. The only problem is that they forgot to ask their mamas if it was okay first. You guys (addressing the group) are from the “Things Big and Small” Detective Agency. An evil human has hired you to find out as much information as possible about Mizzle the Mouse and Electra the Elephant. The more you learn, the better for your clients plan to take over the animal kingdom. Click 1- Lets take a look at the size of Mizzle and Electra’s digital footprints Click 2- What do you notice about the different information they share? What might you conclude will happen with Mizzle and Electra based on the information found by the detective agency? Seeing that the footprints of Electra and Mizzle are so different, lets brainstorm a list of information that kids CAN and CANNOT share. The purpose of this is to really Understand that not ALL sharing is wrong. (Create separate “can and cannot share” lists on the board) Thank you for sharing guys. So to wrap up, Mizzle and Electra both had very interesting information online, but Mizzle used better judgment about what was most appropriate to post. Mizzle had a smaller digital footprint. Electra put some information online that might make her unsafe or might upset her mother. It’s important to remember that the Internet is a public space where people you don’t know will likely see your information. And this information is very hard to remove. Basically it’s permanent. Reflection question: Teaching about digital footprints can be a touch nut to crack sometimes, but do you think this lesson will do the trick for your students? What makes it a good fit for them?
Trillion Dollar Footprint
Congratulations! You have been chosen to be a producer of the Trillion Dollar Footprint TV show! Trillion Dollar Footprint ARRANGE participants into groups of four and direct them to the Choose a Host Student Handout. Congratulations! You have been chosen to be a producer of the Trillion Dollar Footprint TV show! Trillion Dollar Footprint is a new show that tours the country looking for teens to compete in a talent show. You are looking for a host of the show. Explain that their job is to: • Look over online information of two fictional host applicants, Linda and Jason. • Decide which applicant should be the host of the show based on who works better with others and is more honest. • Give a convincing pitch about which candidate they chose and why. (See the Choose a Host Student Handout for detailed instructions.) • READ the Choose a Host Student Handout directions and have participants complete the activity. TV image: Stage image: Money image:
Choose the host that will be honest…
Ask participants to give their pitch on which candidate they would chose. Ask them to provide evidence that supports their decision. What did you assume about Linda? Jason? Did you assume one or the other would work better with others, or be more honest, based on their profiles? …and work well with others.
Ask participants to give their pitch on which candidate they would chose. Ask them to provide evidence that supports their decision. What did you assume about Linda? Jason? Did you assume one or the other would work better with others, or be more honest, based on their profiles?
Top Young Writers Award
My Digital Footprint in 10 years… News Headline: Student runs marathon in record time Top Young Writers Award Graduates college with honors In the next activity for the Trillion Dolllar Footprint lesson, your students can reflect on what kind of information they want in their digital footprint 10 years from now. (Have participants visit the My Digital Footprint Student handout: Using a the handout, or a drawing program or app, students draw a foot. They draw and list all the website results, and types of information that they would want others to see linked to their name in 10 years. (Go through the student example in the slide.) Now it’s YOUR turn. What will your digital footprint look like in 10 years? Have participants complete the activity. As you can see from this lesson, students learn the reality that they are judged by what people see online about them. But they learn that they have the power to shape a positive digital footprint. The high-school version of this lesson, “College Bound,” students compare profiles of two candidates, but it’s for a college admission application. Studnets reflect on how their digital footprint has a real effect on admissons to college, scholarships, and jobs. “This kid is awesome!” says president
Curriculum connections
Computer/Technology Design a web page of your future digital footprint Learning about digital portfolios Social Studies Examine the digital footprint of public figures Role of social media and digital footprint in elections English/Language Arts What would Lincoln tweet were he alive? Reading critically & locating details to solve a problem efficiently
Digital Passport Immersive, interactive blended learning experience for 3rd-5th grade students Spotlights 5 key digital literacy + citizenship topics Robust reporting for teachers “Badging” for game completion Available online, on Edmodo*, and as an app* for mobile devices Award winning Since August 2012 launch: 500K+ active student accounts 124,000+ Digital Passports issued * Fee-based
Digital Compass: Launch April 2015
8 “choose your own adventure” stories, based on K-12 curriculum categories, for 6th – 10th graders 9 endings per story 8 characters = 8 perspectives 45 minute experience per story Each story includes teacher wraparound materials Ties to existing unit structure Aligns to ELA CCSS Developmental differentiators embedded into gaming Explore + experiment Make decisions (deductive reasoning) Rationalize (abstract thinking) Take risks Judge conventions (conventional reasoning) Assert individuality Each story will be animated and incorporate gaming mechanics, such as: Badging Leveling Easter eggs
Connecting Families Program
FREE, year-long program that provides schools and other organizations resources to engage and support parents in raising young people as digital citizens Turn-key program with handbooks on how to host a teen panel and small group parent conversations, conversation starters, videos, and printable resources Currently 8 topics with more to come: Cyberbullying Digital drama Digital footprints and photo sharing Distraction, multi-tasking, and time management Privacy, surveillance, and self-disclosure Sexting and nude photos Sexual imagery and Internet Social media and body image
Register - It’s free!
The next resource I want to introduce you to is Graphite. You can access Graphite at or directly at
Professional Development for Educators
Online Courses KDS E-Rate* “Tech It Up” course under development Dig Citizenship Curriculum Course Monthly webinars on variety of topics Tutorial Videos How-to Best practice + lessons learned Edtech models Monthly “Appy Hours” Top picks for learning Teacher experts Best practices Newsletter, Blog, + Community Latest features Trends and research commentary Guest articles and expert interviews EdWeb + Edmodo “PLC’s” * Fee-based
Earn the recognition you deserve.
Certification Programs Earn the recognition you deserve. For educators who have demonstrated passion for teaching our digital citizenship curriculum to students and their families. For schools that have taken a community-wide approach to teaching digital literacy and citizenship to students, staff and families with our resources. For educators who have contributed high-quality Field Notes and an App Flow on Graphite and are committed to sharing best practices all year.
Are you into this? Get certified!
Resume-building Teaching portfolio Get an edge on your peers! Perks! Learn more Are you feeling super inspired, and into Graphite, App Flows, and the edtech skills? Consider getting certified! Graphite Certified Educators contribute high-quality Field Notes on Graphite and have committed to sharing their technology integration expertise. It’s also great for your resume or taeching portfolio, and there are perks like swag and inclusion in certain “certified educator” events - like at the ISTE conference. Consider it!
Contact info: Sue Thotz Education Program Manager, LA @SueThotz @CommonSenseEdu @Graphite
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