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Data Types Session 2.  Primitive data types  int, float, double, char  Aggregate data types  Arrays come.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Types Session 2.  Primitive data types  int, float, double, char  Aggregate data types  Arrays come."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Types Session 2

2  Primitive data types  int, float, double, char  Aggregate data types  Arrays come under this category  Arrays can contain collection of int or float or char or double data  User defined data types  Structures and enum fall under this category. Data types in C 2

3  Simple Data Type  int  integer  bil. bulat  float  floating point  bil. pecahan  char  character  hanya 1 digit  char[pj]  string  lebih dari 1 digit  How to declare  int jml_anak;  float nilai_mhs,rata2;  char sex,status;  char nm_mhs[20],almt[35]; How to Declare 3

4  Variables are data that will keep on changing  Declaration > >; int a;  Definition >= >; a=10;  Usage > a=a+1;//increments the value of a by 1 Variables 4

5  Should not be a reserved word like int etc..  Should start with a letter or an underscore(_)  Can contain letters, numbers or underscore.  No other special characters are allowed including space  Variable names are case sensitive  A and a are different. Variable names- Rules 5

6  Variable Name for a memory object. Variable names must start with letters and contain letters, digits, and underscores. a, b, i, j, counter, number_of_points, c1234, …  Type What the variable represents. Could be of integer, floating point number, character, string, and many others. int, float, double, char, …  Declaration Tells compiler about variables and their type. int i,j; float sum; Variables 6

7  It’s NOT a string anymore.  It is seemed as a series of characters, which is a character array.  The number of the character array is just the same as the number of letters of the word or sentence plus one.  The one more element is “\0” which is printed as “\n” by gets and printed as “”(NULL) by other words. What’s string in turbo C 7

8 Numeric Types intinteger floatfloating point charcharater (a very shot integer) short or short intshort integer long or long intlong integer doublelong floating point long doublevery long floating point 8

9 Reading Inputs 1.#include 2.#include 3.void main() 4.{ float bil1,bil2,hasil; //deklarasi variabel 5. clrscr(); //membersihkan layar 6. printf("Please input the first number : "); scanf("%f",&bil1); 7. printf("Please input the second number: "); scanf("%f",&bil2); 8. hasil = bil1 * bil2; //proses 9. printf(“bil1 * bil2 = %f\n“,hasil); //cetak hasil kali 10. getch(); //berhenti sebentar sampai ditekan tombol 11.} 9 printf(“Hasil Kali dari %f dengan %f adalah %f “,bil1,bil2,hasil);

10 Assignment 1./* Arithmetic operators */ 2.#include 3. #include 4.void main() 5.{ 6. int a,c; 7. int b=4; 8. a=3; 9. c=a+b; 10. printf(“Sum: %d + %d -> %d\n”,a,b,c); 11. a++;b--; 12. prinf(“Now a=%d and b=%d\n”,a,b); 13.} 10

11  Write a program to calculate the average of three floating point numbers. Using scanf function Task 2 11 Buat program untuk meng-input-kan tiga buah bilangan pecahan sembarang kemudian hitung dan cetak rata-rata dari tiga bilangan tersebut.

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