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Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-based Organizations Name of Presenter Title Date and Location Pandemic.

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Presentation on theme: "Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-based Organizations Name of Presenter Title Date and Location Pandemic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-based Organizations Name of Presenter Title Date and Location Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations

2 Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations Section 1 Reducing Illness and Death from a Pandemic in Your Faith-based Organization (FBO)

3 Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations Describe a pandemic Review pandemics in history Discuss pandemic interventions

4 Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations What is a pandemic? An outbreak of a new infectious disease over a whole country, continent or the world Number of people infected rises well beyond what’s expected High death rate

5 Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations Examples of Pandemics Historic Typhus, cholera, smallpox, tuberculosis, measles, influenza Recent HIV/AIDS, influenza

6 Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations What is pandemic influenza? A new influenza virus emerges for which there is little or no immunity in the human population Causes serious illness Spreads easily from person to person worldwide

7 Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations Seasonal Influenza Occurs annually, usually in winter Fever, cough, runny nose, muscle pain Healthy adults usually not at risk for complications Modest impact on society Pandemic Influenza Occurs rarely Severe cough, vomiting and diarrhea Healthy people at risk for severe complications Implications on domestic and world economy

8 Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations Influenza Transmission Spreads through tiny respiratory droplets Coughing, sneezing Touching mouth, nose or eyes Flickr: placbo

9 Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations Infection Time Contagious one day prior to showing symptoms Contagious up to five days after symptoms appear

10 Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic

11 Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations 1918 Pandemic: Sept. 14

12 Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations 1918 Pandemic: Sept. 21

13 Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations 1918 Pandemic: Sept. 28

14 Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations 1918 Pandemic: Oct. 5

15 Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations 1918 Pandemic: Oct. 12

16 Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations Flickr: A.Davey

17 Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations National Museum of Health and Medicine, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, D.C., Image NCP 1603

18 Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations Health Interventions Staying home Limiting contact with others Covering coughs & sneezes Washing hands frequently

19 Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations Stay Home Stay home when you or someone in your household is sick Reduces spread of illness Helps keep staff and critical functions operating

20 Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations FBO Actions Encourage people to stay home through conversations, fliers and other communication Establish non-penalizing sick leave policies

21 Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations Limiting Contact 3 – 6 feet A person who has flu and is standing 3 – 6’ feet from others is likely to spread flu to two other people.

22 Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations Alter Events to Limit Contact Recreation and education events Worship services Large meal events Other events with large groups of people

23 Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations Cover Coughs & Sneezes Best: Cover mouth and nose with a tissue and dispose immediately Second best: Cover mouth and nose with upper sleeve

24 Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations It’s better to cover your sneeze with your hands than nothing at all. Wash your hands as soon as possible.

25 Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations Frequent Hand Washing Stops germs that make you and others sick Soap and/or hand sanitizer throughout building

26 Pandemic Preparedness for Faith-Based Organizations Summary Pandemics are serious and can dramatically affect your FBO Your FBO can help stem the spread of a pandemic with some simple steps

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