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Dr Tatiana Sotirakou (BA, MA, PhD)

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1 Dr Tatiana Sotirakou (BA, MA, PhD)
Navigating change towards the contemporary citizen-driven public organization: the use of the STAIR performance measurement model Dr Mary Zeppou (LLB, MA, PhD) Hellenic Open University National School of Public Administration – Greece Dr Tatiana Sotirakou (BA, MA, PhD) National Centre of Public Administration - Greece Institute of Public Administration International Conference Riyadh, 1-4 /11/ 2009

2 Signs of dysfunction dissatisfied citizens
low levels of government and public service performance trust decline corruption political scandals black markets tax avoidance strategies cynicism

3 Citizen-driven culture
Entrepreneur Guardian /Ethical Efficiency Effectiveness Quality Flexibility Accountability Responsibility Participation Adaptability Innovation Integrity /honesty Impartiality Meritocracy Equity Justice/ fairness Transparency /openness Collectiveness/ collegiality Autonomy Trust /respect

4 Research Question “How to navigate change towards a contemporary citizen-driven culture”

5 The “STAIR” model as a framework for managing change
Organizational Performance R I A esults T S mlementation ssignment argets trategy Strategic Management & Measurement

6 (+) Implementation Results 6 H 1 2 3 4 5 Εnvironment Analysis
-external audit -internal audit Vision and Mission Strategic plan: Strategies: (programs) Goals: (sub - programs) Objectives: (projects) Targets: Action plan - level assigment SWOT SMART System of Structure and Processes System of Leadership Human Resource Management System of Resource Management and Infrastructure ΄΄Fit΄΄ Specific Strategy Business results Citizen satisfaction Employee commitment Strategy-Targets-Assignment Implementation Results Strategic Performance Management and Measurement System Feed back Action Review New Action (+) H 6

7 The two cores of the STAIR
Cultural core Operational core The two cores of the STAIR

8 The use of the STAIR performance measurement model
STAIR model: an ideal state, a conceptual framework for testing and evaluating organizational reality a framework for identifying the drivers of change and performance enhancement

9 The drivers of change Strategic Planning Developing PIs Recognition &
Promotion Values Business plan design Strategy communication Strategy Assignment Citizen requirement Staff needs Staff participation Realistic targets Measurable targets Specific targets Time bound targets Active participation Critical thinking Self assessment Flexibility Adaptability Creativity-innovation Self development Sustainable Development Values Research investment Knowledge creation Need analysis Climate of learning Innovation Process simplification Inspirational L/ship Information Mgmt IT systems development E-management Information flow Ability in BPR/ flexible work structures Rule by example & gain trust Inspire & motivate staff Recognize & reward effort Manage projects Innovate Entrepreneurial & Ethical Values Result oriented/ cost conscious Citizen oriented Value driven Strategic thinking Team based structure Participation management Employee Empowerment Citizen & Stakeholder Engagement Employee initiation Employee accountability Incorporate staff suggestions Incorporate citizens view Measure project results Analyze & solve problems

10 Conclusions - lessons learned
Change is not a mechanical process Change is a unique organization specific process Change occurs on a unit by unit basis Change needs a framework like STAIR depicting an ideal reference map Change requires continues evaluation against this framework

11 The way forward Extensive training in order to develop the competences extracted from the research Change the organization’s appraisal system to accommodate the two sets of values (entrepreneurial and ethical) and reward employees who act and behave accordingly Transformational l/ship qualities, e.g. public leaders at all levels must rule by example, participation, collaboration, reasoning, flexibility and transcend their own self-interest for the sake of the organization or team activating their higher order needs and moral values

12 Interviews How HR Managers conceptualize change?
Organizational change viewed as a mechanical process of restructuring departments, rearranging functions and personnel - as a top-drive technical solution What is performance and how is it measured? Performance perceived mainly in financial terms. Organizational performance is measured by providing data on financial indicators, derived from budget, concerning public spending / expenditures and resource utilization - in order to win financial support and increase their legitimacy Who makes policy decisions? Diffusion of power Politicians make policy decisions which public employees execute The separation of politics and policies is evident

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