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Internship orientation. What is Internship ? Is it an organization study ? Is it a case study? Is it Survey of an organization ? Is it Factual observation.

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Presentation on theme: "Internship orientation. What is Internship ? Is it an organization study ? Is it a case study? Is it Survey of an organization ? Is it Factual observation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internship orientation

2 What is Internship ? Is it an organization study ? Is it a case study? Is it Survey of an organization ? Is it Factual observation ?

3 Where it can be done? Large and small and medium scale companies NGOs Development agencies Government departments. Local bodies Universities

4 Why internship ? To bridge the gap between theory and practice To gain insight about functioning of organization. To know about specialization To analyze corporate level and functional level strategies of the company To understand and analyze the problems faced by the company. To improve your skill of diagnostic investigation. To evaluate the solutions that specific companies adopted. To provide recommendations

5 How ? Select an organization Preparation Approach Maintain Diary

6 What to study? Defining the mission and goal Analysis of organization’s external competitive environment Internal analysis Evaluating functional level strategies Efficiency Quality Innovation Superior customer responsiveness

7 Vision and Mission Mission statement talks about what the company is now. It concentrates on present Vision statement outlines what a company wants to be. It concentrates on the future

8 Analyze corporate level strategy Define Vision Mission and Goal of the company Line of business/nature of its subsidiaries Core business and diversification Has the company strategy changed over time?

9 Analyze structure and control system To identify what structure and control systems the company is using for implementation of strategy Degree of fit between company and structure Vertical differentiation /horizontal differentiation Are the managers being appropriately rewarded


11 For Assessing strengths: What makes the organization distinctive? How efficient is manufacturing? How skilled is workforce? What is market share? What financing is available? Do company have a superior reputation?

12 For Assessing the weaknesses What are the vulnerable areas of the organization that could be exploited? Are the facilities outdated? Is research and development adequate? Are the technologies obsolete?

13 For Identifying opportunities In which areas is the competition not meeting customer needs? What are the possible new markets ? What is the strength of the economy? Are the rival weak? What are the emerging technologies? Is there a possibility of growth of existing market ?

14 For Identifying Threats Are there new competitors? Is there a shortage of resources? Are market tastes changing? What are the new regulations? What substitute product exist?

15 Identify the Internal Strength and weakness Strength Many product line Broad market coverage Manufacturing competence Good marketing /HR/FINANCE skills Good material management Brand name reputations Appropriate organization structure Ability to maintain strategic change Well developed corporate strategy Weakness Narrow product line Rising manufacturing cost Decline in R&D Poor marketing/ HR /Finance Material management Growth without direction Inappropriate organizational structure and control High conflict and politics Loss of brand name

16 Identify the External opportunity and Threat OpportunityThreats Expand core business Exploit new market Widen product range Extent cost or differentiation advantage Vertical integration Overcome barriers to entry Seek fast market growth Apply brand name in new area Increase in competition Change in consumer taste Fall in barriers to entry Rise in substitute products Potential for takeovers Downturn in economy Rising labour cost Slower market growth

17 Functional departments Marketing department Human resource department Finance department Production department

18 How to close? Presenting findings Feedback Thanking Relationship building Report writing

19 Structure of The Report  Prefatory item  Body of the report  Terminal item

20 Prefatory items Contents: Preliminary pages: Title page Declaration Certificate (Guide and College) Certificate organization Acknowledgement Contents List of tables/ Charts

21 Body of the project Industry profile Company Profile: Back ground,History and products  Vision, Mission and Goals  Ownership pattern  Competitors Information  Market share  Organization structure Functional areas Research Problem study (if any) SWOT Analysis MCKINSEY 7 S FRAMEWORK Findings and Conclusion Recommendations

22 Terminal items Bibliography and Annexure

23 Bibliography  Must Be Arranged In The Following Order:  Books  Magazines  Journals  Newspapers  Websites

24 APA Format for Bibliography  Alphabetical Order  Author's last name, first initial. (Publication date). Book title. Additional information. Publishing company, page number.  Oren Harari, 2002, The Leadership Secrets of Colin Powell, first edition, McGraw Hill, 138-200.

25 Report Design Size: 60 pages Hard bound Font Size:14(Heading)/12(body) 1.5 line spacing A4 size executive bond paper Font Size: Time/Arial Foot notes: end of each chapter References at end of each chapter

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