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Student organization training
Finance module 3: Expenditures Effective January, 2015
Learning objectives – 1 of 1
At the conclusion of this module you will: Understand how student organizations may expend their funds Understand how student organizations access their funds Understand the importance of NOT making commitments without prior financial approval Understand the importance of meeting minutes Understand the different expenditure types on a: Payment Voucher Purchase Card Authorization Form Food Service Request Form Effective January, 2015
What are expenditures? When student organizations want to spend money in either their fund raising or SGA allocated account, that is considered an expenditure. Expenditures can be made a number of ways, which will be explained in the following slides. The way the purchase is made depends on the item(s) and the cost. There are advantages and disadvantages with each method. Effective January, 2015
Responsibilities – 1 of 2 The student organization, working with the advisor and other members, is responsible for completing all forms in a timely basis. Forms must be signed off on by the President/Treasurer and Advisor. A completed signature card must be on file with the SOFA prior to expending funds. All expenditures must be approved by the organization membership which will be indicated in the meeting minutes. If using SGA funds, the expenditure must be in accordance with the approved budget. Effective January, 2015
responsibilities – 2 of 2 No student may make a financial commitment in the name of the student organization or the University including indicating to a vendor that they can “bill the University”… put simply, no commitments can be made without the proper forms, signatures, and approval. If a financial commitment is made without the proper steps, the student leader may be personally liable for the expense. Student organizations should always discuss purchases with the SOFA or the Center for Student Involvement Office. Effective January, 2015
Commodities & Forms – 1 of 2
Commodities are items needed for the successful functioning of an event or the organization. Examples are decorations for an event, giveaway items to promote the organization, office supplies, printing services, tickets to a show, cameras, furniture, sound systems, etc. Student Activities fiscal transactions occur strictly by the use of forms. Every transaction requires a specific form. It is important that all forms be completed online and filled out accurately and completely. Supporting documents, including minutes, must be attached when the form is submitted. Effective January, 2015
Commodities & forms – 2 of 2
Any form that is not correct, does not have minutes attached or not in compliance with State, University and SGA regulations will be returned to the student organization unprocessed. The form will need to be corrected and resubmitted. This will delay processing. Effective January, 2015
Payment voucher The following slides will explain how to complete each section of the Payment Voucher Form. Effective January, 2015
Payment voucher – (a) vendor/payee information
The Vendor/Payee Information is the information for the person/company or department the club is paying… See the example on the left. Iovino Brothers (Federal ID # on W9) Vendor Address Effective January, 2015
Payment voucher – (b) Organization
Program Activities Council X 303066 4/1/2014 The Organization information is that information that is unique to your club. See the example above… Keep in mind: - 816 (SGA Funds) can only be selected if what you are paying for was an item requested on your SGA Budget. - Each club has a unique Account # beginning with 303_ _ _ - Minutes must be attached, with the date they were taken listed on the “Meeting Date” line Effective January, 2015
Payment voucher – (d) expenditure details
T-Shirts for WestFest 555.00 555.00 The Expenditure Details list the prices of the items being purchased. See the example above… *Keep in mind, the details must match the attached receipts/bills. - If the form is filled out online the total will automatically populate itself. Effective January, 2015
Payment voucher – (e) Mailing instructions (f) required signatures
The Mailing Instructions refer to how the vendor/payee should be receiving payment. Most often, “Mail to Payee or Vendor” will be selected. However, some may want to pick up their checks in the office. “Other Instructions” often are followed by “transfer.” X The Required Signatures are ORIGINAL signatures of your Treasurer or President and Advisor, stamps and copies of signatures will NOT be accepted. The Verification and Student Activity Fee Fiscal Manager are the responsibility of the CSI Office for signing. Club CSI Office Effective January, 2015
The following slides will explain the various options under the (C) “Type of Expenditure” section of the Payment Voucher. As well, the following slides will explain which type of expenditure to select. Effective January, 2015
Types of expenditures – 1 of 2
The following slides will break down each type of expenditure. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Effective January, 2015
Types of expenditures – 2 of 2
Cash advances: Can be made to a student for up to $ All advances must be settled within 5 business days of receiving the advance. Original receipts and any unspent money must be returned at that time. Effective January, 2015
Types of expenditures – 2 of 3
2. Donations: Can be made by the organization to a non-profit organization. They must be accompanied by a formal written letter by the organization stating why they’re making the donation and how much is being donated. Effective January, 2015
Types of expenditures – 2 of 4
3. A Purchase Order: Is needed for purchases over $ Student organizations must complete a Payment Voucher and Purchase Requisition for these purchases. An estimate of a bill must be provided with these forms. A PO# will be provided to the company being purchased from. Once goods are received, a final invoice should be provided to the SOFA in order to release payment. Effective January, 2015
Types of expenditures – 2 of 5
4. Reimbursements: Can be made to individuals who have made purchases. Original receipts must be provided. Effective January, 2015
Types of expenditures – 2 of 6
5.Transfer to another Student Org. and 6. Transfer to a University Department: Can be made to co-sponsor events or pay for room reservation fees etc. Effective January, 2015
Types of expenditures – 2 of 7
7. Vendor Payment for Commodities: Can be done for expenses under $ for payment to a company, for items such as decorations or promotional supplies, appropriate bills must be attached. Effective January, 2015
W-9 Form Information – 1 of 1
-A Federal W-9 must be on file for all vendor/payees. If it is not, you must request the vendor/payee to complete the W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification and Certification form. This form is available in the CSI Office if needed. -No payments will be issued without a W-9 on file. Effective January, 2015
Purchase card Another way to Purchase Items is through the Purchase Card Authorization form. The Director of the Center for Student Involvement has a Purchasing Card which can be used for club expenses, usually online purchases. With enough advanced time, dates can be set to go shopping with the Purchasing Card. The Purchasing card does have a daily limit, therefore preparation in advance is important if you plan to use this method. Effective January, 2015
Purchase card authorization
There are small differences between the P-Card Authorization and the Payment Voucher… Purchase card authorization In the orange box: you will not have receipts, you will instead describe the items you want purchased. In the red box: you will indicate which account the items are being funded from, as well as the date you will need the items purchase by. This date should be a few days prior to the actual date you will use the items. Effective January, 2015
Food service – 1 of 2 The last type of expenditure form is the Food Service Request Form. The University staff works closely with student organizations in planning events to insure their success and realizes that food and beverage service may be an integral part of that success. In order to provide quality food and beverages, the University has contracted with Sodexo Dining Services which operates Colonial Catering. Students should meet with a member of the catering team as soon as possible to discuss menu options and event planning. Room reservations for the facility must be made prior to meeting with catering. Effective January, 2015
Food service – 2 of 2 Effective January, 2015
Through their contract, Sodexo Dining Services reserves the exclusive rights to all food and beverage services on the campus. There are a few exceptions (ex. if it is a member only meeting of less than 15 people.) This must be approved by Sodexo prior to the event. For outside Food Service approval, the following must be provided: Signed waiver by Sodexo A copy of the Health Department Permit for each food provider A copy of the Certificate of Insurance for each food provider Signed indemnification form from each food provider Menu to be served Effective January, 2015
Food service request forms
The Food Service Request form must be completed and submitted to the Center for Student Involvement at least two weeks prior to the event. Before submitting a Food Service Request form, the organization must meet with Food Services to organize their menu and make sure they are available to provide for the organization. The following slides will explain the completion of a Food Service Request Form. Like all forms, minutes are required. Effective January, 2015
Food service request form
There are small differences between the Food Service Request Form and the Payment Voucher… Food Service Request Form Procedures are located in the area of the orange box, to refresh your memory. The main difference from the Payment Voucher to the Food Service Request form is the area of the blue box… In this box you will indicate the specific dates of service, the name of the event, and the cost of service (provided by Sodexo.) Effective January, 2015
Module Review Student Organizations may expend their funds in a number of ways, mostly by use of payment voucher. In order to expend funds a Signature Card must be on file, and training must be completed. In order to expend funds; proper minutes, signatures, and guidelines must be followed. Food Service must go through Sodexo providers, with few exceptions. Food Service Requests must be handed in two weeks prior to the event. Effective January, 2015
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