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WHAT IS THAT IN YOUR HAND? We sometimes do not pay attention to some of the small things when we think of big things.

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT IS THAT IN YOUR HAND? We sometimes do not pay attention to some of the small things when we think of big things."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHAT IS THAT IN YOUR HAND? We sometimes do not pay attention to some of the small things when we think of big things.

2 What Is That In Your Hand, Moses? Moses, a meek humble man, who did not think much of himself, nor his ability to do what God has asked him to do. In his hand was a rod. Just a stick, a shepherds crook, a walking stick. This was the only thing that Moses carried into Egypt.

3 With That Stick: The power of God was shown to Pharoah. The plagues were brought upon Egypt. The waters were divided producing salvation for the Israelites. The waters were returned to their place destroying the Egyptian army. Water was brought forth from a rock. An army was defeated when held high.

4 What Is That In Your Hand, David? A young lad, shepherd boy, humble and meek. In His hand was a sling. A weapon of children. But when used properly, a very powerful weapon.

5 With That Sling: He protected his charge of sheep. He had confidence to approach a giant warrior. With that sling and his ability, it only took one shot. The power of God was shown.

6 What Is In Your Hand, Little Boy Without a name, this lad had five loaves and two fishes. Apparently he was willing to share, But there were so many.

7 With the loaves and fishes: Jesus multiplied them. Thousands were fed, and there were many leftovers. Believers were made that day. The power of God was seen.

8 What Is That In Your Hand, Dorcas A fine lady that had concern for others. In her hand was a needle. She was a craftsman with fabric. Her friends showed off her handiwork. She helped others.

9 With that needle: She used it for God’s glory. While we can see God’s glory in her needle, we can also see it in. The bag of seeds in the hand of a farmer, The medical skills in the hand of a doctor, A piece of furniture in the hand of a carpenter. Etc.

10 What Is That In Your Hand, Mom and Dad? Husband/Wife make up God’s family unit as God wants it. With this union, children are the result. How is this child going to grow? What will this child learn: About life? Death? Work? About God?

11 With this child: You have a grave responsibility. More than just teaching them to fit into society in an acceptable behavior. To teach them about God and His laws, and the accountability to such laws. To teach them love and respect for all and hatred for none. Truly, the power of God can be seen in a child. Remember Jesus and the child?

12 What Is That In Your Hand, Christian? The most beloved of God. Those who have put their trust in God and obeyed His commands. In their hand are many things. While we may consider them small, God can consider them great. Let us notice a few things in our hand.

13 In the hand of a Christian: There should be a Bible, and a willingness to allow it to teach us. There should be a Bible, and a willingness to teach others. There should be a Bible, and a willingness to share it with the lost.

14 In The Hand Of The Christian: There is the opportunity to lead someone to Christ. There is the responsibility to lead someone to Christ. There is the privilege of leading someone to Christ. We do this by setting a good example. Living what we believe.

15 What Is That In Your Hand, Non-Christian? Those outside of Christ. Those who have not obeyed the gospel. Those who have not been baptized for the remission of their sins. In your hand, you now have the truth. What will you do with it?

16 With The Truth Of The Gospel: Will you consider with your mind, the great power of God of the gospel? Will you dedicate yourself to the God of the Bible, and His Son? Will you be saved?

17 Conclusion All of these are small things in one respect; But properly used become great things for God. What we have may seem insignificant to us, but to others the power of God may be seen. We don’t have much, but let us use what we have to God’s glory.

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