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Cease to bring or come to an end; stop.. sulk showing that one is unhappy, dissatisfied, or angry by keeping to oneself.

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Presentation on theme: "Cease to bring or come to an end; stop.. sulk showing that one is unhappy, dissatisfied, or angry by keeping to oneself."— Presentation transcript:

1 cease to bring or come to an end; stop.

2 sulk showing that one is unhappy, dissatisfied, or angry by keeping to oneself.

3 curator person in charge of all or part of a museum, library, art gallery, zoo, etc.

4 spar to make motions of attack and defense with the arms and fist; box.

5 droll odd and amusing; quaint and laughable.

6 stupor a dazed condition.

7 prostrate lying flat with face down.

8 indulgenc e to give in to something that one wants to do; let oneself have some pleasure.

9 unforesee n not known beforehand; unexpected.

10 novelty something that is new, fresh, or unusual; change.

11 vigorous living or growing with full strength; active.

12 sensation something that stirs up great excitement.

13 shrill having or making a sharp, high sound.

14 unique being the only one; having nothing like it; unusual.

15 discipline training that teaches one to obey rules and control one’s behavior.

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