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Three dimensions of academic work Scholarship EducationResearch.

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1 Three dimensions of academic work Scholarship EducationResearch

2 Education Research Scholarship Subject skill Pedagogical skill Strategic skill Subject skill Independence Strategic skill Subject skill Leadership skill Strategic skill Overlapping skills

3 Basic Intermediary Avanced Skill progression Assistant professor Associate professor Professor

4 Assistant professorAssociate professorProfessor Research Qualification encouragement Docent qualification Deepening to attain independence External cooperation Development of research programs International academic work Education Systematic build up of skill portfolio Quality assurance of education Development of education International networking Scholarship Supervision at different levels Independent supervision Management experience Strategic work at School and university level International leadership Main ingredients of career planning

5 Generic Work Tasks for Professors Education Perform education at all levels; Act as main supervisor for PhD students and formally perform examination; Develop new knowledge and participate in external communication and knowledge exchange. Research Actively participate in leadership and development of research within research group and School; Actively conduct and manage research both in research group and across research networks; Actively apply for, acquire and conduct externally financed researchl; Pay service to research society and act as referee, expert, opponent and plenary speaker. Scholarship Provide young academic staff with support, mentoring and feedback concerning education, research, research financing and research communication; Participate in leadership work at School and university level, lead development processes and act in internal and external faculty work; Develop cooperation across subject areas within university and with outside.

6 Generic Work Tasks for Associate Professors Education Actively participate in performing and developing education at all levels including research education; Will normally be assistant and/or main supervisor for doctoral students. Research Be conducting and leading research normally within a research group; Will apply for externally funded research projects. Scholarship Provide young academic staff with support and feedback concerning education and research; Actilely participate in change processes including School-internal and university-wide faculty work; Participate in knowledge exchange with external actors. Generic Work Tasks for Assistant Professors Education Actively participate in education at basic, advanced and research education levels; Act as assistant supervisor to doctoral students. Research Be actively pursuing research normally within a research group;Ska arbeta aktivt med forskning, normalt sett inom en forskargrupp; Apply for, receive and manage externally financed research projects. Scholarship Particpate in development projects at research group, School and university level.

7 Scientific development – a seminar series for assistant professors The seminars are built up around presentations by experienced KTH research leaders about the research funding systems and personal experience in working with scientific development at various levels. The presentations are spiced with examples. Folke Snicars, ABE, is responsible for the seminar series. Lise-Lotte Berg, UA, runs the administration. Part 1 To apply for funding Responsible: Leif Eklund, Research Office 14 AprilSeminar 1:1 How do you build scientific networks as prerequisites for long-term sustainable research management? Björn Birgisson, Vice President for Research, KTH What national and international research funding sources are there? This knowledge is necessary to sort out important concepts for an enhanced planning of research priorities. Leif Eklund, Research Office, together with associates 17 MaySeminar 1: 2 How do you write research applications? How do you design efficient plans for performing research projects? We develop further the topic of designing, writing and stream-lining appealing research applications by further penetrating fundamental topics. Research Office Staff, together with possible guest

8 6 AprilSeminar 2:1 Hur bedöms den sökande i samband med anställning och befordran när det gäller vetenskapligskicklighet och forskning? Vi går igenom relevanta bedömningsgrunder och ger exempel på bedömningar James Drake, fusion plasmafysik, EES 25 MaySeminarium 2:2 Bibliometriska metoder - hur är de uppbyggda? Peer review metoder – hur fungerar de? Exempel på impactbedömningar Ulf Sandström, teknik- och vetenskapsstudier, ITM Part 2 To assess research Responsible: James Drake, ITM 14 SeptemberSeminar 3.1 How is project management performed? How is communication managed in research? How do you organise work internally in a research group and externally towards financers, steering groups, and the unexpected? What characterizes a good research leader? Örjan Wikforss and Tina Karrbom Gustavsson, project communikation, ABE 28 SeptemberSeminar 3:2 Example of project management in national project. Example of project management in international project. Örjan Wikforss and Tina Karrbom Gustavsson, together with invited guests Part 3 To lead research Responsible: Örjan Wikforss, ABE

9 6 OctoberSeminar 4.1 How are results from basic research utilized? How are results of applied research utilized? How are project results valorized through industrial cooperation? Hans Lind, real estate economics, ABE 25 OctoberSeminar 4:2 How is research cooperation performed between university and industry? How are research results and research projects assessed? Examples of projects and programs involving industrial cooperation are given. Bengt Lindberg, industrial production, ITM Del 4 Valorization of research Responsible: Ulrika Ljungman, Industry Liasion, KTH

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