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по теме “Let’s make Fun Park” учителя английского языка

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1 по теме “Let’s make Fun Park” учителя английского языка
Презентация урока английского языка в 3-м классе по теме “Let’s make Fun Park” учителя английского языка ГОУ СОШ №967 СВАО г. Москвы Тарасевич Т.М.

2 “Let’s make Fun Park”

3 Tongue Twisters. I thought, I thought of thinking of thanking you. Billy Button bought a buttered biscuit, Did Billy Button buy a buttered biscuit?   If Billy Button bought a buttered biscuit, Where's the buttered biscuit Billy Button bought ? Whenever the weather is cold Whenever the weather is hot We'll whether the weather, whatever the weather, whether we like it or not.

4 Послушай текст и отметь в таблице, что любят делать в свободное время Сэм, Джон, Кейт и Сьюзан.
go to the cinema go to the Zoo watch animals watch video Sam Kate John Susan

5 carousel [kærə'sel]

6 roller coaster ['rəulə kəustə]

7 bump boats

8 waterslide

9 railway road

10 big wheel [wiːl]

11 parade [pə'reɪd]

12 Disneyland [-znɪ-]

13 Mini Europe ['juərəp]

14 Aqua park (Water Park)

15 Skate park

16 Tick the activities you can do in these parks in your tables.
Disneyland Mini Europe Skate park Aqua park swim roller-skate see small houses ride a carousel slide down a waterslide skateboard use railway road see all countries together ride a bike go up and down on a rollercoaster watch а parade


18 Welcome to Magic Land! Train Carousel Boats Big Wheel Rollercoaster
Cinema Entrance Dolls Food and souvenirs

19 Use these words and expressions:
Let’s make … (an Adventure park, a Zoo park, Skate park…) I will make houses and playgrounds. I’d like to open a Fun Cinema (a Mini-Zoo, an Animal Theatre, a Music Hall, a Green House, a Fun Gym, a Magic Kitchen…) I like to watch films. We’ll watch films in the Fun Cinema. I like nature. Let’s have… My hobby is music. We’ll dance and sing there. My hobby is sport. People will do sports in the park. I’ll bring paper, pencils, paints, pictures, photos… I’ll draw… I’ll write…

20 Hometask. Good luck! Next time you’ll make projects “My Fun Park”.
Bring pictures, photos, coloured pencils, felt pens and papers for your projects. Discuss with your partners, what Fun Park you will make. Good luck!

21 Литература: С.Г. Тер-Минасова, Л.М.Узунова, Е.И. Сухинина «Английский язык», УМК для 3 класса общеобразовательных учреждений, «Издательство Астрель», 2006 год . Кадры из игры “Roller Coaster Tycoon 3”. Фрагменты из видеороликов сайта

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