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Beyond “Favorites” – social bookmarking web 2.0, tagging, & Ms. Sellors, library media specialist MLWGS, September 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Beyond “Favorites” – social bookmarking web 2.0, tagging, & Ms. Sellors, library media specialist MLWGS, September 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beyond “Favorites” – social bookmarking web 2.0, tagging, & Ms. Sellors, library media specialist MLWGS, September 2007

2 Photo by kozyndan (Flickr) kozyndan

3 Tutorial Outline Web 2.0 Creative Commons Tagging Social bookmarking Photo by kozyndan (Flickr) kozyndan

4 What’s with the 2.0? Web 2.0 Collaborative culture Sharing content User-centered (vs. creator-centered) Web-based software (vs. computer-based software) More than new technologies – a change in attitude – more open, trusting, interactive, engaging From “go get it” to “bring it to me”

5 Was there a Web 1.0? Web 1.0Web 2.0 Personal web sitesBlogs OutlookGoogle/Yahoo! Calendars World Book OnlineWikipedia Email attachmentsGoogle Docs/Zoho Writer My Bookmarks, Picasa, OfotoPicasa Web, Flickr Static contentRSS feeds (syndication) News web sitesFeed readers Project GutenbergLibrivox


7 Tagging Photo by Cambodia4Kids (Flickr)Cambodia4Kids

8 Where will you find tags?

9 How do web sites use tags? From

10 Is like “Favorites” in IE? a free, web-based bookmark manager Start by importing existing bookmarks from IE or FF Special bookmark button integrated in browser del.icio.usBrowser-based Favorites Use any computerUse own computer Multiple tags for one sourceOne folder per bookmark Share sources easilyEmail favorites Create networksFind sources manually Annotate

11 simple It’s deliciously simple!

12 Only required information - User name - Password Helpful to include email too

13 No need to start from scratch! Import existing bookmarks to start your account (default set to “private”)

14 PRIVATE view - 1526

15 PUBLIC view - 335

16 Share link to one or all tags

17 Discover sites by searching tags

18 Find out what friends are tagging

19 Tagging as you surf the ‘net Look for a button on blogs and web sites

20 Or click the TAG button in your Firefox or IE browser

21 Add notes and tags then click SAVE

22 Cool, but how can I use it? Photo by Questa Durron (Flickr)Questa Durron

23 in your i-life Create working bibliographies for projects by ensuring they share a common tag. Build lists of resources with fellow students/ teachers(decide on common tags first). Create a network with friends or fellow club members with whom you share an interest. Subscribe to tags of favorite topics. Add to your Facebook profile Add a linkroll or tag cloud to your personal blog or one you’ve made for a club.

24 Planning & managing Decide whether you’ll create one account or two – a personal one and one for school. Spend a few minutes planning how you’ll tag so that your tags are consistent (remember – no spaces within tags!) Plural vs singular Teacher’s names / course names Clean up your tags periodically using the delete and rename tag functions

25 What questions do you have?

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