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A partnership of the Healthcare Association of New York State and the Greater New York Hospital Association Success Depends on Engaged Hospitals Making.

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Presentation on theme: "A partnership of the Healthcare Association of New York State and the Greater New York Hospital Association Success Depends on Engaged Hospitals Making."— Presentation transcript:

1 A partnership of the Healthcare Association of New York State and the Greater New York Hospital Association Success Depends on Engaged Hospitals Making a Difference in Patient Care

2 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS 2 o Strong, Public Leadership Commitments o The Boards of all “Partnership” hospitals publicly embrace the aims of the initiative and remove barriers to progress. o “Raise the Floor” o Every hospital adopts and completely implements a set of evidence- based interventions. o “Raise the Bar” o Vanguard hospitals seek to define and eliminate all-cause harm and preventable readmissions on an extremely ambitious timeframe. o Smooth Transitions Between Care Settings o Hospitals, communities, patients, and families will devote new attention to making sure that transitions out of the hospital are well coordinated. National Vision

3 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS 3 o Eliminate Preventable Inpatient Harm o Reduce hospital-acquired conditions by 40% o 1.8 million fewer injuries o 60,000 lives saved o Improve Care Transitions o Reduce preventable readmissions by 20% o Lower Costs o Save $35 billion nationally Better Health, Better Care, Lower Costs by December 2013

4 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS 4 o Nationwide initiative aimed at breakthrough improvements in quality and cost o Most comprehensive quality improvement initiative in American history o Nearly all of New York hospitals are participating o Goal is to prevent patients from experiencing harm while in the hospital and increase successful transition for patients to their home or to other care settings Why Hospitals Need to Get Involved in the Partnership for Patients

5 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS NYS Partnership for Patients (NYSPFP) Joint Partnership of HANYS and GNYHA designed to: o Leverage experience implementing quality improvement programs o Effect comprehensive, rapid, sustainable change across the state o Hands-on approach to better health, better care, and lower costs 5

6 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS o Clinical Focus Areas o Catheter-associated urinary tract infections o Central line-associated blood stream infections o Surgical site infections o Ventilator-associated pneumonia o Obstetrical adverse events o Adverse drug events o Pressure ulcers o Injuries from falls o Venous thromboembolism o Preventable Readmissions o Culture and Leadership NYSPFP Clinical Domains 6

7 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS o Approaches built from current clinical evidence-base o Organizational assessment tools regarding culture and readiness for change o Content and implementation support o Tool kits and education o Data and analytics o TeamSTEPPS training in communications o Access to training from national experts and opportunities to share and learn best practices What Does NYSPFP Provide to Hospitals? 7

8 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS 8 o Individualized support o Assign regional project managers and data/analytic resources o Web-based content continually updated o Access information and tools best aligned with each organization’s needs What Does NYSPFP Provide? (Cont’d)

9 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS NYS Hospital Quality Initiative DOH Medical Home DOH Quality Priorities and MRT policy (e.g. OB, infections) Alignment with NYSDOH Quality Agenda Medicare Penalties for HACs/Readmits Value-based Purchasing CMS Quality Measures Federal Implications NYSPFP: Alignment-Integration 9

10 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS 10 o More than 170 NYS hospitals are participating in NYSPFP. Engaging Hospitals in NYS

11 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS 11 o The eleven focus areas are organized into five domains: o Culture and Leadership o Nursing-Centered Initiatives o Infection Prevention Initiatives o Obstetric Safety o Preventable Readmissions o The purpose of the domains is to group implementation of the evidence-based bundles and care practices in a manner that recognizes: o How patient care is provided to patients, and o Encourages development of a fully integrated organizational approach for quality improvement New York State Partnership for Patients

12 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS 12 Engage leaders Provide new information and assessments Stimulate broader adoption of executive safety practices Help leaders enhance organizational safety culture Provide opportunities to listen and hear the “patient’s voice” o Building Culture & Leadership o A multi-pronged strategy that is designed to: NYSPFP: Inspiring Change through Culture & Leadership

13 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS 13 o Pride and Mission o Providing high-quality patient care is the most important mission of our hospital and our staff. o Our reputation in the community rests on the quality of our patient care. o Staff supports a hospital that enables them to provide the best possible care for their patients. o High-quality care attracts and retains the best staff. o Build a new foundation for value-based purchasing, pay- for-performance, and other health care delivery and financing reforms. Why NYSPFP Needs to Succeed in my Hospital

14 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS 14 o Your active engagement in the Partnership for Patients sends a strong and clear message that safety and quality is of the utmost importance. o The Partnership will help us to improve the care process to incorporate quality controls, measurements, and communications methods that have demonstrated success. o The Partnership provides a platform to share our successes and learn from others. How Your Participation in the Partnership for Patients Will Make Our Hospital Better?

15 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS 15 o Our hospital’s future depends on achieving the highest national standards for patient care. CEO Leadership Will Make the Partnership for Patients a Success

16 A partnership of the Healthcare Association of New York State and the Greater New York Hospital Association 16 Supplemental Information for a Physician Audience Appendix

17 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS 17 o Provide patient care across conditions, providers, settings, and time to achieve care that is safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient- focused. o Necessary at all levels: o Organizational o CMO/MEC/CSO o Clinical Design and Execution o Departmental & Unit Initiatives o Clinical Integration o Care delivery process alignment Physician Leadership

18 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS 18 o Your impact on caregivers & processes o Culture of patient-centeredness and patient safety o Communication o Patients o Health system o The “how,” “when,” and “where” of care delivery o Multidisciplinary teams o Communication and hand-offs o Care delivery process alignment Why Physician Leadership is Necessary

19 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS 19 o Finding true satisfaction in work and relationships o Respect, Recognition, Appreciation o Realization of what it was that brought you to health care as a career o Achievement of Triple Aim in all you do o Financial success as reimbursement systems shift focus to systems of care and value o Fluency in process improvement and outcomes Physician Leadership: What’s in it for me?

20 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS 20 Your thoughts: o What are you currently doing to support a culture of safety in our hospital? o What are you currently doing to support reductions in hospital-acquired conditions and readmissions? o How might physicians more actively lead in helping our hospital achieve these important goals? o What can our hospital do to better support your efforts to provide the best patient care? NYSPFP: Physician Leadership

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