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C OMPARATIVE E FFECTIVENESS R ESEARCH C OMPONENT Bradley C. Martin, PharmD, PhD And J. Mick Tilford, PhD Co-Directors.

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Presentation on theme: "C OMPARATIVE E FFECTIVENESS R ESEARCH C OMPONENT Bradley C. Martin, PharmD, PhD And J. Mick Tilford, PhD Co-Directors."— Presentation transcript:

1 C OMPARATIVE E FFECTIVENESS R ESEARCH C OMPONENT Bradley C. Martin, PharmD, PhD And J. Mick Tilford, PhD Co-Directors

2 I came to think of comparative effectiveness research as a revolution in how we think about doing research. Joe Selby Executive Director of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute


4 CER Component Goals The overarching goal of the Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) Component is to increase investments in comparative effectiveness research studies and economic evaluations, which will generate and translate evidence on effective and cost-effective interventions into sustained practice. The CER Component links data, people, and technology with advanced research designs to focus on the needs of patients, providers, and other stakeholders consistent with new national priorities.

5 Objective 1: Develop and maintain data and infrastructure resources to support an array of translational research activities including CER, economic evaluations, and patient-centered outcomes research i.Pharmetrics LifeLink data (6.1 million lives) ii.Data Warehouse iii.Other data resources TRI-CER Vision and Objectives

6 Objective 2: Engage providers and other researchers in the implementation and evaluation of interventions and technologies that improve patient and clinician decision-making i.Tablet project to capture patient-reported outcome data in real time i.Clinicians can access data in real time ii.Stored in electronic medical record for comparative effectiveness research ii.Smart phone applications i.Evaluation for patient adherence ii.Data recording tool TRI-CER Vision and Objectives

7 Objective 3: Stimulate interdisciplinary research in patient-centered outcomes research and CER I.Provide Funding Opportunities II.Organize Webinars and Other Educational Opportunities III.Consult with Researchers and Partner Organizations TRI-CER Vision and Objectives

8 Symposium Goals: Interaction Leading to Action Translational Research Institute at UAMS provides unique opportunities for developing collaborative comparative effectiveness research programs Find opportunities on campus or across institutions Want to hear from you! Infrastructure needs Ways to link people and resources Develop a vision for CER component


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