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Module title Olivera Ciraj-Bjelac, Milojko Kovacevic, Danijela Arandjic, Djordje Lazarevic Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Radiation and Environmental Protection Department Laboratory for Radiation Measurements Belgrade, Serbia Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences DOSIMETRY FOR MEDICAL APPLICATION OF IONIZING RADIATIONS: Calibration requirements and clinical applications IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
Content Global trends in medical exposures
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Global trends in medical exposures Dosimetric quantities and units Dosimetry in diagnostic radiology Metrology and calibration requirements Clinical application
Medical exposure to ionizing radiation
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Medical exposure contributes 99% of man-made radiation exposure to humans The concept of risk is used to quantify possible detrimental effects Total dose from man-made sources of radiation> mSv Medical: 0.6 mSv (> 99.97%) Source: United Nations Scientific Committee for Effect of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR), 2010
Medical exposure to ionizing radiation
Dose? The role of dosimetry is to determine the amount of radiation received by a person from the radiological examination
Dosimetry in diagnostic radiology
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Patient dose assessment Establishment of Diagnostic Reference Levels (DRL), optimisation of protection Assessment of x-ray equipment performance Standards of good practice Assessment of radiation detriment
Global trend Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences 3,6 billion radiological examinations in the period Increase of 50% compared to previous decade Significant increase of CT practice: Examination frequency Dose per examination Interventional procedures
Dose to patient Depends on the examination type
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Depends on the examination type Variations for the same type of procedure 2 mSv 100CxR 5-20 mSv CxR mSv 50 chest radiographies= annual natural background radiation dose
Problems Effects Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Dose for the same examination type varies up to 2 orders of magnitude Increased utilization of high-dose procedures CT Interventional procedures Increase of probability for stochastic effects, in particular in the case of the repeated examinations Possible radiation injuries in high-dose procedures
Was this possible 10 years ago?
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Was this possible 10 years ago? More than 400 cases in the last few years have been reported….
Radiation injuries ICRP 85
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences ICRP 85
Basic metrology elements
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences International Measurements System (IMS) Framework for dosimetry in diagnostic radiology Consistency in radiation dosimetry
International Measurements System (IMS)
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) National Primary Standard Dosimetry Laboratories (PSDL) Secondary Standards Dosimetry Laboratories (SSDL) Users performing measurements
Traceability chain Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory
Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences
Metrology and traceability
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Dosimeters used to determine doses received by individuals Measurements need to be traceable though an unbroken chain of comparisons to national and international standards Traceability is needed to ensure accuracy and reliability Legal and economic implications
Role of the SSDL The prime function: to provide a service in metrology
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences The prime function: to provide a service in metrology Designated by the competent national authorities SSDL-Secondary standards, calibrated against the primary standards of laboratories participating in the IMS Designated by the competent national authorities to undertake the duties of a calibrating laboratory within that country
Journal of the ICRU Vol 5 No 2 (2005) Report 74
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Journal of the ICRU Vol 5 No 2 (2005) Report 74
Dosimetric quantities in units in diagnostic radiology
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Basic dosimetric quantity: Air kerma Easy to measure Calibration: Dosimeters calibrated in terms of air kerma Clinical application: Quantities derived from air kerma for different imaging modalities
Dosimetric quantities
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Basic dosimetric quantities Application specific dosimetric quantities Quantities for risk assessment Conversion coefficient for tissue and organ dose assessment
Basic dosimetric quantities
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Energy fluence Unit:J/m2 Kerma Unit:J/kg, Gy Absorbed dose The ICRU report on patient dosimetry in diagnostic radiology divides dosimetric quantities into basic and application specific quantities. Besides fundamental quantities (fluence, energy fluence, kerma, absorbed dose and energy imparted), specific i.e. practical dosimetric quantities used in DR are…
Basic dosimetric quantities
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Charged-particle equilibrium Absence of bremsstrahlung losses The ICRU report on patient dosimetry in diagnostic radiology divides dosimetric quantities into basic and application specific quantities. Besides fundamental quantities (fluence, energy fluence, kerma, absorbed dose and energy imparted), specific i.e. practical dosimetric quantities used in DR are…
Application specific dosimetric quantities
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Quantity Symbol Unit Equation Incident air kerma Ki Gy Entrance -surface air kerma Ke Air-kerma area product PKA Gym2 Air-kerma length product PKL Gym X-ray tube output Y(d) Gy/As Basic dosimetry instrument in DR is ionizing chamber which is used as a standard for air kerma. This is an precise instrument with suitable energy dependence and few other complicating parameters. The design and performance of an ionizing chamber should match the need for clinical measurement, so in most cases cylindrical and PP chambers are used. Other devices with special properties, TLDs and semiconductor detectors are also used, but they have to be calibrated against ionizing chambers which is a standard of air kerma. Other QC tools used in DR (non-invasive kVp measuring devices, timers..) also have to be calibrated having a valid calibration certificate.
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory
Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences
Application specific dosimetric quantities: computed tomography
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences
Application specific dosimetric quantities: computed tomography
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Quantity Symbol Unit Equation CT air-kerma index (free in air) Ca,100 Gy CT air-kerma index (in standard phantom) CPMMA, 100 Weighted CT air kerma index Cw Normalized weighted CT air kerma index nCw Gy/As Air-kerma length product PKL Gym
Quantities describing risk
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Organ and tissue dose Equivalent dose Effective dose Dose-conversion coefficients for assessment of organ and tissue doses
The Use of Effective Dose (E)
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences E is a risk-related quantity and should only be used in the low-dose range Primary use: to demonstrate compliance with dose limits in regulation, for prospective planning of radioprotection Not for: detailed retrospective dose and risk assessments after exposure of individuals epidemiological studies, neither in accidents. In the last cases: organ doses are needed ! continuing use of effective dose as a radiological protection quantity for prospectively estimating risks in the population and to demonstrate compliance with dose limits. The use of effective dose allows exposures in very different situations (e.g., internal and external exposure by different types of radiation) to be combined in a single value. As a consequence, the primary exposure limits can be expressed in terms of a single quantity. This facilitates the system of dose limitation and record-keeping. Effective dose is used to limit the occurrence of stochastic effects (cancer and heritable effects) and is not applicable to the assessment of the possibility of tissue reactions. Effective dose provides a convenient quantity for the assessment of overall radiation exposure, taking account of all exposure pathways, internal and external, for dose record keeping and regulatory purposes. Used in this way effective dose is a valuable quantity for practical radiological protection purposes although it is not individual-specific but applies to a Reference Person. In retrospective situations the assessment of effective dose gives an insight into the quality of radiological protection and gives information on whether the dose limits could have been exceeded. (B 232) However, there are situations in which the use of effective dose is not appropriate, and individual organ and tissue absorbed doses should be used instead. These include epidemiological studies, assessment of the probability of causation of cancer, assessments of the possibility of tissue reactions, or assessments of doses when treatment or medical surveillance are needed. (B 64) In order to provide a practicable approach for the assessment of effective dose, coefficients relating it to physical quantities, e.g., particle fluence or air kerma for external exposure or activity intake for internal exposure, are calculated for standard conditions (e.g., mono-energetic radiations, standard irradiation geometries, selected chemical compounds labelled with radionuclides, models for the transfer of radionuclides in the body) in anthropomorphic phantoms with clearly defined geometries. ICRP 103, ICRP 105
Effective Dose in Medical Exposure
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences The relevant quantity for planning the exposure of patients and risk-benefit assessments is the equivalent dose or the absorbed dose to irradiated tissues. The assessment and interpretation of E is very problematic when organs and tissues receive only partial exposure or a very heterogeneous exposure (x-ray diagnostics) E can be of value for comparing doses from different diagnostic procedures similar procedures in different hospitals and countries different technologies for the same medical examination. However, for planning the exposure of patients and risk-benefit assessments, the equivalent dose or the absorbed dose to irradiated tissues is the relevant quantity. ICRP 103, ICRP 105
Dosimeters in diagnostic radiology
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Tube voltage keV, various A/F combinations, various modalities Ionization chambers Accurate Good energy dependence Design for different application (cylindrical, parallel-plate, different volumes..) Semiconductor dosimeters Compact Energy dependant Others TLD OSL Film (radiochromic) Scintillation (kVp meters) Basic dosimetry instrument in DR is ionizing chamber which is used as a standard for air kerma. This is an precise instrument with suitable energy dependence and few other complicating parameters. The design and performance of an ionizing chamber should match the need for clinical measurement, so in most cases cylindrical and PP chambers are used. Other devices with special properties, TLDs and semiconductor detectors are also used, but they have to be calibrated against ionizing chambers which is a standard of air kerma. Other QC tools used in DR (non-invasive kVp measuring devices, timers..) also have to be calibrated having a valid calibration certificate. PSDL/SSDL user
Dosimetry standards in diagnostic radiology
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences IEC 61674: Dosimeters with ionization chambers and/or semi-conductor detectors as used in X-ray diagnostic imaging Diagnostic dosimeter: detector and measuring assembly IEC 60580: Dose area product meters
Requirements for dosemeters
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences User IEC 61674 Ionization chambers Semiconductor detectors SSDL Ionization chamber of reference class
Calibrations in diagnostic radiology
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Air kerma: Radiography and mammography Kerma-length product Dosimeters in CT Kerma-area product Radiography and fluoroscopy PPV: kVp meters Frequency: according to national regulations Due to variety of imaging techniques used in DR, dose descriptors vary from one technique to another. These dose descriptors require calibration of instruments in terms of basic physical quantities. The one of the main tasks of SSDL is to disseminate units of the basic physical quantities through appropriate instrument calibration. All measuring equipment used for calibration at SSDL shall be of reference class and available in duplicate. Thos is valid for ionization chambers and other equipment (electrometers, barometers, thermometers), as well. To ensure traceability, instruments have to be periodically calibrated, and stability checks have to be performed. Also, SSDL shall be accommodated in the room with controlled environmental conditions, with stabilized T, P and air humidity. 31
Calibration in diagnostic radiology
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences SSDL with relevant measurement capabilities General requirements: beam qualities, tube voltage and filtration measurements Dosimeter of reference class (with electrometer) Calibrated Quality control Traceability for all beam qualities Auxiliary equipment: electrometers, thermometers, barometers… Environmental conditions Due to variety of imaging techniques used in DR, dose descriptors vary from one technique to another. These dose descriptors require calibration of instruments in terms of basic physical quantities. The one of the main tasks of SSDL is to disseminate units of the basic physical quantities through appropriate instrument calibration. All measuring equipment used for calibration at SSDL shall be of reference class and available in duplicate. Thos is valid for ionization chambers and other equipment (electrometers, barometers, thermometers), as well. To ensure traceability, instruments have to be periodically calibrated, and stability checks have to be performed. Also, SSDL shall be accommodated in the room with controlled environmental conditions, with stabilized T, P and air humidity.
Equipment Dosimetry Radiation source Ionization chambers
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Dosimetry Radiation source Ionization chambers Position system HV supply for monitor and reference class ionization chamber Electrometer X-ray generator, kVp, kVp Ripple less than 10% for radiography and less than 4% for mammography Beam qualities according IEC 61267 “Shutter” mechanism Filters and attenuators Tube voltage meter (ppv, ±1.5%)
Reference class dosemeter
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Application Type of chamber Range tube voltage (kV) Intrinsic uncertainty (k=2) Maximum variation of response (%) Range of air kerma rate Unatte- nuated beam Attenuated General radiography cylindrical or plane parallel 60-150 3.2 ±2.6 1 mGy/s- 500 mGy/s 10 μGy/s- 5 mGy/s Fluoroscopy 50-100 0.1 μGy/s- 100 μGy/s Mammogra- phy 22-40 10 mGy/s CT cylindrical 0.1 mGy/s- 50 mGy/s Dental 50-90 1 μGy/s-
Specification of the x-ray beam
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Spectrum X-ray beam quality: First half-value layer (HVL1) Second half-value layer (HVL2) Homogeneity coefficient: Tube voltage Total filtration
Radiation beam qualities (IEC 61267)
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Radiation quality Radiation origin Phantom material Application RQR Unfiltered beam emerging from x-ray assembly No phantom General radiography, fluoroscopy, dental radiology RQA Radiation beam from an added filter Aluminium Measurements behind the patient (on the image intensifier) RQT Copper CT applications (free in air) RQR-M Mammography (free in air) RQA-M Measurements behind the patient Radiation qualities for calibration shall be established in accordance with recommendation given IEC Radiation qualities are described in terms of tube voltage, first and second HVL, i.e. homogeneity coefficient. For conventional diagnostic range reference quality is RQR5 and at least two additional qualities in the range kVp shall be established. Interpolation can be done for intermediate points. The radiation qualities of the RQA series represent simulation of the radiation field behind a patient while RQT series simulate the untenanted beam used in CT, RQT is applied when CT chamber calibration is to be performed. For mammography dosemeters calibration a molybdenum anode tube with molybdenum filtration and x-ray unit capable to produce radiation qualities denoted as RQR-M. Although it has been shown that good mammography dosimeters (reference class chambers) can be calibrated with almost any of the beams studied in a mammography range, SSDL shall establish at least three radiation qualities from 20 kV to 35 kV.
Typical calibration set up
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences X-ray tube window Focal spot Shutter Apertures Additional filtration Monitor chamber Test point The general principle for calibration of dosemeters used in diagnostic radiology is similar to those used in RT calibrations. SSDL shall provide calibration coefficient in terms of air kerma. A schematic view of calibration set up is given in Figure on the slide. A chamber positioning device is required in order to minimize positioning errors and keeps them in accordance with laboratory’s uncertainty goals. The test point should be selected so that scattered radiation shall not introduce an uncertainty inconsistent with laboratory’s goals. The shutter situated between the x-ray tube and the monitor chamber must be ticked enough to reduce the transmitted air kerma to 0.1% for the radiation quality with the highest mean energy to be used. The aperture should be placed after and close to added filtration to limit the beam area to required size. The beam shall be large enough to ensure that both standard chamber and instrument to be calibrated are irradiated completely. A monitor chamber shall be positioned in the beam after and close to the field-limiting aperture. The monitor chamber should be an unsealed transmission ionization chamber with an associated measuring assembly. For suppression of low energy part of spectrum aluminum and/or copper filters are used in position between the shutter and aperture. They should have a certified purity at least 99.9 % and their thickness should be known to within uncertainty of 10 μm. The absorbers for measuring HVL should have at least the same purity.
Calibration procedures
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Procedures before calibration (acclimatization, positioning, stabilization…) Calibration procedures (methods, number of measurements, interval between measurements…corrections… Procedures following calibration (uncertainty budget, certificate…)
Dosimetry formalism Air kerma:
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Air kerma: Reference conditions: set of influencing quantities Influencing condition: quantities that are not subject of mesusremst but have an impact on the result Air density correction: Beam quality correction:
Calibrations of dosemeters for CT
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Traditionally, irradiation of the whole volume Contras: Information on chamber response only Size on active volume only assumed Far from real situation
Calibration for CT: air kerma length product
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Cylindrical chamber, 100 mm Non-uniform irradiation Uniform response RQT 9 (120 kVp, HVL: 8.5 mm Al) Focal spot Monitor chamber Aperture Ionization chamber w da dr CT chamber has been designed for non-uniform exposure from a single scan. Primary beam is not more than 10 % of the full length of the chamber. However, the sensitive volume of the pencil chamber extends over a much larger axial length. The calibration is performed in air in a uniform x-ray field with known air kerma rate by irradiation of a well defined fraction of the useful volume of the chamber. The calibrated quantity is the air kerma length. The calibration arrangement is shown in Figures on the slide. Beam quality RQT9 should be used. A rectangular lead aperture should be positioned at 5 cm in front of CT chamber. The calibration coefficient is determined by formula shown on the slide, based on conventional true value, reading of user chamber and geometrical relationships. 41
Calibration for fluoroscopy: air kerma area product
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences In laboratory (SSDL) Field calibration Film 10 cm Ref. chamber KAP meter indicates is the integral of the air kerma over the area of the X-ray beam. The calibration of such a device needs to include the ionization response and the correct beam area. The calibration can be performed in laboratory or in situ ,i.e. field calibration. Laboratory calibration by mapping X-ray field to account for field heterogeneity also includes extra focal radiation, providing a calibration factor independent on geometry. The reported overall uncertainty of laboratory calibration method is ± 3% . However, such calibration is time consuming and inappropriate for field application. In practice, simplified calibration is employed, based on measurements of beam area and air kerma in reference point. This method results with calibration factor deviating by up to 20 % from calibration factor obtained in laboratory. Field calibration is performed in the geometry used clinically. Air kerma area product is determined as the product of the air kerma on the central axis and nominal beam area. After reference chamber irradiation, film-screen cassette (or film or direct film) is positioned perpendicularly to beam axis to determine the beam area. If possible, the couch is removed during calibration at over couch installation to avoid backscattered radiation registration. In the case of calibration at under couch installation, patient couch should not be removed. In such case attenuation in the couch and scattered radiation from the couch should be taken into account. Calibration coefficient, for both over couch and under couch installations is calculated as ratio of reference chamber reading multiplied by the beam area and KAP meter reading. Cekerevac at al, Poster B3
Calibration in terms of practical peak voltage
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences X-ray tube voltage measurements Practical Peak Voltage (ppv): Property of the whole exposure cycle Related to image contrast Invasive or non-invasive measurements Voltage divider For carrying out calibrations of non-invasive tube voltage measuring devices, SSDL has to be equipped with suitable means… Using non-invasive instrument that is capable to measure practical peak voltage as a traceable standard. Procedure is to irradiate the calibrated device to obtain an analysis of the waveform at the same time as the user’s non-invasive instrument. Also, substitution technique could be used, depending on stability of x-ray source. The user’s instrument is calibrated by comparison of it reading with SSDL’s calibrated device; This method is derived from the previous. In this case a calibrated instrument with analogue or digital output is used to derive x-ray tube voltage waveform. The waveform is converted to practical peak voltage by means of computer code [17,18]; Invasive voltage divider is used in this method as a traceable standard. This method has the greatest accuracy. In order to minimize the effect of connecting cables to x-ray tube voltage, the cables should be kept as short as possible. Also, the branching point should for integrating the divider into circuit should be close to x-ray tube. Long exposure times should be used. The voltage waveform is converted to practical peak voltage. This method is based on use of analogue-to-digital converter (ADC). The ADC shall be either supplied with a calibration certificate from which information about accuracy and linearity are obtained. If ADC is not supplied with such information, SSDL should derive this information from measurements performed with the voltage supply and digital voltmeter used for determining the calibration coefficient of the electrometers. 43
Uncertainty budget Uncertainty of the reference standard
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Uncertainty of the reference standard Uncertainty of user’s instrument Uncertainty due to calibration set up Uncertainty of the evaluation procedure
Uncertainty budget Air kerma: ± 2.7 %
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Air kerma: ± 2.7 % Air kerma length product: ± 3.0 % Air kerma area product: ± 15 % Non-invasive tube voltage measuring devices: 2.5 % The level of uncertainty should be appropriate to the use of the measurement, and it should be derived by the calibration laboratory. It is based on the complete analysis of the sources of uncertainties associated with the measurements and shall be established and continuously maintained. There are certain recommendations about uncertainty level as a goal of an SSDL, but SSDL shall determine its own values. They are expressed as an combined, expanded uncertainty. Using previously described calibration procedures, work examples for different calibration types are given with stated overall uncertainty of.. 45
Quality Management System
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Goal: minimal uncertainty Assurance and control of traceability Quality manual: technical details, methods, traceability, uncertainty budget, QC, safety…. Continuous improvements and reviews External peer review/audit The primary goal of any calibration laboratory is to disseminate standards with the smallest possible uncertainty. To accomplish this, it is necessary to institute procedures for the management of quality operation. Laboratory shall provide, control and assure traceability, as a general metrology principle. The technical requirements of the QA are based on the guidelines described in the ISO series documents. The QA programme includes a quality manual that describes the main activities of the laboratory, the organizational details and management structure….. QA also includes quality audits that are held at regular intervals and record keeping procedures. In addition to quality manual, documents such a relevant regulation, standards, specifications and instruction manuals for all equipment should be available. Once the quality system is established, the laboratory should maintain and update it. Peer reviews of laboratory procedures may also be useful to foster increased communications and encourage suggestions for improving quality.
Patient dose assessment
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences
Clinical dosimetry Direct measurement on patients or phantoms
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Direct measurement on patients or phantoms Indirect measurements on patients or phantoms Output of the X-ray tube, scaled for exposure and geometry
Dosimetric quantites Quantities
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Quantities incident air kerma, entrance surface air kerma and kerma-area product (radiography); kerma-area product and entrance surface air kerma rate (fluoroscopy); incident and entrance surface air kerma (mammography); and kerma-length product (computed tomography) BSF KAP Ke
Patients and phantoms Patient Phantoms Real situation
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Patient Phantoms Real situation Objects that simulate real patients in terms of interaction of radiation with matter Easy to perform Standardized
Radiography Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory
Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences
Fluoroscopy Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory
Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences
Mammography Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory
Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences
Computed tomography Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory
Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences
Patient dose levels Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory
Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences
Uncertainty of clinical dose assessment
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Radiographers taking the x-ray images Determining tube output Calculation of individual patient doses Determining dose to an average patient Use of k=2 for expression of uncertainty of dose assessment Typically >10% and close to 25%* *if correction for beam quality and for individual patient is not applied
Form measurements towards risk assessment
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Conversion coefficients Conversion of measured quantity into organ doses and effective dose Ratio of the dose to a specified tissue or effective dose divided by the normalization quantity Measured using phantoms or calculated using computer models Voxel phantoms based on images of human anatomy
Organ dose assesment Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory
Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences
ICRU 74 Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory
Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences ICRU 74
Optimization of protection
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences
Application of DRLs Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Values of measured quantities above which some specified action or decision should be taken Values must be specified Action must be specified DRLs will be intended for use as a convenient test for identifying situations where the levels of patient dose are unusually high. Quantities that are easily measured!
Diagnostic Reference Levels
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Distributions of X-ray room mean entrance surface dose values for AP abdomen from surveys in the UK in 1995, 2000 and The dotted lines show the 75 percentile values of the distributions which are 7.2, 5.6 and 4.3 mGy, respectively. Doses to patients from radiographic and fluoroscopic X-ray imaging procedures in the UK—2005 review. HPA RPD-029, HPA; 2007.
Re-cap Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Diagnostic radiology is major contribution to total dose from man-made sources of radiation Dose measurements: population dose assessment, optimization of practice Application-specific dosimetric quantities (patients, phantoms) Calibration of dosimeters in the conditions that are similar to the clinical environment, in terms of air kerma kerma-area product kerma-length product
Milojko Kovacevic, MSc, Head of MDL, radiation physicist
Radiation and Environmental Protection Laboratory Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences Olivera Ciraj-Bjelac, PhD, research associate, dosimetry and radiation physics Milojko Kovacevic, MSc, Head of MDL, radiation physicist Danijela Arandjic, MSc, PhD student, dosimetry and radiation physics Djordje Lazarevic, MSc, PhD student, dosimetry and radiation physics Dragana Divnic, technician Milos Jovanovic, technician Nikola Blagojevic , technician
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