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Cambridge Avenue Medical Centre GP Patient Survey 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Cambridge Avenue Medical Centre GP Patient Survey 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cambridge Avenue Medical Centre GP Patient Survey 2013

2 Q1: Are you satisfied with the services offered by the practice?

3 Q2 – Getting though on the telephone

4 Q3 – Phone access to doctor or nurse

5 Q4: Are you aware that practice has a website?

6 Q5: Do you know you can book appointments on-line?

7 Q6: Do you know you can request repeat prescriptions on-line?

8 Q7: When you booked (on-line,phone,other) did you see the doctor

9 Q8: If yes, did you see the doctor on the :-

10 Q9: Were you able to see a doctor when you wanted?

11 Q10: If answer was no, what was the reason for this?

12 Q11: Please specify

13 Q12: did you know that you can book a telephone consultation with the gp of your choice?

14 Q13: have you ever had a telephone consultation?

15 Q14: If yes, was this helpful

16 Q15: Overall how helpful do you find the Receptionists?

17 Q16: How satisfied are you with the opening hours of the surgery?

18 Q17: are you aware that the surgery provides chronic illness clinics?

19 Q18: are you aware that the surgery provides minor illness clinics with NP?

20 Q19: are you aware that the surgery provides Healthcare Assistant clinics?

21 Q20: are you aware that the surgery provides a Travel Clinic?

22 Q21: are you aware that the surgery provides a Family Planning Clinic?

23 Q22: Do you feel that the surgery adequately covers the whole range of services which you require?

24 Q23: My overall satisfaction with the quality of medical care from the doctors/nurses is

25 Q24: Missed appointments are a problem for the practice. Can you easily contact the surgery to cancel ?

26 Q25: Overall how do you rate the cleanliness of the surgery?

27 Q26: Overall how do you rate, how easy it is to access the building?

28 Q27: Are you aware that you may park in the Chancel car park if necessary?

29 Q28: Have you ever spoken to a triage nurse?

30 Q29: If yes, did you find this helpful?

31 Q30: Are you male or female?

32 Q31: Please tell us your age

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