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23 Chapter 23 Section 23.1 Studies of Development Section 23.2

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1 23 Chapter 23 Section 23.1 Studies of Development Section 23.2
Lifespan Development Chapter 23 Section 23.1 Studies of Development Section 23.2 Patterns of Development 1

2 Section 23.1 Study of Development
The five areas of development are physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and moral. Development is unique for everyone. 2

3 Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary life-span development
gross motor skills fine motor skills temperament heredity environment interrelated rate

4 The Journey of Development
Life-span development is the growth and change that occurs throughout a person’s life. Studying human development helps you better understand yourself and others. Most scientists believe people develop in stages. Life-span development The growth and change that occurs during a person’s life.

5 Areas of Development The areas of development are grouped into five areas: physical, intellectual emotional, social, and moral. Intellectual development involves thinking, understanding, reasoning, and communicating. Emotional development involves the development of self-esteem. Social development involves learning to relate to others. Moral development involves developing an understanding of right and wrong. Each stage of development is affected by the others. 5

6 Influences of Development
Heredity affects who you are and who you will become. Environment is comprised of the people, places, and things that surround and influence a person. heredity The set of characteristics that you inherit from your parents and ancestors. environment The people, places, and things that surround and influence a person, including family, home, school, and community. 6

7 Section 23.2 Patterns of Development
There are many stages of human development that people typically go through from conception to late adulthood. Some people have special needs which must be recognized as soon as possible. 7

8 Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary developmental tasks prenatal
embryo fetus reflex hand-eye coordination bonding parallel play cooperative play puberty prone key

9 Developmental Stages Humans develop in stages that correspond to chronological age. Development is marked by certain tasks in a certain order. Stages include prenatal development, infancy, toddlerhood, preschoolers, school age, adolescents, early adulthood, and late adulthood. Changes in infancy, toddlerhood, and adolescence occur rapidly. Preschoolers and school-age children learn to function away from home. Adults focus on balancing responsibilities. In late adulthood, people focus on retirement and enjoying life.

10 Special Needs Not all people follow the typical pattern of development. These people are said to have special needs. Recognizing and meeting special needs is important at any time of life, but especially in childhood. Those with special needs have the same basic needs for friendship, respect, dignity, love, and support.

11 Chapter Summary Section 23.1
Study of Development Development is a unique and complex process that follows general stages and patterns. Various theorists have looked at ways to describe human development. The five development areas are physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and moral. These interrelate to create growth and change. Heredity, environment, technology, and other influences also have an impact on how a person develops.

12 Chapter Summary Section 23.2
Patterns of Development Development is marked by certain tasks in a chronological order. It begins with conception and continues to late adulthood. Infancy, toddlerhood, and adolescence have more dramatic, rapid changes. Preschoolers and school-age children learn to function away from home. Adults focus on balancing responsibilities. Some people also have special needs that influence their development.

13 Review Do you remember the vocabulary terms from this chapter? Use the following slides to check your knowledge of the definitions. The slides in this section include both English and Spanish terms and definitions. Start

14 life-span development
desarrollo durante la vida The growth and change that occur during a person’s life. Crecimiento y cambios que ocurren durante la vida de una persona. Show Definition

15 gross motor skills hablidades motoras gruesas Skills that use the large muscles of the body, such as those of the legs and shoulders. Habilidades que usan los músculos más grandes del cuerpo, como aquellos que se encuentran en las piernas y los hombros. Show Definition

16 fine motor skills hablidades motoras finas
Skills involving the smaller muscles of the body, such as those in fingers. Habilidades que involucran a los músculos más pequeños del cuerpo como aquellos que hay en los dedos. Show Definition

17 temperamento temperament
An inborn style of reacting to the world and relating to others. Un estilo de reacción al mundo y de relacionarse con los demás con el que se nace. Show Definition

18 heredity hereditario The set of characteristics that you inherit from your parents and ancestors. El grupo de características que heredas de tus padres y ancestros. Show Definition

19 environment ambiente The people, places, and things that surround and influence a person, including family, home, school, and community. La gente, los lugares y las cosas que rodean e influyen a una persona, incluyendo la familia, el hogar, la escuela y la comunidad. Show Definition

20 interrelated interrelacionado Affected by the others or linked.
Afectado por o ligado a otros. Show Definition

21 rate ritmo Speed. Velocidad. Show Definition

22 developmental tasks tareas de desarrollo
Skills and abilities that are mastered as part of the maturing process. Habilidades y destrezas que se logran con el proceso de maduración. Show Definition

23 prenatal prenatal Before birth. Antes del nacimiento. Show Definition

24 embryo embrión The developing baby during the first eight weeks of pregnancy. El bebe en desarrollo durante las primeras ocho semanas del embarazo. Show Definition

25 fetus feto The developing baby from the ninth week until birth. El bebe en desarrollo desde la semana nueve hasta el nacimiento. Show Definition

26 reflex reflejo An instinctive, automatic response in infants, such as grasping and sucking. Respuesta instintiva y automática en los bebés, como agarrar o chupar. Show Definition

27 hand-eye coordination
coordinación mano-ojo The ability to move the hands and fingers precisely in relation to what is seen. La habilidad de mover las manos y los dedos con precisión en relación con lo que se ve. Show Definition

28 bonding vinculación afectiva
The act of forming emotional ties between parents and child. El acto de formar lazos afectivos entre los padres y el hijo/a. Show Definition

29 parallel play juego paralelo
When children play near, but not actually with, other children. Cuando los niños juegan cerca de, pero no con, otros niños. Show Definition

30 cooperative play juego cooperativo
A type of play in which children play and interact with one another. Tipo de juego en el que los niños juegan e interactúan entre si. Show Definition

31 puberty pubertad Hormonally triggered changes that result in a physically mature body that is able to reproduce. Cambios causados por hormonas que resultan en un cuerpo maduro que tiene la capacidad de reproducirse. Show Definition

32 prone propenso Sensitive or likely to. Sensible o proclive a.
Show Definition

33 key clave Very important. Muy importante. Show Definition

34 End of End Of Chapter 23 Chapter 1

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