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13 Chapter 13 Section 13.1 Facts About Advertising Section 13.2

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1 13 Chapter 13 Section 13.1 Facts About Advertising Section 13.2
Advertising and Shopping Chapter 13 Section 13.1 Facts About Advertising Section 13.2 Shopping Skills 1

2 Section 13.1 Facts About Advertising
There are several types of ads and many persuasive techniques used in advertising Consumers need to be able to identify and evaluate the information in ads. 2

3 Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary campaign infomercial
direct mail advertising testimonial endorse manipulate promote impartial

4 The Role of Advertising
Advertisements are designed to influence consumers to buy products. Products can also be political, social, and charitable causes. When was the last time you bought something you didn’t need because you saw an advertisement?

5 The Role of Advertising
Ads introduce new products and help you compare similar and different products. Drawbacks of ads include the annoyance factor, persuading people to buy things they do not need or afford, and adding to cost of products. 5

6 Types of Ads Advertising is communicated through numerous forms of media. Information ads supply facts. Image ads focus on selling products based on the image they seem to represent.

7 Persuasive Techniques
Advertisers use a variety of techniques to influence consumers to buy.

8 Persuasive Techniques
Testimonials are positive statements based on personal experience, but often people, usually celebrities, are paid to endorse these products. testimonials A positive statement about or endorsement of a product based on personal experience.

9 Evaluate Ads Evaluate ads to get more information before making purchases. Use critical thinking skills to analyze what is being said. Do you believe all the advertisements you see on TV? Why or why not?

10 Evaluate Ads Be aware of deceptive advertising techniques, such as false claims, hidden catches, deceptive pricing, and bait and switch.

11 Section 13.2 Shopping Skills
Smart shoppers know how to plan and research purchases. Shopping for services is not the same as shopping for goods. 11

12 Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary impulse buying warranty rebate
service second substantial

13 Plan Purchases Consumers who plan their purchases will get more for their money. Avoid impulse buying, making unplanned purchases with little or no thought. impulse buying Making unplanned purchases with little or no thought.

14 Shopping Options You can buy from a variety of stores or factory outlets. Secondhand sources include garage sales, swap meets, and flea markets. Shopping from home is convenient and easy.

15 Finding Good Buys Recognize good values to help save money.
Be a smart shopper by evaluating quality, safety, guarantees, and hidden costs. Take advantage of sales. Use coupons and rebates to get reduced prices.

16 Shopping for Services A service is work performed for a fee.
Services include haircuts, car repairs, and the like. Get the most for your money. service Work performed for a fee.

17 Chapter Summary Section 13.1
Facts About Advertising Advertising has the power to influence people’s opinion and behavior. Advertising has benefits and drawbacks for both advertisers and consumers. Two different kinds of ads are information ads and image ads, and ads are available through different media.

18 Chapter Summary Section 13.1
Facts About Advertising Advertisers use many techniques to persuade consumers. Consumers should evaluate ads for the facts. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) enforces laws against deceptive advertising.

19 Chapter Summary Section 13.2
Shopping Skills Smart shoppers plan their purchases and avoid impulse buying. You can shop at stores, online through catalogs, secondhand sources, and at home. When comparison shopping, consider quality and warranties, as well as price.

20 Chapter Summary Section 13.2
Shopping Skills Shopping at sales and using coupons and rebates can help you save money, but only if you are careful and take time to plan. Shopping for services involves a different process from shopping for goods.

21 Review Do you remember the vocabulary terms from this chapter? Use the following slides to check your knowledge of the definitions. The slides in this section include both English and Spanish terms and definitions. Start

22 campaign campaña A series of actions designed to bring about a specific result. Una serie de acciones diseñadas para conseguir un resultado específico. Show Definition

23 infomercial anuncio informativo
A television or radio advertisement that lasts 30 minutes or more and is designed to seem like regular programming. Un anuncio de radio o televisión que dura 30 minutos o más y que está diseñado para que parezca parte de la programación. Show Definition

24 publicidad de correo directo direct mail advertising
The practice of delivering ads to consumers’ homes by mail. La práctica de enviar anuncios por correo a las casas de los consumidores. Show Definition

25 testimonial recomendación
A positive statement about or endorsement of a product based on personal experience. Declaración positiva o promoción de un producto basado en la experiencia personal. Show Definition

26 aprobar endorse Approve or support a product.
Respaldar o apoyar un producto. Show Definition

27 manipular manipulate Control or influence somebody or something in a deceptive way. Controlar o influenciar a alguien o algo de una manera engañosa. Show Definition

28 promote promover Encourage or advance. Fomentar o avanzar.
Show Definition

29 imparcial impartial Unbiased or neutral. Neutral o objetivo.
Show Definition

30 impulse buying compras impulsivas
Making unplanned purchases with little or no thought. Realizar compras no planeadas sin pensarlo a fondo. Show Definition

31 warranty garantía A guarantee that provides protection against faulty products. Acuerdo que protege al consumidor de productos dañados. Show Definition

32 rebate reembolso A refund of part of the purchase price of a product.
Devolución de parte del precio de la compra de un producto. Show Definition

33 service servicio Work performed for a fee.
Trabajo que se realiza por un monto de dinero. Show Definition

34 second defectuoso A clothing item with a noticeable flaw, such as a small hole. Un artículo de vestir con un defecto claramente visible, como un agujero. Show Definition

35 substantial considerable Large. Grande. Show Definition

36 The Amazing World of Food
End of End Of Chapter 13 Chapter 1 The Amazing World of Food

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