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8 Chapter 8 Section 8.1 Goals and Resources Section 8.2

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1 8 Chapter 8 Section 8.1 Goals and Resources Section 8.2
Learning to Manage Chapter 8 Section 8.1 Goals and Resources Section 8.2 Management Skills 1

2 Section 8.1 Goals and Resources
Manage your life by deciding on priorities and setting goals. Once you have set your goals, you need to determine which resources you will need to achieve them. 2

3 Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary prioritize goal short-term goal
medium-term goal long-term goal fixed goal flexible goal resource essential unique

4 Establish Priorities Managing life begins with determining what your priorities are. Know the difference between needs and wants. prioritize Decide what is most important.

5 Establish Priorities Needs are things you must have for survival
Wants are things you desire, but are not essential. Values are the beliefs and ideas that guide your life. How can having consistent values help you establish priorities for your life? 5

6 Set Goals You should set goals once you determine your priorities.
Individuals, families, businesses, communities, and governments all set goals. goal Something you consciously aim to achieve and are willing to plan and work for.

7 Set Goals Everyone sets goals to provide direction and purpose.
Short-term goals are those you want to complete soon. Short-term goal A goal you want to complete soon.

8 Set Goals Long-term goals are those you plan to complete later.
Fixed goals must be met at a certain time. Long-term goals Something you plan to complete in the future, possible spanning years. Fixed goals A goal that can be met only at a certain time.

9 Set Goals Flexible goals have no definite time limit.
What advantages does having all three types of goals give you in creating a plan for your life?

10 Identify Your Resources
Resources are something or somebody that can help you achieve a goal.

11 Identify Your Resources
Knowledge, creativity, time, and energy are human resources. Tools, equipment, and other possessions are material resources. Name some ways that human resources can help you achieve your goals.

12 Identify Your Resources
Libraries, hospitals, and public transportation systems are all community resources. Air, water, soil, plants, and minerals are natural resources.

13 Section 8.2 Management in Action
You can use resources wisely by following different resource management strategies. The management process includes four steps: planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating. 13

14 Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary resourceful define
management process contingency plan implement define consider

15 Management Skills Learning skills now will help you manage your life in the short and long term. Put your resources to work to make the most of them.

16 Management Skills Strategies to make the most of your resources include expanding, exchanging, conserving, and substituting.

17 The Management Process
The management process is a system to manage steps needed to accomplish something. Skills of a good manager include decision making, problem solving, communication, leadership, organization, and critical and creative thinking. management process A system to manage the steps needed to accomplish something.

18 The Management Process
Planning includes identifying your goals, establishing priorities, assessing resources, and creating a task list. Insert xxxxxx

19 The Management Process
Organizing involves creating a schedule and gathering resources. Put your plan into action.

20 Chapter Summary Section 8.1
Goals and Resources Managing life starts with determining your priorities. You must understand the difference between needs and wants, and know what role your values pay in setting priorities. Once you know your priorities, you can set goals.

21 Chapter Summary Section 8.1
Goals and Resources Goals can be short-term, medium-term, long-term, fixed, or flexible. Identify the resources available to you to help you accomplish your goals.

22 Chapter Summary Section 8.2
Management in Action Management skills can be used every day to help you use your resources wisely. You can expend, conserve, exchange, and substitute your resources to help you manage.

23 Chapter Summary Section 8.2
Management in Action The management process gives you a systematic way to work toward achieving your goals. The management process includes four steps: planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating.

24 Review Do you remember the vocabulary terms from this chapter? Use the following slides to check your knowledge of the definitions. The slides in this section include both English and Spanish terms and definitions. Start

25 prioritize dar prioridad Decide what is most important.
Decidir lo que es más importante. Show Definition

26 goal meta Something you consciously aim to achieve and are willing to plan and work for. Algo que decided que quieres obtener y que estás dispuesto a planear y a trabajar para lograr. Show Definition

27 short-term goal meta a corto plazo A goal you want to complete soon.
Una meta que quieres alcanzar pronto. Show Definition

28 medium-term goal meta de mediano plazo
A goal that will take six months to a few years to achieve. Una meta que se puede lograr en un periodo de seis mesas a unos pocos años. Show Definition

29 meta a largo plazo long-term goal
Something you plan to complete in the future, possibly spanning years. Algo que planeas completar en el futuro, posiblemente durante un número de años definido. Show Definition

30 meta fija fixed goal A goal that can be met only at a certain time.
Una meta que debe alcanzar dentro de un tiempo especificado. Show Definition

31 flexible goal meta flexible A goal with no time limit.
Una meta que no tiene limite de tíempo. Show Definition

32 recurso resource Something or someone that can help you achieve a goal. Algo o alguien que te puede ayudar a alcanzar una meta. Show Definition

33 resourceful ingenioso Using creative problem solving to manage available resources. Que maneja con creatividad los recursos disponsibles. Show Definition

34 proceso de administración management process
Un sistema para manejar los pasos que se necesitan para lograr algo. A system to manage the steps needed to accomplish something. Show Definition

35 contingency plan plan de contingencia
A different course of action that could help you overcome potential obstacles. Curso de acción diferente que te puede ayudar a sobrepasar obstáculos potenciales. Show Definition

36 implement Put a plan into action. Poner en acción un plan. implementar
Show Definition

37 essential esencial Necessary. Necesario. Show Definition

38 unique cultivar Encourage. Animar o incitar. Show Definition

39 define definir Outline. Esbozar. Show Definition

40 consider Think about carefully. Pensar sobre algo de manera cuidadosa.
considerar Think about carefully. Pensar sobre algo de manera cuidadosa. Show Definition

41 The Amazing World of Food
End of End Of Chapter 8 Chapter 1 The Amazing World of Food

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