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37 Chapter 37 Section 37.1 Conserve Resources Section 37.2

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1 37 Chapter 37 Section 37.1 Conserve Resources Section 37.2
Protect the Environment Chapter 37 Section 37.1 Conserve Resources Section 37.2 Clean Up the Earth 1

2 Section 37.1 Manage Technology
Our natural resources are vital to our survival and way of life. Conserving energy and water is an important part of protecting our environment. 2

3 Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary global environment
renewable resources nonrenewable resources fossil fuels conservation biodegradable harness accumulate


5 Earth’s Natural Resources
The global environment makes up the life support systems of the whole plant. Some resources are renewable, which means they can replace themselves naturally over time. Other resources are nonrenewable; they cannot be replaced once they are used. global environment The life support systems of the whole planet. 5

6 Earth’s Natural Resources
Fossil fuels, fuels that come from living matter, come from coal, oil, and natural gas. Conservation is the careful management and protection and natural resources. fossil fuel Fuels gained from living matter from a previous geologic time. conservation The careful management and protection of natural resources. 6


8 Conserving Energy Conserving energy helps save money and reduce pollution. Conserving energy applies to heating and cooling systems, appliances and lighting, and transportation.

9 Conserve Water Save water by turning it off when you brush your teeth, takes showers instead of baths, and fix leaks. Use products that are formulated to bread down easily in the environment, that is, biodegradable. Do not dump hazardous wastes into drains and sewers. biodegradable Formulated to break down easily in the environment. 9

10 Section 37.2 Clean Up the Earth
Protecting our environment involves taking steps to control air, water, and land pollution. You can use a “reduce, reuse, and recycle” strategy to minimize waste. 10

11 Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary pollution pollutant
global warming ozone layer acid rain landfill precycling recycled-content products generate transform

12 How Pollution Occurs Pollution is the presence of harmful substances in the environment called pollutants. Most pollution is caused by people, and industrial nations are responsible for most of it. pollution The presence of harmful substances in the environment. pollutants Harmful substances. 12

13 How Pollution Occurs Global warming is the gradual increase in the earth’s surface temperature caused by depletion of the ozone layer. global warming The gradual increase in the earth’s surface temperature caused by depletion of the earth’s ozone layer. ozone layer A layer in the earth’s upper atmosphere that is meant to block out and protect the earth from most of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. 13

14 How Pollution Occurs Acid rain results from the combination of fossil fuel emission and water in the atmosphere. acid rain The environmentally damaging and physically harmful rain that results from the combination of fossil fuel emissions and water in the atmosphere. 14

15 How Pollution Occurs Water pollution comes from chemicals and waste products making their way into our water sources. Land pollution comes form the disposal of household and industrial water, usually into landfills. landfill An area where waste is dumped and buried. 15

16 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Reduce waste by making environmentally responsible choices. Precycling includes buying products that use less packaging, cutting back on disposable products, and using cloth bags. precycling Reducing waste with environmentally responsible consumer choices. 16

17 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Reuse any items you can, share items, and buy used goods. Recycling conserves energy, natural resources, and helps reduce waste. Use items that are made from materials that may have landed in landfills. 17

18 Chapter Summary Section 37.1
Conserve Resources Everyone must work to solve global environmental problems. Renewable resources can replace themselves over time, and nonrenewable resources cannot. Active conservation is needed to protect natural resources.

19 Chapter Summary Section 37.1
Conserve Resources Energy conservation reduces fuel consumption and cuts back on air pollution. You can conserve energy and water by paying attention to your usage patterns and changing wasteful habits.

20 Chapter Summary Section 37.2
Clean Up the Earth Pollution of the air, water, and land results mainly from human activities. Air pollution is linked to global warming, the depletion of the ozone layer, and acid rain.

21 Chapter Summary Section 37.2
Clean Up the Earth Our supply of fresh water is limited, and so it is important to conserve water. Land pollution results from the disposal of household and industrial waste. You can cut back on waste by reducing, reusing, and recycling.

22 Review Do you remember the vocabulary terms from this chapter? Use the following slides to check your knowledge of the definitions. The slides in this section include both English and Spanish terms and definitions. Start

23 global environment calentamiento global
The gradual increase in the earth’s surface temperature caused by depletion of the earth’s ozone layer. El incremento gradual de la temperatura de la superficie de la tierra causada por el agotamiento de la capa de ozono Show Definition

24 renewable resources recursos renovables
Resources, such as plants, trees, and soil, that replace themselves naturally over time. Recursos que se reemplazan naturalmente con el tiempo, como las plantas, los árboles y la tierra. Show Definition

25 nonrenewable resources recursos no renovables
Resources that cannot be replaced once they are used. Recursos que no pueden ser reemplazados una vez que han sido usados. Show Definition

26 combustibles fósiles fossil fuels
Combustibles que se obtienen de materia viva de una era geológica previa. Fuels gained from living matter from a previous geologic time. Show Definition

27 conservation conservación
The careful management and protection of natural resources. El manejo cuidadoso y la protección de los recursos naturales. Show Definition

28 biodegradable biodegradable
Formulated to break down easily in the environment. Formulado para deshacerse fácilmente en el medio ambiente. Show Definition

29 pollution contaminación
The presence of harmful substances in the environment. La presencia de sustancias dañinas en el medio ambiente. Show Definition

30 pollutants contaminantes Harmful substances. Sustancias dañinas
Show Definition

31 global warming calentamiento global
The gradual increase in the earth’s surface temperature caused by depletion of the earth’s ozone layer. El incremento gradual de la temperatura de la superficie de la tierra causada por el agotamiento de la capa de ozono. Show Definition

32 ozone layer capa de ozono
A layer in the earth’s upper atmosphere that is meant to block out and protect the earth from most of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. Una capa en la parte más alta de la atmósfera cuyo papel es bloquear y proteger a la tierra de los dañinos rayos ultravioleta del so Show Definition

33 acid rain lluvia ácida The environmentally damaging and physically harmful rain that results from the combination of fossil fuel emissions and water in the atmosphere. Lluvia nociva y perjudicial para el medio ambiente que resulta de la combinación de emisiones de combustibles fósiles y agua en la atmósfera. Show Definition

34 landfill basurero An area where waste is dumped and buried.
Un área en donde la basura se tira y se entierra. Show Definition

35 precycling pre-reciclar
Reducing waste with environmentally responsible consumer choices. Reducir deshechos a través de decisiones responsables por parte del consumidor. Show Definition

36 recycled-content products productos de contenido reciclado
Items made partially or totally from materials that might have ended up in a landfill. Artículos hechos parcial o totalmente de materiales que hubieren terminado en el basurero. Show Definition

37 harness utilizar Capture and use. Capturar y usar. Show Definition

38 accumulate acumular Collect or gather. Recolectar o recoger.
Show Definition

39 generate generar Produce or make. Producir o hacer. Show Definition

40 transform transformar Change or alter. Cambiar o alterar.
Show Definition

41 The Amazing World of Food
End of End Of Chapter 37 Chapter 1 The Amazing World of Food

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