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Published byGlen Wyndham Modified over 10 years ago
1 Job Exploration Workshop Day One Introduction 1
22 Housekeeping Issues Bathrooms Cell Phone Etiquette during workshop – No texting or calling – Put on “vibrate” or turn off Discuss the schedule for the CEW Periodic breaks as needed 2
33 Welcome/Introductions One at a time, please share your name and why you are here. Words You Need to Know: Job & Career 3
Ice-Breaker Who has a pet at home? Who already has their driver’s license? Who likes to hunt or fish? Who recently saw a movie in the theater? Who has a favorite summer activity? 4
Words You Need to Know! Words You Need to Know About Jobs and Work! There are certain words that we will expect you to learn about getting jobs and working. We will prompt you with these words and explain their meaning throughout the workshop. Keep the handout in front of you so you can refer to it when needed. 5
66 Group Confidentiality As a member of this group, we ask that you respect each other’s privacy and keep what is said during the workshop confidential. We encourage you to share your experiences during the workshop, but we ask that you not discuss what is said by others outside the workshop. We cannot guarantee that everything that is shared within the workshop will stay in the room, so please share only what you are comfortable discussing. Word You Need to Know: Confidentiality 6
77 Our Expectations We ask you to: Attend all sessions. Be on time for sessions. Respectively participate with the group. Take turns speaking, and listen when others speak. Raise your hand. Use “I” statements when expressing your opinion. Behave as you would at your work site. Respect others in the group and their opinions. Have fun! 7
88 What Are Your Expectations? What do you hope to learn in this workshop? 8
99 Parking Lot -This is where we’ll put questions that we don’t have an answer for right now. – Write your topic on a Post-It Note or speak to a staff person – Stick the note on the chart titled “Parking Lot” – We will make sure that all questions are answered at the end of each day 9
Name: My dream job would be: My first job might be: My Strengths: 10
Soooo, What Do I Know About Me? Let’s begin to find out about ME! 11
“I Am Someone Who…..” Enjoys_________ Hopes to_______ Collects_______ Believes in________ Likes to _______on weekends Knows how to_______ Has a pet peeve, which is_______ Thinks that _____is the most important thing in life! Word You Need to Know: Self-Esteem 12
13 Keeping Track of Your Progress - Activity Sheets Activity sheets: – Will be used to collect what you’ve learned about yourself and future jobs. After each activity: – Place the activity page in your Folder. 13
14 Job Exploration Workshop Great Job! End of Day One 14
15 Job Exploration Workshop Welcome Back Day Two 15
Ice-Breaker Who has a favorite winter sport? Who has a favorite video game? Who has brothers and/or sisters? Who is a Red Sox fan? Who is a Yankees fan? Who has a favorite music group? Who has a favorite food? 16
What Are My Strengths? Suppose the owner of a restaurant needs someone to wash dishes at his restaurant. He says that he’ll hire the person who has the best strengths or skills for that job. What would you tell him about your strengths? What strengths would be important for you to have on this job? 17
How Do I Learn Best? And why is it important to know? 18
19 Learning Style How we learn best is called our “learning style”! Word You Need to Know: Learning Style 19
20 How Do I Learn Best? We gather and use information in a variety of ways….called learning styles! We usually have a preferred learning style: here are four possible styles We see We hear We touch We move 20
So, What Is My Preferred Learning Style? Seeing Hearing Touching Moving 21
22 S (Seeing) Learning Style I learn best if I: – SEE what I’m learning – READ what I’m learning – Use charts, maps, videos, written notes, pictures – WRITE out items for quick visual review 22
23 H (Hearing) Learning Style I learn best if I: – LISTEN carefully – Sit or stand where I can HEAR CLEARLY & LISTEN – TAPE what is being said so I can learn and remember – Talk with another person about the information I have heard 23
24 Hands on Learning Style I learn best when I: – Work with something that can be TOUCHED – TRACE words as I say them – WRITE it several times – Take notes 24
25 M (Moving) Learning Style I learn best if I: – Learn hands-on – physical, building, mechanical, sports, dancing, moving, doing – Use physical objects; i.e., make or use models – Use flash cards – Use role-playing – act out what I’m learning – Use hand gestures or “body language” – Move around while I think 25
26 So, What is Your Preferred Learning Style? What do you think is your preferred learning style? Give an example of how you best learn. 26
27 Strengths Chain 27 Busy Hands-On
28 Coat of Arms Preparation Values Exercises Create Your Own Coat of Arms 28
29 Coat of Arms Questions BALL AT TOP: Fill in your name In each of the sections of the Coat of Arms, draw a picture, design or symbol that represents the following: SECTION 1: Your greatest PERSONAL achievement SECTION 2: Your greatest achievement at SCHOOL or WORK SECTION 3: How friends would describe you as a person SECTION 4: One thing you would like to do by the time you are 65, in terms of work or your personal life SECTION 5: What you most enjoy doing WRITE OR PRINT: SECTION 6: One thing you would most like to be said about you OPTIONAL Band at the bottom: A value or phrase that is important to you Adapted from “Values Clarification” by Sidney Simon, Leland W. Howe & Howard Kirschenbaum, Hart Publishing Co., (1972)
30 Job Exploration Workshop Awesome work today! End of Day Two 30
31 Job Exploration Workshop Welcome back! Day Three 31
32 What Do You Like To Do? A big part of choosing a job is whether you think you will “LIKE” that job 32
33 Would I Like That Job????? How do I find out????? What is the connection between what I enjoy doing and doing that task well? 33
34 Reading-Free Vocational Interest Inventory You will complete an inventory today which will help you choose your favorite types of work activities from groups of pictures. This survey will help you determine the kinds of work you would like to do. You can then begin to get more information about those jobs. Word You Need to Know: Interests 34
35 Six Personality Types “The Common Names” 35
Six Personality Types Doers – Prefer to work with their hands Thinkers – Prefer to figure things out in their minds Creators – Prefer to express themselves by writing, singing, drawing, etc. Helpers – Prefer to work helping others Persuaders – Prefer to convince others; sell things Organizers – Prefer to organize information, things, etc. 36
The Doers Food Preparation or Cafeteria Workers Janitors Groundskeepers Short-Order Cooks Dishwashers Maids & Housekeepers Stock Clerks Farm Workers 37
The Thinkers Often Choose Jobs Like: Vet Assistant Forest Work C.N.A. – Certified Nursing Assistant 38
The Creators Often Choose Jobs Like: Floral Shop Staff Potter Cook Cake Decorator Seamstress/Tailor 39
The Helpers Often Choose Jobs Like: Home Health Aides Food Servers Personal Care Aides Waiters & Waitresses Ticket Takers Child Care Workers 40
The Persuaders Often Choose Jobs Like: Retail Salesperson Small business owner 41
The Organizers Often Choose Jobs Like: Office Clerks/Aide Library Assistant Office Machine Operator Hotel Desk Clerk 42
43 What Type of Jobs Do I Like? Through this activity, have you found a type of job you are really interested in? Place your Reading Free Interest Inventory and Job Lists in your Folder 43
44 Skills That Can Be Used in Many Places In different kinds of jobs In your volunteer or leisure life In your learning activities ……Everywhere! We call these “transferable skills” 44
Work Skills Look at the 6 different types of skills on the next slides. What are you good at doing? Check the skills that you are good at doing on each page. 45
46 Do-ers Working With Your Hands or Tools Building Repairing Working with Tools Working with Animals Gardening Do not tire easily Working outdoors Making things
47 Thinkers Problem-solving Skills Determine how things work Being able to understand and explain information Understanding and using math Using facts Putting things in order of importance Putting things in an order that makes sense
48 Creators Coming Up with Ideas Using imagination to create things Drawing pictures Coming up with ideas Writing creatively Liking art Drawing and designing well Writing music, songs and lyrics
49 Helpers Helping Skills Listening well Developing a relationship Encouraging people to speak up for themselves Teaching people to do something Making someone comfortable Communicating in a group Giving verbal support Working with others as a team
50 Persuaders Influencing Skills Helping others to make group decisions Organizing/Setting Goals Selling things Speaking about something or someone that you believe in Exercising leadership in a group Taking a risk in public Organizing people or activities
51 Organizers Office Skills Reading and correcting Keeping track of items Typing on a computer keyboard Following directions correctly Doing math correctly and quickly Completing work on time Putting things in order/sorting things out Remembering numbers or specific facts Paying attention to details Filing, Grouping/Recording
52 Job Exploration Workshop Awesome work today! End of Day Three 52
53 Job Exploration Workshop Welcome Back Day Four 53
So Many Jobs to Explore….! 54
55 How Do I Decide What Jobs are Right for me? READ information about your jobs of interest. TALK to someone who does that job. – That’s called informational interviewing VISIT the workplace of that job. – That’s called job-shadowing. VOLUNTEER to get some experience related to that job. 55
56 Some Other Clues Job Possibilities based on: » My abilities (what I’m good at doing) » My values (what I think is important in the work place » My interests (what I like to do) 56
57 What’s Important To Me In The Workplace? VALUES are the beliefs that are important to us. These are the things that “matter” to us as individuals, at work and outside of work. – General values - Loyalty, family, good friends, honesty, etc. – Workplace values – doing a variety of activities vs. the same activity over & over, working alone or with people, working with bosses, paying attention to detail, etc. Word You Need to Know: Values 57
58 Values Card Game Find out about yourself. What are the things that you feel are most important in your life? What are the things you most respect and need? The following game might help you answer some of these questions. Word I Need to Know: Values 58
59 Values Card Game What is important to you in a job situation? You can play this game with 2 or more people. 59
62 We focus on the Ability in Dis-ability! – We recognize everyone has abilities. – We discuss the challenges your disabilities present. – Together we work to help you get and keep a job based on your abilities and help you with accommodations, if needed. 62
We focus on the Ability in Dis-ability! In this workshop, we are helping you look at: What you can and like to do How to use those skills in the classroom and the workplace We will also help you explore accommodations for your disabilities so that you can do your best work. 63
We focus on the Ability in Dis-ability! Our long-term mutual goal is Employment! 64
65 What is Disclosure? 65 Disclosure means talking about your disability. Sometimes it is okay to talk about your disability, sometimes it is not. In an interview, focus on what you can do and how you can do it best. For example, “I learn best when I watch someone do a task, then I find I can do it.” Word I Need to Know: Disclosure 65
66 Disclosure One of the most important decisions you will make as a person with a disability is IF AND WHEN to tell someone about your disability Good disclosure happens when you know about your disability and can describe clearly what you need in terms of your disability in order to make your abilities shine. 66
67 Disclose for a Specific Purpose Some personal information, such as your Social Security number, banking records or medical information are important to keep confidential. 67
68 Your Rights & Responsibilities Under the Law – Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): is a law that will help you get accommodations. – However, you need to be able to do the main responsibilities of the job in order receive accommodations and be hired for the job. 68
Americans with Disabilities Act ADA The ADA protects you from discrimination in all employment practices, including job application procedures, hiring, firing, training, pay, promotion, benefits, and leave. You also have a right to be free from harassment because of your disability, and an employer may not fire or discipline you for asserting your rights under the ADA. Most importantly, you have a right to request a reasonable accommodation for the hiring process and on the job. 69
Harassment Unwelcome verbal or physical conduct based on race, color, religion, sex (gender) 70
71 When deciding upon a job goal, know your strengths It is your responsibility, to: First, understand the requirements of the Job. Second, avoid jobs in which there is no available accommodation or you do not have the strengths to do well. 71
72 Remember….. You do NOT have to reveal personal information about your disability if it does not affect your ability to do your job. Your team members will help you figure this out. 72
Disclosure and Accommodation Once you have decided to disclose your disability, you might just need an accommodation. Word I Need to Know: Reasonable Accommodation 73
74 Accommodations What is a reasonable accommodation? Any help that decreases the effects of a disability 74
75 Examples of Reasonable Accommodations Changes to facilities and equipment: – such as putting in ramps and parking spaces – making materials in large print – providing special equipment to assist with the job 75
Examples of Reasonable Accommodations The provision of special services – such as sign language interpreters – or reading assistance 76
77 Examples For example, if you are able to count money and are provided with a cash register that automatically figures out the change you need to give, then you might consider applying for a cashier position. 77
Steps towards finding a job Which Job is right for ME, and how do I plan to get that job? 78
79 So, who can help me find some possible jobs? We call that your job NETWORK! 79
80 Network = all of the people that you know who can help you get information about jobs, including all the people they know, etc. Word You Need to Know: Network 80
People you know Job Network Think of it like the rings of a spider web and you’re in the middle…….. People, such as….. – Family/relatives/neighbors – Friends – Teachers/guidance counselor – VR Counselor – People in your community, clubs, church, etc. – Your support people 81
People you know 82
83 Job Exploration Workshop Awesome work today! End of Day Four 83
84 Job Exploration Workshop Welcome Back Day Five 84
85 My Work Plan You and your team will develop a list of next steps for getting and keeping a job. 85
Other Words You Need to Know: Resume Cover Letter Job References Job Application Job Interview 86
Resume A summary about a person. Includes work history, volunteer work, hobbies, and a work goal. This is used by employers as a way of getting to know you and your skills. See example. 87
Cover Letter A letter, sent with a resume, to an employer when a person is applying for a job. See example. 88
What Not to Do at a Job Interview! Video….starring Jeff Hooke, job counselor at KFI in Bangor and Lincoln…. Captioned Version Audio Described and Captioned Version 89
My Pride Sheet This exercise is an opportunity to list all the good things that you know or have learned about yourself. Be sure to share this sheet with your team members. Word You Need to Know: Self-Esteem 90
91 Bingo Game We will now play a Bingo Game about the topics that we have discussed during this workshop. You have been learning about yourself, disability, disclosure and getting a job! 91
92 B I N G O Reasonable Accommodation Hygiene Informed Choice Responsibility Assistive TechnologyFree Space ADA Rights Disclosure Disability Self-Advocacy Values Confidentiality Interests Skills Accessible
93 Putting everything together…. Congratulations! You have completed the workshop. Hopefully you have gathered a lot of information that will allow you to make an informed choice about next steps you may want to take. Choosing the right kind of work is a very important decision, and it should only be done through informed choice. 93
94 Job Exploration Workshop Congratulations! You have completed the Career Exploration Workshop. 94
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