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Surveys: One More Outcomes Measure Jay Shapiro, MD Program Director Anesthesiology.

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Presentation on theme: "Surveys: One More Outcomes Measure Jay Shapiro, MD Program Director Anesthesiology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Surveys: One More Outcomes Measure Jay Shapiro, MD Program Director Anesthesiology

2 Program Evaluation and Improvement 1. The program must document formal, systematic evaluation of the curriculum at least annually. The program must monitor and track each of the following areas: a) resident performance; b) faculty development; c) graduate performance, including performance of program graduates on the certification examination; and, d) program quality. Specifically: (1) Residents and faculty must have the opportunity to evaluate the program confidentially and in writing at least annually, and (2) The program must use the results of residents’ assessments of the program together with other program evaluation results to improve the program. 2. If deficiencies are found, the program should prepare a written plan of action to document initiatives to improve performance in the areas listed in section V.C.1. The action plan should be reviewed and approved by the teaching faculty and documented in meeting minutes.

3 Graduate performance: Results of performance on board certification examinations is one measure of graduate performance. Data can also be collected by annual surveys of graduates. Typically, such surveys target physicians one year and five years after graduation. Forms used may be provided by the institution, developed locally or adapted from the published literature (or unpublished but available online). Survey questions may inquire about such items as current professional activities of graduates and perceptions on how well prepared they are as a result of the program.

4 REMEMBER: Can, Should, Must…For ACGME all these MEAN: Thou Shalt Do These Things or Be Cited

5 Surveys in Common Use ACGME Annual Resident Surveys –Common Survey; Specialty Specific Survey Exit Surveys-currently done by GME at Graduation Post-NRMP applicant surveys Alumni Surveys

6 When –1 year, 5 year, after fellowships (1-3 yrs) Who –Graduate or Employer How –Traditional Mail –Email –Web-based Survey tools (eg. Survey Monkey)

7 Other uses of Alumni Surveys Assess CME Needs Tie Alumni closer to program –Maintain accurate contact info –Provide database to solicit funds for education –Provide job contact network for current Residents

8 Structure of a Survey General Demographics –Name, Office/Home addresses, email Type of Practice General Questions –Open ended-comments –Likert Scale (strongly agree/disagree) –True/False (probably least information) Competency Based Questions?

9 Competency Based Survey

10 Open Ended Survey

11 Objective Specific Survey

12 Send Me Money

13 Survey Points Ask open ended questions or incorporate comment boxes Don’t make your survey so long that responders give up Consider a short “preamble” to explain the importance of a response Thank the responder for taking the time to complete the survey Follow up, when appropriate with direct communications

14 Input from the Coordinators




18 What to do with data? Obtain and Assess Data Formulate an action plan Compare any new data against previous action plans Develop new programs to address deficiencies delineated in the data… And DOCUMENT that you did this –Who was present in meeting –When did you meet –Outcome products of the meeting Minutes, Report to Faculty, New Action Plans

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