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Riski Lestiono, M.A.. 2  Translation : The replacement of textual material in one lang. (SL) by equivalent textual material in another lang. (TL) 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Riski Lestiono, M.A.. 2  Translation : The replacement of textual material in one lang. (SL) by equivalent textual material in another lang. (TL) 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Riski Lestiono, M.A.

2 2

3  Translation : The replacement of textual material in one lang. (SL) by equivalent textual material in another lang. (TL) 3

4 Purposes of Translation:  Give insights into an alien society  Want the TT audiences to behave in a certain way after reading the TT 4

5  Correspondence  (Con)Textual Equivalence  Translation Shift 5

6  Any category (unit, class, structure) which can be said to occupy as nearly as possible the same place of economy between SL and TL  door vs pintu 6

7  (Con)Textual equivalence is any TT or portion of it which is equivalent to a certain ST or portion of it. 7

8 Any deviation from the formal correspondence in TT as a result of translating process 8

9  Structure Shift (grammatical structure) ST: Your reservation has been sent via email. TT: Kami telah menyampaikan pemesanan anda melalui email.

10  If one curses his father or his mother, (if- clause)  Siapa mengutuki ayah dan ibunya, (adj clause) 10

11  ST: He wasn’t here yet.  TT: Dia belum datang. 11

12  ST: Only one not being told  TT: kenapa dia baru diberitahu 12

13  Class shift (part of speech) ST: We have a very nice discussion. TT: Kami berdiskusi dengan sangat menyenangkan. 13

14  Sekarang pemuda, besok pemimpin  Today is young, tomorrow is a leader. 14

15  I want from you is to smile  Yang aku inginkan darimu hanya senyuman. 15

16  Unit shift (rank: word, phrase, sentence) ST: daughter, son TT: anak perempuan, anak laki-laki 16

17  Dear speakers  Yth para pembicara 17

18  Intra-system shift ST: This is the place for cats. TT: Ini adalah tempat untuk kucing.  Within a language system  SL & TL have formal equivalence, but the translator chooses non-corresponding term in TT.  kucing instead of kucing-kucing

19  Dear protocols  Yth saudara pembawa acara 19

20  ST: Untuk apa kau lari?  TT: What are you running from?  ST: audience studio  TT: penonton di studio 20

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22  Setelah Menggunakan Kamar Mandi, (adv clause = sub-clause) Harap Disiram Sampai Bersih (imparative sentence) >> Complex sentence = Majemuk bertingkat  ------------------------------------------------------ Keep this Restroom Clean  (imperative sentence) 22

23 Two types of Equivalence 1. Formal Equivalence: focuses on both form & content; accuracy & correctness 2. Dynamic Equivalence: focuses on naturalness of expression - relevant to the local culture 23

24 Skopos theory focuses on the purpose of the translation, which determines the methods and strategies of translating, which are employed to produce functionally adequate result (Munday, 2001: 79). 24

25  The idea is from Pragmatics.  Specialized texts/discourses/corpora  This theory really holds for specialized texts i.e. medical-scientific text translated for the general public (commoners).  Adequacy vs. Equivalence  The theory proposes the term Adequacy instead of Equivalence. 25

26  Skopos > purpose (Greek)  The action of translating is determined by its purpose  Main tenet: The initiator of the translation act (i.e. client) specifies the TT. 26

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