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Welcome to the Open Sky Webinar! We will start at 6pm- see you soon.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Open Sky Webinar! We will start at 6pm- see you soon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Open Sky Webinar! We will start at 6pm- see you soon.

2 Chemical Dependency: Supporting Your Loved One and Yourself Robin Brodsky, MA, LPC

3 ‘Chemical Dependency: Supporting Your Loved One and Yourself’ Use of Chemicals/ Mind or Mood Altering Substances Casual Use -> Substance Abuse ->Chemical Dependence Treatment Models Clinical Self Help Support at Open Sky Beyond Open Sky

4 What is substance abuse/chemical dependence? Substance abuse Substance abuse, as a disorder, refers to the abuse of illegal substances or the abusive use of legal substances. Pattern of substance (drug) use leading to impairment or problems or distress Most common legal drug of abuse? Chemical Dependence Continued use of drugs or alcohol, despite significant impairment and consequences with daily living. Common Signs? What have you seen?


6 Common behaviors that may indicate substance abuse or dependence. Getting high on drugs or getting drunk on a regular basis Lying, especially about how much they are using or drinking Avoiding friends and family members Giving up activities they used to enjoy such as sports or spending time with non-using friends Talking a lot about using drugs or alcohol

7 Common behaviors continued Believing they need to use or drink in order to have fun Pressuring others to use or drink Getting in trouble with the law Taking risks, such as sexual risks or driving under the influence of a substance Missing work due to substance use Depressed, hopeless, or suicidal feelings Sound familiar?


9 DSM-IV: Substance Abuse Criteria Manifested by one + of the following: failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home use in situations in which it is physically hazardous use despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by the effects of the substance

10 DSM-IV: Substance Dependence Criteria Manifested by 3 + of the following: 1.Tolerance 2.Withdrawal 3.Taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than intended. 4.A persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down. 5.A great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain the substance 6.Important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up 7.Continued use despite knowledge of having a persistent physical or psychological problem that is exacerbated by the substance.

11 Teens Who Abuse Alcohol and/or Drugs Risk Factors Age? (25% begin drinking before age 13) Peer Group Peer Culture Mental Health Problems Abuse (physical, emotional, sexual) Economics


13 What substances are most often abused? Alcohol Marijuana Salvia K2/Spice (Synthetic Marijuana) Prescription Drugs Hallucinogens Cocaine Amphetamines Opiates Anabolic steroids Inhalants Methamphetamine MDMA (Ecstasy) Bath Salts (Synthetic Cathinones) Tobacco

14 Depend on a number of factors, but may include – Weight loss Weight gain Constant fatigue Red eyes Little concern for hygiene Isolation Loss or strain on relationships Treatment for substance abuse/chemical dependence How is substance abuse/chemical dependence diagnosed?


16 What are other common types of Addiction? Food Sex Gambling Video gaming Social networking

17 Other addictions

18 Treatment  For the substance abuser/ chemically Dependent  For the families and friends of abusers and dependent Wilderness! Out-patient In-patient Self-help

19 What treatment is best? …it depends. Your age, overall health, and medical history Extent of the symptoms Extent of the dependence Type of substance abused Your tolerance for specific medications, procedures, or therapies Expectations for the course of the condition Your opinion or preference

20 Where there is life, there is hope…

21 Resources for Self Help and Research. Alcoholics Anonymous : Narcotics Anonymous Al-Anon Family Groups The Institute For Addiction Study NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse)

22 Resources for further support: Van Cleave, Ryan G. Unplugged: My Journey Into the Dark World of Video Game Addiction Twerski, Abraham J. Addictive Thinking: Understanding Self-Deception

23 THANKS FOR JOINING US THIS EVENING! YOUR PARTICIPATION SPEAKS VOLUMES TO THE DEDICATION AND LOVE YOU HAVE FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILIES. Robin Brodsky MA, LPC Please leave this browser window open when the webinar is finished; it will take you to a short survey.

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