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One Dimensional Motion Review of the basics AP Physics.

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Presentation on theme: "One Dimensional Motion Review of the basics AP Physics."— Presentation transcript:

1 One Dimensional Motion Review of the basics AP Physics

2 Terms Displacement vs. Distance Displacement: Change in position (vector) Distance: How far an object has traveled (scalar)

3 Terms Velocity vs. Speed  Velocity: Rate of the change in position (vector)  Speed: Rate of distance covered (scalar)

4 Terms Acceleration vs. Acceleration?  Acceleration: The rate at which velocity changes (vector) This could be a change in: This could be a change in: SpeedSpeed DirectionDirection Speed and directionSpeed and direction

5 Position vs. Time Graph

6 What are the velocities?

7 Average Velocity on an x-t graph

8 Average velocity vs instantaneous velocity on an position – time graph As the two points P1 and P2 get closer, the time frame (∆t) gets smaller and smaller approaching zero. Eventually you are considering a moment in time rather than a period of time. Graphically, you are looking at the slope of a tangent line rather than the slope of the line connecting two points.

9 Instantaneous Velocity on an x-t graph

10 Velocity vs. Time Graph  The slope of a v vs. t graph is the acceleration  The area between the curve and the horizontal axis of a v vs. t graph is the displacement

11 Instantaneous Acceleration vs Average Acceleration from a v-t graph As the two points P1 and P2 get closer, the time frame (∆t) gets smaller and smaller approaching zero. Eventually you are considering a moment in time rather than a period of time. Graphically, you are looking at the slope of a tangent line rather than the slope of the line connecting two points.

12 What are the accelerations and displacements?

13 Acceleration vs. Time Graph  The slope means NOTHING  The area between the curve and the horizontal axis is the change in velocity a t -10 m/s/s 10 s

14 Important Acceleration tells us how fast velocity changes Velocity tells us how fast position changes

15 Falling Bodies, thrown up objects, and the y-direction  All things fall at the same rate (neglecting air resistance)  On earth that rate is 9.80 m/s 2 DOWN  WATCH THE DIRECTION!  The name of that acceleration is Gravitational acceleration

16 Thanks! This is a good quick review for kinematics. However, it is just a review not the end all be all of kinematics.

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