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Why you must never, ever shake a baby >Brain damage >Blindness >Paralysis >Deafness >Seizures >Broken bones >Delays in normal development >Your baby can.

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Presentation on theme: "Why you must never, ever shake a baby >Brain damage >Blindness >Paralysis >Deafness >Seizures >Broken bones >Delays in normal development >Your baby can."— Presentation transcript:


2 Why you must never, ever shake a baby >Brain damage >Blindness >Paralysis >Deafness >Seizures >Broken bones >Delays in normal development >Your baby can die. A single shake can cause bleeding in and around the brain. This can lead to permanent brain damage, or even death. A single shake can cause:

3 The number one reason why babies are shaken… >is because they won't stop crying, and the caregiver gets angry and frustrated. >When your baby won't stop crying, be strong enough to walk away. >Never leave your baby with someone you know has anger problems. >Always supervise young children around your baby.

4 Why your baby cries >Crying is normal for a baby. It's their way of communicating and doesn't mean they're being naughty. >But sometimes a baby just won't stop crying, and almost all parents have times when they feel like they're at breaking point. >Let’s go through the crying checklist…

5 Crying checklist If your baby is crying, go through this checklist: >Does your baby need feeding or a nappy change? >Is your baby's clothing too tight? >Are there signs that they might be ill? - if so call a doctor >Are they teething? >Make sure your baby isn't too hot or cold.

6 Try this: >Burp your baby >If they are young, wrap them in a swaddle cloth >Hold your baby close, walk gently with them, sing to them, or try a soothing bath >Try a walk outside in their stroller or a drive around the block >If they still won't stop crying count to ten and take a break. When you are ready, come back and comfort them.

7 If baby still won’t stop crying >Walk away from your baby. If you're feeling frustrated, don't pick your baby up. Make sure they’re safe, then walk away >Call a friend. Make sure you have someone you can call when you need to talk. >Do something to relax. You can: >count slowly to ten >do something that distracts you >do something that will help you feel calm. >check on your baby regularly, but don't pick them up until you feel calm.

8 Ask for help >If you're not sure what to do and need someone to talk to, call a trusted friend or a helpline. There are lots of trained professionals out there who can help you. >If you'd like someone to talk to, call: >Power to Protect helpline 24/7 on 0800 300 026 >Plunket 0800 933 922 >Barnardos 0800 472 7368 >Healthline 0800 611 116 >Youthline 0800 376 633 >Your midwife or doctor >If it's an emergency, call 111 for immediate medical help for your baby.

9 If you think your baby has been shaken >Don't let fear or pride stop you from calling the doctor straight away. >Getting help early could save your baby's life. >Phone 111 for urgent medical help.

10 You have the power to protect > >0800 300 026

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