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Direct Object Pronouns
The direct object receives the action of the verb.
She buys a book. We see the children. verb direct verb direct object object Book is the direct object because it is receiving the action of the verb buy and children is receiving the action of the verb see.
Direct object pronouns replace the direct object.
She buys a book She buys it. We see the children. We see them. It and them are direct object pronouns because they replaced the direct object nouns book and children.
Ejercicios. Change the direct object to “it” or “them”.
Ex. Raul and Jose clean the house. They clean it. Hugo sands the door. I buy the pencils. Gabriel and I remember the answers. 4. Yolanda sells a dress.
In Spanish the direct object pronouns for:
it lo (m) them los (m) la (f) las (f) Direct object pronouns are placed before the verb in affirmative sentences. I buy an apple. Yo compro una manzana. I buy it. La compro. La because manzana is fem. It also has to be placed before the verb compro.
Ejercicios. They sell skirts. Ellas venden faldas.
They sell them. Ellas las venden. 1. We open the door._______________________ We open it.______________________________ 2. Juan buys oranges.______________________ Juan buys them.__________________________ 3. The dog eats the food.___________________ The dog eats it.___________________________ 4. The student has a pencil._________________ The student has it.________________________
Direct Object Pronouns
Person Singular Plural Primera (me) me (us) nos Segunda (you inf.) te (you pl) los (M) (you formal) lo (M) la (F) las (F) Tercera (him,her, lo (M) (them) los (M) and it) and la (F) las (F)
Don’t try to translate DOP sentences word by word because it won’t work!
Ejemplo: I eat the soup. I eat it. Yo como la sopa. Yo la como. Direct object pronouns come before the verb. She reads the books. She reads them. Ella lee los libros. Ella los lee.
Los objetos directos. Tune: If you’re happy and you know it.
¿Quién tiene mi reloj? Yo lo tengo. ¿Quién lee mi revista? Yo la leo. ¿Quién compra los zapatos?Yo los compro y los llevo ¿Y las medias? Yo las uso también. ¿Quién espera a Tomás? Yo lo espero. ¿Quién invita a María? Yo la invito. ¿Quién conoce a mis primos? Los conozco y los veo. ¿Y mis primas? Las conozco también.
I see the houses. Miro las casas. Las miro. D.O D.O D.O.P
In Spanish, any direct object that represents a person must be introduced with a personal “a”. It is also used if the direct object is a pet. I see the houses. Miro las casas Las miro. D.O D.O D.O.P I see Pablo. Miro a Pablo. Lo miro. D.O is a person. Personal “a” must be placed before Pablo. We greet the teachers. Saludamos a las maestras. Humberto sees Clara Humberto ve a Clara. She cleans the dogs Limpia a los perros. D.O.P
The personal a is not used after the verb TENER or HAY even if the direct object is a person.
Tengo dos perros. I have two dogs. Hay maestros. There are teachers. Translate: 1. I look for the pen._______________________ 2. I look for the girl._______________________ 3. I look for the dog._______________________ 4. She looks at Carlos.______________________ 5. She looks at the boy.___________________ 6. She looks at the cat._____________________
Ex. He sees me Él me ve. DOP DOP In negative sentences the DOP comes between the verb and no. He does not see me Él no me ve. DOP DOP Or For negative sentences write no before the DOP.
Ejercicios 1. You (inf) clean the table.__________________
You (inf) clean it.__________________________ 2. Alba sees the school.____________________ Alba sees it.______________________________ 3. I have the dress.________________________ I have it._________________________________ 4. You (pl) watch the tv.____________________ You (pl) watch it.__________________________ 5. Esteban sees Nora.______________________ Esteban sees her.__________________________
6. I see you (inf).__________________________
7. You don’t see me._______________________ 8. She sees him.__________________________ 9. They (m) sell them (f).___________________ 10. He loves us.___________________________ 11. You (formal) love them (m)______________ 12. We (f) don’t have it (m)._________________ 13. You (inf) watch us._____________________ 14. I don’t clean it (f).______________________ 15. She loves him._________________________ 16. I love her.____________________________ 17. I love you (inf).________________________
Sentences with two verbs.
When a sentence has two verbs, the first verb is conjugated and the second verb remains in the infinitive form. I want to buy strawberries. Quiero comprar fresas. conjugated left in the infinitive form
In sentences with two verbs, there are two options regarding the placement of the direct object pronoun. 1) Place it immediately before the conjugated verb. 2) Attach it directly to the infinitive. Ejemplos of the first option: I want to buy it (m) Lo quiero comprar. conjugated verb DOP before the conjugated verb.
They need to clean it (f)
Ellos la necesitan limpiar. DOP before the conjugated verb. Ejercicios: 1. She should wash them (f)____________________________________ 2. We can help you(inf)________________________________ 3. You (formal) want to read it (m)___________________________________ 4. I need to see it(f)_______________________
Ejemplos of the second option “Attach it directly to the infinitive”
I want to buy it (m) Quiero comprarlo. DOP goes right after the infinitive She has to sweep it (f). Ella tiene que barrerla We need to write them (m). Necesitamos escribirlos.
Ejercicios 1. You (formal) have to see it (m)___________________________________ 2. I need to visit them (f)____________________________________ 3. Susana should cook it (f)____________________________________ 4. We have to clean them (f)____________________________________ 5. The teacher (f) wants to wash it (f)____________________________________
Here are both options. Yolanda needs to take them (f). Yolanda las necesita tomar. Yolanda necesita tomarlas. I should wash it (m). Yo lo debo lavar. Or Lo debo lavar. Yo debo lavarlo. Or Debo lavarlo. You (inf) want to buy them (m). Tú los quieres comprar. Or Los quieres comprar. Tú quieres comprarlos. Or Quieres comprarlos.
To make questions. Change the question into a statement and add questions marks. Should she take them? (f). She should take them. ¿Las debe tomar? ¿Debe tomarlas? Do they (m) want to see it (m)? They want to see it. ¿Lo quieren ver? ¿Quieren verlo?
Ejercicios Translate the following questions:
Ejemplo: Do I need to sell it (f)? I need to sell it. ¿La necesito vender? ¿Necesito venderla? 1. Should they learn it (m)? ____________________________
1. Does he have to clean them (m)?
______________________________________ 2. Do we need to see it (f)? 3. Does Humberto write them (f)?
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