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UNIT 8 Conditionals (1st and 2nd) 3rd YEAR EOI. Finish these sentences I won’t stop studying English until … … I have a good command of it. I’d like to.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 8 Conditionals (1st and 2nd) 3rd YEAR EOI. Finish these sentences I won’t stop studying English until … … I have a good command of it. I’d like to."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT 8 Conditionals (1st and 2nd) 3rd YEAR EOI

2 Finish these sentences I won’t stop studying English until … … I have a good command of it. I’d like to retire when…... I am 60 years old. I’ll be really annoyed if… … I don’t pass my final exam. I’ll always live here unless… … I marry an American. I’ll have something to eat as soon as… … I get home.

3 1 ST CONDITIONAL (real situations) If + present simple  present simple (scientific facts or facts which don't change) E.g. If you mix blue and yellow, you get green. I drink water if I'm thirsty. If + pres simple  imperative (orders with a condition) E.g. If you break it, buy another one. If + pres simple  will / won’t (future possibilities. Can / may / should are also possible) E.g. If it is sunny tomorrow, we will go to the beach. If it is sunny tomorrow, we may go to the beach.

4 Instead of IF we can use… UNLESS (= if … not) I won’t go unless she invites me. =I won’t go if she doesn’t invite me. AS SOON AS, WHEN, UNTIL, BEFORE, AFTER, THE MOMENT, … As soon as you get the exam results, call me. I’ll have lunch before I leave. After we finish university, we can take a year off and travel.

5 Complete these sentences (in positive or negative) 1.I’ll give him your message when I ____ him. (see) 2.Don’t forget to turn off the lights before you ______. (leave) 3.They _____________ until they find a place to live. (get married) 4.If I see Emma, I _____ her you are looking for her. (tell) 5.I _____ you as soon as I arrive at the hotel. (call) 6.You won’t be able to park unless you ______ there early (get). 7. As soon as it stops raining, we _____ out. (go) 8. Don’t write anything until I ____ you (tell). 9. When she finds out what he’s done, she ____ furious (be). 10. Go to bed when the film ______ (finish). see leave won’t get married ‘ll tell ‘ll call get ‘ll go tell ‘ll be finishes


7 2 nd CONDITIONAL (hypothetical / imaginary situations) If + past simple  would / wouldn’t + infinitive (could also possible) E.g. If I had more money, I’d buy a bigger house. If he didn’t speak English, he couldn’t get a job in a hotel. I wouldn’t do that job unless they paid me a really good salary. I / He / She / It *was  were If I were you, I’d call the police. (If I was you) If my town were bigger, we’d have more fun. was

8 1 ST CONDITIONAL vs 2 nd CONDITIONAL If I have time, I’ll help you. (= possible situation. I may have time.) If I had time, I’d help you. (= imaginary situation. I don’t have time.)


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