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Most have heard of it. But what is it exactly? HTML is a computer language devised to allow website creation. These websites can then be viewed by anyone.

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Presentation on theme: "Most have heard of it. But what is it exactly? HTML is a computer language devised to allow website creation. These websites can then be viewed by anyone."— Presentation transcript:


2 Most have heard of it. But what is it exactly? HTML is a computer language devised to allow website creation. These websites can then be viewed by anyone else connected to the Internet. It is relatively easy to learn, with the basics being accessible to most people in one sitting; and quite powerful in what it allows you to create. It is constantly undergoing revision and evolution to meet the demands and requirements of the growing Internet audience under the direction of the » W3C, the organization charged with designing and maintaining the language.computerInternet» W3C The definition of HTML is HyperText Markup Language. HyperText is the method by which you move around on the web — by clicking on special text called hyperlinks which bring you to the next page. The fact that it is hyper just means it is not linear — i.e. you can go to any place on the Internet whenever you want by clicking on links — there is no set order to do things in. Markup is what HTML tags do to the text inside them. They mark it as a certain type of text (italicised text, for example). HTML is a Language, as it has code-words and syntax like any other language.

3 An HTML editor is a software application for creating web pages. Although the HTML markup of a web page can be written with any text editor Purchase vs Free

4 Web Hosting or 'Hosting' is a service provided by a vendor which offers a physical location for the storage of web pages and files. Think of a Web Hosting Company as a type of landlord, they rent physical space on their servers allowing webpages to be viewed on the Internet.Web Hosting 2.1 What is a Web Server? Generally used in reference to the computer hardware that provides World Wide Web services on the Internet, a Web server includes the hardware, operating system, server software, TCP/IP protocols and the Web site content. Web servers process requests from Browsers for web pages and serves them up via HTTP. 2.2 What is HTTP? HyperText Transfer Protocol - the underlying protocol used by the World Wide Web. HTTP defines how messages are formatted and transmitted, and what action Web servers and browsers should take in response to various commands. For example, when you enter a URL in your browser, this actually sends an HTTP command to the Web server directing it to fetch and transmit the requested Web page. 2.3 What is a Domain Name? An addressing construct used for identifying and locating computers on the Internet. Domain names provide a system of easy-to-remember Internet addresses, which can be translated by the Domain Name System (DNS) into the numeric addresses (Internet Protocol (IP) numbers) used by a network. ( is a domain name as is

5 2.4 What is an IP Address? Every computer connected to the Internet must have a unique address known as an IP (Internet Protocol) address. The IP address is a numeric address written as a set of four numbers separated by dots, for example The address provides a unique identification of a computer and the network it belongs to. 2.5 What does URL stand for? Uniform Resource Locator - the global address of documents and other resources on the World Wide Web. The first part of the address indicates what protocol to use, and the second part specifies the IP address or the domain name where the resource is located. is the URL for CoffeeCup Software. 2.6 What does DNS stand for? Domain Name System - a system of mapping names to IP addresses. Because domain names are alphabetic, they're easier for humans to remember. The Internet, however, is really based on IP addresses. Every time you use a domain name, DNS translates the name into the corresponding IP address. It is similar to a phonebook for the Internet. 2.7 What does FTP stand for? File Transfer Protocol - Allows the transfer of one or more files from one computer to another across the Internet. Usually from a personal computer to a Server or vice versa.

6 2.8 What is Uploading? Uploading - Is the transferring of files from your local computer to a remote computer, usually a server. 2.9 What is Downloading Downloading - Is the transferring of files from a remote computer to your local computer. 2.13 What is a CGI Service CGI stands for Common Gateway Interface. CGI provides a method to interface a computer program with an HTML page. CGI programs can be written to do many different things, which includes: counting visitors to your web site; processing data obtained from online forms; and creating simple animations. If you want any of these features it is essential that your host includes a CGI Service usually in the form of a CGI-bin.

7 Create and layout your ideas on paper if needed Start with colors and background Title and corresponding pages –Name of site –What info you want on each page –Balance your content. Don’t clutter page –Make it flow

8 Watch your Copyrights Know your usage limits 2.14 What is Bandwidth? Bandwidth in respect to hosting, is the amount of information that can be transferred from the server to a Browser. Hosts usually limit the amount of bandwidth a user has available per month. As an example, if you had a file on your site that was 1mb and you had 1Gb of bandwidth, users could download the file 1000 total times. 2.15 What is Disk Space? Disk Space - the total physical amount of hard drive space a host allows a user to have.

9 Java & Flash –Can make website look cool. –Menu animations –Little Cartoons

10 Most have received a HTML email. But how is it done?

11 Similar to website creation –Best to use a HTML editor –Save in separate directory –Try to limit photos and photo size –Do not use anything fancy Java, Flash, Style Sheets, Roll Overs, etc –Test several times

12 Numerous of emails sent from a personal email can raise flags with certain providers May want to use a special email service for mass emails Use a grouping setup from yahoo or google, where people have to subscribe. Test with various email providers; use co- workers or friends as testees.

13 Writing like a spammer –The subject lines are IN ALL CAPS, letters are highlighted bright red or bright blue, they SCREAM by using lots! of! exclamation! points!!!! and they use phrases like, "hottest, best, click now! limited time only!, and act now!" Don't be like that. Keep your subject lines brief and to the point. Keep your content relevant. Don't try to use gimmicky catch phrases. Only using images –Some people design an email in Photoshop, then "Export to HTML." That just generates a big graphic! The problem with this is that spam filters can't read emails that are nothing but giant graphics. When they encounter an email they can't read, they block it. Always include some kind of "computer-readable" text in your email. And don't just make it your "unsubscribe" copy.

14 Sending nothing but a big, giant graphic as your HTML email. –First of all, that's what spammers do. They send a giant graphic, hoping to trick spam filters (see, spam filters need to read text in order to determine if a message is spam). But the spam filters have caught on to this. You can send HTML emails with nice, big graphics. But always include some text in the message, as a backup. Assume people won't be able to see your images. What would you want them to read there, instead? Trying to send HTML email campaigns with Outlook or Outlook Express –Outlook won't send your email in "multipart-alternative" format. Multipart format means that an HTML email is sent with a plain-text alternative embedded along with it. That way, if someone's email application can't read HTML email, the plain-text version displays instead. Also, Outlook will send all your images along as attachments, which won't always work.

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