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Sino-Danish Center, Workshop in september 2012 HRM and the quality of work life for Chinese Knowledge workers employed at Scandinavian companies settled.

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Presentation on theme: "Sino-Danish Center, Workshop in september 2012 HRM and the quality of work life for Chinese Knowledge workers employed at Scandinavian companies settled."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sino-Danish Center, Workshop in september 2012 HRM and the quality of work life for Chinese Knowledge workers employed at Scandinavian companies settled in Shanghai Henrik Lund, DK Roskilde University, Centre for Work Life Research

2 Context To very different people brought together by global capitalism One people with a lot of international business experience One people who in terms of business have been living as a isolated tribe Sino-Danish Center, Workshop in september 2012

3 The Scandinavian work life research tradition – What does it stand for? Critical search for the H in HRM Seeking truly emancipation of humans through the intrinsic values of work Normative change through interventions in work and action oriented research Better society through better work Sino-Danish Center, Workshop in september 2012

4 Question How can HR-practice focused on the quality of work life for Chinese knowledge workers be a competitive advances for Scandinavian companies in Shanghai? Sino-Danish Center, Workshop in september 2012

5 Pilot study on work ethics A case study within Retail 2 interviews with HR managers in Denmark Workplace tour and 5 interviews with employés in Shanghai Sino-Danish Center, Workshop in september 2012

6 Our point of departure in the Scandinavian work life tradition A tradition of a thoroughly regulated working condition Low power distance Flat hierarchies High level of responsibility to ordinary workers Emphases on learning, influence, participation and democratization Sino-Danish Center, Workshop in september 2012

7 ’The culture meeting’ The employees were experienced in business culture meetings but found the Scandinavian one very different Company values were very colonial The employees were critical by making fun of the global transfer of local values The employees absorbed the values, but also made culture translations on a daily basis Sino-Danish Center, Workshop in september 2012

8 Work-life balance - working the Scandinavian way! Short hours, low and equal pay and lack of advancements Access to highly qualified personal (women) Sino-Danish Center, Workshop in september 2012

9 Delegation of responsibility - working the Scandinavian way! Working without orders is not so difficult for the employees as many think Some leave the company because they get confused but mostly delegation of responsibility is a valued principal Sino-Danish Center, Workshop in september 2012

10 Indecision and lack of focus - working the Scandinavian way! Scandinavians are poor decisions makers Many and long meetings with lots of talk and unclear decisions are difficult for the employees to cope with The Scandinavians relaxed attitude to work are difficult to cope with for the hard- working and focused Chinese Sino-Danish Center, Workshop in september 2012

11 Conclusions It is possible to work the Scandinavian way in Shanghai There seam to be a competitive advantage related to recruitment of employees who wants to work the Scandinavian way Sino-Danish Center, Workshop in september 2012

12 Chinese often can not understand: -Why long hours are not appreciated and recognised -Why there have to be so many Scandinavian managers -Why the Scandinavian HR employees are so lazy -Why the Scandinavian don’t have higher growth ambitions – blind spots Social aspects when Scandinavian and Chinese culture meets Sino-Danish Center, Workshop in september 2012

13 Scandinavian often can not understand: -Why Chinese workers don’t seek employee control in and over work -Why good relations are more important than work content -Why distance between management and employee should be a problem Social aspects when Scandinavian and Chinese culture meets (2) Sino-Danish Center, Workshop in september 2012

14 Co-operation ideas Education of Scandinavian HR-managers to use the culture meeting as facilitator for of Scandinavian ways of working adjusted to Chinese conditions In practise to use the culture meeting as facilitator of participation and learning University-company consortium Sino-Danish Center, Workshop in september 2012

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