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Colorado Dual Diagnosis Gap Analysis Preliminary Results 1 Cordelia Robinson, PhD, RN Angela Rachubinski, PhD Kelly Stainback-Tracy, MPH, PT Sarah Hoover,

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Presentation on theme: "Colorado Dual Diagnosis Gap Analysis Preliminary Results 1 Cordelia Robinson, PhD, RN Angela Rachubinski, PhD Kelly Stainback-Tracy, MPH, PT Sarah Hoover,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Colorado Dual Diagnosis Gap Analysis Preliminary Results 1 Cordelia Robinson, PhD, RN Angela Rachubinski, PhD Kelly Stainback-Tracy, MPH, PT Sarah Hoover, M.Ed (PI) 303-724-7680

2 Methods: Publically available survey via a secure web link was circulated among local advocacy groups ( Surveys available for: - Adult individuals with a dual diagnosis receiving services - Caregivers of individuals with a dual diagnosis - Providers of individuals with a dual diagnosis Of note: The following results are descriptive only. Results from 47 individuals have been excluded from this analysis because they did not meet the criteria of a dual diagnosis. Results from 44 respondents identifying as “Other” have not been incorporated into these results. Results from 3 adults receiving services are not included in these results. Colorado Dual Diagnosis Gap Analysis Surveys 2

3 Demographics 3 n=102

4 Developmental Diagnoses *Respondents could select more than one option* 4 n=102

5 Psychiatric Diagnoses *Respondents could select more than one option* 5 n=102

6 Main reasons for ER visits *Respondents could select more than one option* 6 Of respondents having used ED (n=72) (%) ‘Other’ responses Acute medical needs Management of chronic medical needs due to behavior Run Away

7 IQ 7 IQ Distribution

8 IQ 8 Insurance type for individuals with IQ < 70 Primary Insurance (n=41) Mental Health Insurance (n=41) *Respondents could select more than one option *

9 Primary Insurance (n=37) Mental Health Insurance (n=37) * Respondents could select more than one option* 9 Insurance type for individuals with IQ 71+

10 Services Received 10 IQ ≤ 70 Receiving services (%) (n=41) IQ ≥ 71 Receiving services (%) (n=37)

11 Recurring comments for needed services Wrap-around care/support – Many families receiving services/therapies state that any one service meets their child’s needs “a little” or “somewhat” (data not shown). Access to needed care - regardless if diagnoses or lack thereof Support for the entire family unit Day Camp; Longer term camps Respite care with trained staff Family therapy/classes Living options for transitioning adults Living/other supports for higher-functioning individuals Need for provider training/more options for crises 11

12 GAP Analysis Provider Data 12 Provider Practice Setting

13 GAP Analysis Provider Data 13 Have you had PREVIOUS TRAINING in caring for this population? Years in Practice (n=100) Respondents

14 GAP Analysis Provider Data 14 Have you ever had to turn down seeing an individual from this patient population? (n=100) Most common reasons for refusal: Presenting problem not covered by Medicaid/insurance No insurance/lack of funding Already had full caseloads

15 GAP Analysis Study The State of Colorado is supporting a cross-systems analysis of crisis intervention services. This analysis will look at the capacity to serve all individuals with dual diagnoses of an Intellectual or Developmental Disability and a Mental Health or Behavioral Disorder. This population includes individuals with Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome or PDD-NOS who have co-occurring Mental Health or Behavioral Disorders. We are also interested in individuals with Developmental Disabilities who, for psychiatric or behavioral reasons, have used Emergency Medical Services or been hospitalized. We want to hear the perspectives of people in these situations even if they do not technically have a Mental Health or Behavioral Disorder. We invite you to take our survey online at The results of this survey will be reported as a summary and no one will know which responses are yours. Please feel free to pass the survey link onto anyone you think might be interested in responding. Our hope is that, with your help, we will be able to provide recommendations on how to better meet the needs of this population. We will post the results of the survey on the Colorado CANDO and JFK Partners websites. We appreciate you sharing your experiences. Please know that every voice is heard. Thank you for your participation! 15

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