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Foundations of Team Leadership 1 Bushfire Feedback.

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Presentation on theme: "Foundations of Team Leadership 1 Bushfire Feedback."— Presentation transcript:

1 Foundations of Team Leadership 1 Bushfire Feedback

2 Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness

3 Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness 8. Gain/Loss Score – subtract Team Score (Step 7) from the Average Individual Score (Step 6). If the Team Score is higher than the Average Individual Score, the negative number represents a Loss. 7. Team Score – record the total from the bottom of Step 5 column 11. Number of Members better than Team – record the number of individual Scores lower than the Team Score. 10. Best Individual Score – Record the lowest Individual Score on the Team 9. Percent Change – divide the Gain or Loss (Step 8) by the Average Individual Score (Step 6). Multiply by 100 to get percentage. 6. Average Individual Score – add up all members ’ individual scores and divide by the number of people on the team TEAM NAMES GreenRed.x

4 4 Questions for Self-Reflection Were you surprised on how you came across in a team context? How do you feel about the role you played in the video simulation? –How did you make the team processes easier or harder for everyone? –How did your team mates react to you during the simulation? Are there things you would like to ask a peer to coach you on this week? Questions -Reflections

5 5 Positive Reactions What were some of the elements you saw about yourself that you liked a lot? What were some of the positive contributions that you made to the team? Other Reactions What might you consider doing differently in a team context? What would you like to practice for the next video simulation? Video Feedback Delta PLUS

6 Foundations of Team Leadership 6 Disciplined Reflection & Action Planning

7 7 What did I do that worked well in this team context and that I will continue doing? What to Keep Moving Forward P L U S What to Keep Moving Forward P L U S Tasks Task Processes 1.. 2... People People Processes 1.. 2.. 1.. 2.. Attained RESULTS

8 Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness 12b-8

9 9 What, if anything, would I do differently next time in a team context? What to Change Moving Forward DELTA Tasks Task Processes 1.. 2.. People People Processes 1.. 2.. 1.. 2.. Desired RESULTS

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