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1st Grade Unit 5 Week 1 Day 3
Phonemic Awareness Warm-up
Deletion of Initial Sounds: Listen to this word: fan. What sound do you hear at the beginning of this word? Let’s delete the /f/ sound. What word is made? Try brother, stare, and band.
Fluency Turn to p. 2 in your Practice Companion
Fluency Turn to p. 2 in your Practice Companion. First listen as I read without expression. Then listen as I read with expression. Then you’ll work in pairs to practice reading with expression. You’ll take turns reading one sentence at a time. Practice your phrasing and pacing and expression.
Reinforce the Theme How Stories Change Us p. 9
Theme Question: What does history teach us? What is a family history? Who tells family stories? What can we learn from stories of our family’s past?
Introduce Vocabulary Strategy Use Multiple-Meaning Words
Define and Model Some English words have more than one meaning. Knowing the words and their meanings can help you understand what you read. Look at p. 7 of How Stories Change Us.
“done with a lot of effort,” or “not easy.”
Hard can mean “not soft,” “done with a lot of effort,” or “not easy.” What way is hard being used in these sentences? The frozen ground was hard. I work hard in school. Question on the test was too hard for me to answer. How is hard being used in the sentence on p. 7? Read underlined part.
Multiple Meaning Words
Definition Break Fly A short rest To separate into parts A small bug To move through the air
Read and Comprehend Identify the Main Ideas and Details
Define: Finding the main ideas and details is a skill readers use to understand what they read. The main idea is what a passage is most about. Details tell more about the main idea.
Model Listen as I read aloud p. 8 of the Concepts big Book .
Grandfather worked hard so he could vote. I ask myself, “What is the passage mostly about?” It is mostly about how Granfather worked hard so he could vote. The main idea is in the center of the web. I’ll look for details that tell me more about that idea.
Practice Listen as I read aloud p. 7 in the concepts big Book
Practice Listen as I read aloud p. 7 in the concepts big Book. Then let’s think aloud and identify the main idea and details.
Practice Companion p. 10
Prepare to Read Use Text Features: Index p. 32
An index helps readers find specific topics in a text. I could use this index to find information about Rachel Carson. What do you learn from reading the index? How might an index be helpful when reading?
Your Purpose: You will reread Chapters 1 and 2 to find information to help you answer the Theme Question: What can we learn from stories of our family’s past?
PP 6-7 How would you summarize these pages?
PP 8-10
What is the main idea of page 10?
What details support the main idea?
Let’s talk about the information in the purple sidebar on p. 15.
Respond Tell one thing you understand better after rereading the first half of How Stories Change Us. How is finding a main idea and details helpful when you read? Discuss this with your partner.
Word Work Phonics: Phonemic Awareness Warm-Up
I’m going to say some words. Clap once if you hear a word that includes the /v/ sound: (see “notes” for words) Now let’s listen to the same words. This time clap if you hear the long /u/ sound. Visit, cube, valley, cute, unit, van, over, river, music.
/v/ spelled v; Long u Spelled u, u_e
Look at the picture side of Spelling Card 22. Listen as I say the name of this picture, volcano. Say it with me.
The word volcano is spelled with a /v/ spelled v.
Listen as I say the name of this picture mule. Say it with me.
The word mule is spelled with a /u/ spelled
u_e _ue ew
Look at the word vote on this page. The letter v makes the /v/ sound.
Now look at the word United. The letter /u/ make the long/u/ sound.
Vase (model blending) music cube
Look at this word. Here are the sounds in this word. /v/, /a/, /s/. Repeat the word with me several times. Now let’s read the sounds in these words: music cube
visit Practice Blending
Practice blending /v/ words spelled v and long u words spelled u and u_e. visit Read this word with me as I point to each sound’s spelling.
Now let’s practice with these words:
vine cave raven travel huge cute unit unicorn
Practice Blending in Context
Who would like to circle words with the /v/ and long/u/ sounds in these sentences: I will visit an old mule. The bat will use a cave as a home. Put the bugle and music stand in the van.
Phonics Companion p. 47
Word Blast Game (click on link below)
does plays pulls High-Frequency Words
Who can use these words in sentences?
refuses To refuse means to say no to something.
Can anyone use the word refuse in a sentence?
Decodable Reader p. 37 The title Muse the Mule contains words with the sounds and spellings you have been studying. You will get to read the Decodable Reader today. If necessary-read this with the students in the Intensive and Strategic groups to provide extra support.
Spelling Practice adding –s and –es.
When I say each word, write it in a sentence. (king, kings, dish, dishes, fox, foxes, take, takes) Now try the Frequently Misspelled Words: (babies, hers)
Practice Companion p. 5
Wrap Up Share, Connect, Assess Make Text-to-World Connections
Let’s share what additional things you learned while reading about family stories. Remember to make sure people from all groups have a chance to contribute to the discussion Use theme and other vocabulary as you share. As you discuss the texts, make connections between texts and the world. For example, family stories may include sports from another country.
Daily Writing Think about a family story you know. Write down as much as you can about the story you remember.
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