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The Mindset Clive Kerridge - Senior Lecturer in Strategy in Organisations, University of Gloucestershire.

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Presentation on theme: "The Mindset Clive Kerridge - Senior Lecturer in Strategy in Organisations, University of Gloucestershire."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Mindset Clive Kerridge - Senior Lecturer in Strategy in Organisations, University of Gloucestershire

2 Do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur? …. Start and run your business

3 A bit of fun! Scribble down a list of numbers 1 - 25! Write down your score alongside each number as each question is read out. Q numberYour Score 12 23 30. 25 Total score Scoring 3 is for a True answer 2 for each Sometimes answer 0 for each False answer

4 Answer each of the following questions true, false, or sometimes 1. I view obstacles as challenges to overcome. 2. When working on a project that intrigues me, I lose track of time. 3. I am goal-oriented. 4. I rarely make the same mistake twice. 5. If I say I'm going to do something, it gets done. Scoring 3 is for True answer 2 for each Sometimes answer 0 for each False answer

5 Some more! 6. Success is important to me. 7. I'm often the one to come up with new ideas or new ways to do things. 8. Change doesn't bother me. 9. I like learning new things -- even things I see no immediate use for. 10. I trust my intuition. Scoring 3 is for True answer 2 for each Sometimes answer 0 for each False answer

6 … and more ! 11. When told something is impossible, it makes me want to try even harder. 12. I'll work doggedly on a problem until it's solved. 13. I take calculated risks. 14. I don't suffer from analysis paralysis. 15. I like to travel to new and exotic places. Scoring 3 is for True answer 2 for each Sometimes answer 0 for each False answer

7 … almost there now! 16. I bounce back quickly from setbacks. 17. I'm self-confident. 18. I see the glass as half-full. 19. I view mistakes as inevitable. 20. I'm willing to give up security in the present for possible long-term rewards. Scoring 3 is for True answer 2 for each Sometimes answer 0 for each False answer

8 Last one, honest! 21. I prefer to travel the road less taken. 22. I make decisions based on having enough information, not all the information. 23. I enjoy working independently. 24. I like to lead projects and people. 25. Persistent is my middle name. Scoring 3 is for True answer 2 for each Sometimes answer 0 for each False answer

9 Now add all your scores up! ( … perhaps you should have concentrated more in your maths lessons at school!)

10 Are you entrepreneurial? A score of 60-75 You not only can but should have your own business. Start thinking about and planning for what you would most love to be doing with your life. Copyright 2007 by Lois P Frankel - Warner Business Book.

11 Are you entrepreneurial? A score of 48-59 There's definite potential, but take a look at those areas where you answered false or sometimes and focus on what you need to do to ensure success. Copyright 2007 by Lois P Frankel - Warner Business Book.

12 Are you entrepreneurial? A score of 37-47 The desire is there, but the skill level may not be. You're going to have to push yourself in areas outside your comfort zone or perhaps partner with others who can complement your natural skills. Copyright 2007 by Lois P Frankel - Warner Business Book.

13 Are you entrepreneurial? A score of Below 37 Unless you have some overwhelming desire to start your own enterprise or can contribute to an entrepreneurship in a narrowly defined area of expertise, you may be better off employed by someone else. Copyright 2007 by Lois P Frankel - Warner Business Book.

14 Group Exercise

15 Idea Generation Think about the things that you like/enjoy Think about the things you really like doing Think about the things that irritate or frustrate you e.g. when you are shopping; or when you need service Think about the things or services that you need i.e. on which you have to [?!] spend money/time

16 PassionsHobbiesFrustrationsNecessities Idea Generation

17 PassionsHobbiesFrustrationsNecessities Cars Rugby Food Art Track Days Going Out Watching Sport Keeping Fit Spending Money Shopping Being Cold Running out of time Insurance DIY Cooking Cleaning Idea Generation

18 Passions:Hobbies: Frustrations:Needs: Links:Business Opportunity Ideas? Activity: Teams to now fill in the upper four sections

19 PassionsHobbiesFrustrationsNecessities Cars Rugby Food Art Track Days Going Out Watching Sport Keeping Fit Spending Money Shopping Being Cold Running out of time Insurance DIY Cooking Cleaning OK, now let’s put these together – and make some business ideas! First – make some links (you don’t have to agree but it helps) recommendation: use different coloured pens Then – envisage some business concepts (that might satisfy you – and other customers) recommendation: think who would be the customers? Idea Generation

20 Teams to now fill in the bottom two: Passions:Hobbies: Frustrations:Needs: Links:Business Opportunity Ideas?

21 Now each group explain to all (briefly!) one of your business ideas Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5 Team 6 Team 7

22 2008 - Vanilla Pod Bakery Previous years’ winners and finalists 2008 - Vanilla Pod Bakery

23 2009 - The Cotswold Deli Smart Notebooks

24 2010 - Active Krav Maga Pinnell Productions

25 2011 - Whyte Winter

26 2012 - Seen Clothing Name/logo, Pictures and website

27 Open Award Finalists Hassle Free Computing The Caribbean Experience Your Opportunities Uncovered (Y.O.U.) Nick BurkeSimone VincentBrendan MackenzieRoger Goodwin

28 Taught Award Finalists In association with the University of Gloucestershire’s Alumni Association and with the support and sponsorship of: Pet Paradise Melanie Homes Tremin Records Hillary Okech Gurkhas Khukuri Akash Rawal, Subin Pradhan, Nirajan Shrestha CP Exclusive Barnaby Nickels, Andrew Miller, Dominic Crowder

29 Business Planning Competition 2012/2013 ADD NAMES and PHOTOS if available! ADD sponsor names/logs at bottom of slide

30 Timetable DateEventSpeakers 24th October The Mind-set Starting a business is child’s play – understand what it takes to get into the mind set of an entrepreneur Guest Speaker: Fraser Fudj Q&A Clive Kerridge – Envisioning Your Business 31st October The Experiment Business speed mentoring – less embarrassing than speed dating but just as challenging Fiona Spencer and various members of the Chartered Institute of Marketing 7th November #entrepreneur – Social Enterprise Social Enterprise – Tweeting and liking for a business where society profits Various Members of the Students Union And the Green fund 14th NovemberThe Protection Creating a business from a crisis and protecting your most valuable assets Guest speakers: Rob & Paul from Gandys Flip-flops Rickerby’s – Steve Murray – Intellectual Property


32 ARE YOU ENTREPRENEURIAL ? Try the General Enterprising Tendency test

33 GET test is available on


35 GET questions cont’d….

36 and… Are you Creative? (the CREAX test)

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