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Comenius Foundation for Child Development 1 Different Experiences In Children's Transition To School. The Polish Perspective Monika Rościszewska- Woźniak.

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1 Comenius Foundation for Child Development 1 Different Experiences In Children's Transition To School. The Polish Perspective Monika Rościszewska- Woźniak EECERA 2007

2 Comenius Foundation for Child Development 2 Parent- Teacher Partnership for Children’s Transition to School

3 Comenius Foundation for Child Development 3 Parent-Teacher Partnership for Children’s Transition to School Participants – organisations from the Czech Republic, Greece, Northern Ireland Poland, Slovakia Project objectives  Sharing information on adult participation in programmes facilitating children’s transition to school.  design a training programme for parents and teachers to help them to devise and launch transition-to-school programmes.

4 Comenius Foundation for Child Development 4 Project realization  Qualitative research developed by the members of organizations participating in the project - collecting information about the practices adopted in every country and presenting them at a seminar in Poland Next phases  developing training scenarios and educational materials  pilot scheme implemented in different communities  information guideline prepared.  produce a guideline (with examples of best practices) publicising the project’s effects.

5 Comenius Foundation for Child Development 5 Survey objectives Qualitative research developed by the members of organizations participating in the project The research was conducted in five language versions from December 2006 to February 2007. It was carried out among adults and children who participate in various ways in the process of transition to school. Its purpose was to analize needs of the potential participants of a training which is being prepared within a framework of the project. That is a basis for the training module

6 Comenius Foundation for Child Development 6 Survey methodology Questionnaires for parents, teachers and children (from schools and preschools) School children  Do you remember what it was like to go to school for the first time?  What did you need to feel good during first weeks of school?  What could be done to make children feel good at the beginning of school? Adults  What is the most important experience of yours – as a teacher/parent/town councilor etc – with transition to school?  What do you do during the transition to school now?  What can you do for the successful transition to school? Preschool Children  How do you feel at the thought of going to school?  Do you remember your first days in preschool?  What can you do to feel good at school?

7 Comenius Foundation for Child Development 7 Survey methodology Set of questionnaires sent to all the parties involved in children’s transition to school, Questionnaires were anonymous. Parents and teachers were requested to conduct interviews with children basing on the suggested questionnaire. Although documentation of those interviews is barely objective for it was led by non-professional researchers, It allowed to separate the main problems which must be solved by all the parts involved in the process of transition together.

8 Comenius Foundation for Child Development 8 Survey methodology 42 preschool children 38 school children 25 parents of children in various age, (5- 8-year old ) 14 preschool teachers 19 primary teachers 5 other school workers and local authorities 200 questionnaires were disseminated 143 people completed the questionnaire:

9 Comenius Foundation for Child Development 9 Survey outcomes Children with siblings, neighbors and friends in better situation, They do not participate in enough positive conversations about school at home. Children are mostly left alone with their fears. They point on parents and older children as important person Positive feelings Dominate joy and eager expectation. ” Great, I'll go on long school trips, exactly like Bartosz!” excitement of reading, writing and learning, „I will be a good learner and will collect only good marks” Release from preschool „ I will not be with Tadek anymore –he bits me”. Children Negative feelings: Uncertainty You needn't worry in advance” Lack of knowing how school looks like “I do not know what to do at school,”, Solitude “I don't know, when my parents will come to take me home”, “I won't have friends, because I don't know anybody”. Fear of hard work “I'm not happy, because I'll have to do my homework – like my sister”

10 Comenius Foundation for Child Development 10 Survey outcomes Children receives that change very positively. usually joy and excitement, will to work pride of being finally a pupil and not pre-school child any more. feeling of loss of freedom: less time to play and new duties. Difficulties with adaptation Children negotiate with parents, asking them for sick leaves and demonstrate dislike to school. Time extremely stressing for the parents, Parents' anxiety is passed over to children. Both sides (children and parents) feel a larger need of contact. Parents need close contact with teachers: information about child's progress and social contact (class team integration, cooperation during class celebrations, trips, etc.) They are more involved in contact with current school then with child's former teachers Parents

11 Comenius Foundation for Child Development 11 Survey outcomes Time to adapt to a new school depend on a child experience in preschool. Important to have positive first experience in a new school They feel they are involved in helping children to accommodate Need of better contact and cooperation with parents. Preschool teachers focused on cooperation with school teachers (lack of exchange of information and weak nursery school-school cooperation), need of more than attending school celebrations want to exchange professional experience and share observations, lack of clear information about primary school requirements. Primary school teachers pre-school education at least for 5-year olds should be obligatory. prior acquaintance with school, integration of children, parents and teachers and cooperation with nursery schools. Lack of collaboration between preschool and school teachers (but both sides declare the necessity of cooperation)  Teachers

12 Comenius Foundation for Child Development 12 Further activities Handbook for parents „Everybody Ready? How to prepare a child to school” New training program for parents, preschool teachers and school teachers together. Play in preschool Victor 5 y.o

13 Comenius Foundation for Child Development 13 Our thanks The project is funded by Socrates Grundvig 2 Learning Partnerships

14 Comenius Foundation for Child Development 14 Comenius Foundation for Child Development phone (+48 22) 881 15 80, e-mail: „For the beginnings determine all that follows” Comenius

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